A day when the sun is smiling in a blue sky and a warm light reaches every corner of the ground.

The warmer breeze mixes dark greens with a wide variety of flower scents, and it's a pleasure to lie in a sunny place.

On a day when everyone stopped and was driven by such thoughts, three figures faced each other at the dining room in Baron Bernina's mansion.

Kirlinne and Gandeus sitting side by side with Linette.

Kirlinne and Gandeus are now given the same valet-style outfit as Lynette, and have sleeves through it.

By removing the visor that hides the upper half of the face and the equipment that covers the five bodies, the appearance of the two people became clear again.

The birthplaces of Kirrinne and Gandeus are nearly ten years old in appearance, but they look so similar that no one doubts even if they are older sisters.

There is no doubt that if Kirlinne grows, it will have the appearance of Gandeus, but the moment he sees the body of the two, he has to deny his own words, no, not at all. Will fall into.

Kirlinne, combined with the sparseness of the spirit, has large eyes that look for the ultimate in loveliness, thin long eyelashes that border it, small lips with a slight and pale red color, and lines that draw a small and upward nose muscle. The features to be built give a more innocent and innocent impression.

However, on the other hand, the body, which is still growing, is terribly sensual and draws lines that are so undulating that it is a rebellion against innocent youth.

Probably one of the answers he found in his search for a valid appearance for Raaum, Kirlinne was brutal in his innocent face, or, frankly, breasts.

While undressing and instructing on changing clothes, Sole stared seriously many times, not only because she couldn't believe Lignette, but if she lined up two, she would be larger than Kirlinne's head, and Lynette grew further from here I was secretly terrified of the future.

If Kirlinne is an overgrown bud with the potential to be even more frightening, Gandeus is a flower that has opened its buds during its heyday.

Gandeus, who was given the most mature appearance in the combination of these three, is a beautiful man who is glossy enough to recall the memory of his first love, even if a man who died like Ishiki if he sent his eyes .

However, since the ego does not exist at the moment, it is supposed to have life, but without the mental movements and emotions, it gives the illusion of being in front of the doll.

Is it because of the dolls that are supposed to be human, or the beauty of being made as a doll but too similar to humans?

They are pure and innocent beings without a spirit, and they are the embodiment of "beauty" that is as transparent as the crystal without cloudiness.

Kirlinne and Gandeus, who are all based on the same blessing princess, showed not only a big difference in the direction of loving and beautiful appearance due to the difference in age of their features, but also their differences in their appearance.

Artistic lines drawn from the base of the smooth limbs to the fingertips, a beautiful body silhouette flowing down the side of the waist with a large neck from the side and drawing several undulations to the feet.

At first glance, the impression you receive is the flower that blooms only overnight after the blessing of moonlight, and the golden flower that blooms as well as the snowstorm that blows on the ice field.

However, everyone will notice if they look at their faces. Gandeus is not a living flower but a sadly beautiful "artificial flower" because only the mind is missing.

Well, Lynette doesn't say anything, but only thinks he's close to Gandeus, not Kirrinne.

To say nothing, Doran and Deirdres would agree that Gandeus was closer.

Before two people who do not even know the expression in front of them or even their emotions, Lynette recalls the Sheila who had been deposited with Edvard and said that they would show them like them He made a small clenched fist in his heart.

Lynette talks to Kirlinne and Gandeus, who wear a baby's saliva around their necks, with a much tighter face than usual. Today's linette feels like a teacher.

"Kirlinne, Gandeus, start with a meal using a spoon as I told you earlier."

"Yes, Lynette"

"Yes, Lynette"

The voices of Kirlinne and Gandeus answering Lynette are different because they emanate from different appearances, but they remain the same in that they have no emotion.

Together they pick up the silver spoon placed in front of them and start scooping the potage of mashed potatoes and carrots and transporting them to their mouths.

Little gifts have been given to Kirinne and Gandeus as well as Princess Tane except for his knowledge of fighting against Raum.

Even if they were given common general knowledge, they would not be in line with the common sense of Doran's lives in this era, as they are common sense of the celestial civilization that they developed.

Therefore, in the future, when they were added to Christina's immediate knights as subordinates of Lynette, they began by teaching general common sense.

Although he understands the language currently used on this continent for operation in the Goryeo Doukoku, Kirlinne and Gandeus have never eaten since they came to Baron Berne.

No matter how decisive battle machine, the two people who were limited to use in battle were able to eat, but the meal, the difficulty was extremely difficult, Kirrinne zeroed the potage on the way to the mouth, Gandeus said For example, the spoon hits the front teeth without knowing the degree of opening of the mouth.

"Sorry, Lynette"

"Sorry, Lynette"

With Kirlinne and Gandeus uttering the exact same words in an apologetic voice that apologizes at all, Lynette smiles with a merciful smile, not a bitter smile.

Linnet himself was a faint smile like a morning mist disappearing in the dawn of light, not sure whether he was aware of such a smile.

"I don't need to apologize. I won't panic. I'll keep putting a spoon in my mouth and how long I'll have to open it to keep it in my mouth."

Lignette picks up the warm iris he has at hand and wipes off the dirty mouth of Kirlinne and Gandeus. They don't even know that they cleanse their dirty mouth.

In the same cafeteria, two people are watching the linet, who cares and cares for Kirlinne and Gandeus, in the same cafeteria.

Serina and Diadora, who had obtained permission from Doran and Christina, and offered to help Lynette.

They sat a little farther away from the linettes, waiting for spare soups and dishes, bread and porridge, changing clothes and towels in a wagon.

"Linette is already your sister, Diadora."

"Linette looks the youngest among them. Well, if you look only at the face of Kirlinne, it looks like she's not so different, but she doesn't go down from her neck."

"Oh, if you tell Lynette, you'll bend your navel."

Everyone knows what Diadia is saying about the difference between the body of Kirlinne and Lynette. Selina just drowsed her eyebrows a little bit and prayed that Diadra's words had not reached Lynette's ears.

"That's okay. I've never done that child anyway compared to us, but if I care, it's a growth.

`` Comparing yourself to others is because you are clearly aware of yourself and others and understand the differences. ''

"I see, you're seeing Diadora from such a point of view. I wonder if it's a mother's point of view, because I'm thinking about Lynette deeper than me."

"Is that true? But it's true that I think it's a good notch. If you're a linette, you're the only one who owns Doran and you can't look shabby, and you're more careless about yourself. What.

There is only a minimum of nightwear and seasonal clothing besides men's uniforms, and I never buy any kind of decoration from myself, and it's really done with only minimal taste. There's no entertainment at all.

Doran, who wants to treat Lynette as a human, had always been concerned about it, and I was concerned. I want you to remember that by taking care of someone, Lynette will also reflect on you. ''

"Fufu, if you're Diadora, you're more likely to have Lynette's mother on the board."

"I don't deny. I'm wondering what we've been so far into the re-net.

Anyway, I treat Lynette like a daughter, but if Lynette treats Kirlinne and Gandeus as daughters, I wonder if I'll be a grandmother. It's still good if you start treating them at least as sisters. ''

"Even though it's still acceptable to have three daughters, it's quicker to treat grandma, isn't it?"

Regarding Diadora's fears, Serina could do nothing but agree.

By the way, Christina and his aide, Doran, and his secretary, Doramina, were working as usual in the office while Lynette began a meal course for Kirlinne and Gandeus in the cafeteria.

Delamina prefers red, but since she became Secretary of Christina, she has been wearing costumes that are as inconspicuous as possible, even if she has no eyes.

It is a long-length indigo dress without a corset, and the design is simple except that it is embroidered with plant patterns.

Road maintenance between Bern village, Clause village and Galois, regular service by carriage, arrangement of lodging on the road, etc. have been completed, and the traffic volume is increasing day by day.In recent years, the number of people increases, things increase, and money flowing in increases, it is natural And the lord's work is increasing, so he is still busy.

And again, within a few days, Lynette, apart from Eduardo, will be ordered to convene to the royal capital to report on the events at Takara Doo, and then Doran, the owner and master, Will have to go the same way.

Although it is safe to do the work if you leave your body, Doran works as an aide with more eagerness than usual, just in case, but his gaze sometimes goes to Domina He was turned around, crossing his eyes, and talking silently.

Christina, who was sandwiched between them, did not notice the silent conversation between the assistant and the secretary, inserted the tip of a quill pen into the ink fountain, filled in the necessary documents, and filled in the necessary language, We concentrate on stamping work.

Christina has enough energy. Some people can work all night long, even in 10 days or a month, because their physical strength exceeds human standards.

Both Christine's assistants, Doran and Doramina, have more mental and physical strength than Christina, so she can follow her with a nervous face no matter how insidious she is.

However, there was a situation in which it was not possible to do it just because it could be done.

Christina, who is still working vigorously and without mental fatigue, should the reincarnation of the vampire queen and the old god Ryu who stick to the left and right be as good as possible as soon as possible, even tomorrow? The agreement was reached only by glance.

Doramina's eyes stared at Doran's eyes.

At first glance, you can create a fanatic who will give you as much life as you can, or if you just stare at it and defile that beautiful eye, those who regret their existence can look straight back at their unbroken eyes It would have been a unique activity.

The experience of being stared back at itself is often poor for a doramina, and some people may prefer to stare back at places they are not conscious of.

However, the conversation between the two was quite serious, not including the sweet sound of color love.

――It seems that there will be no problems for the time being, but considering Christina's mental health, it may be a good time to distract him once, Dolan.

――Hmm, considering Lynette's report, you have to be worried about the emergence of potential but enemy forces following the relationship between Romar, Togokuni and the dark wilderness.

If we had to work on the government of developing territories and engage in war, there would be no more time for Chris to be free. Does that mean that the time spent on distractions gets shorter and shorter?

――Even if you and us can do anything if you do not choose the means, it is better for you to think of everything in order for Christina to live a healthy life both physically and mentally And.

Christina is naturally tempted to move her body, and I hope she can be taken to a place where she can move her body. How about that tower?

The tower at the mouth of Doramina, of course, is that Caravis tower.

Several drag succubus have already visited Bern for the purpose of mutual understanding and friendship, and are preparing to establish a public prostitute and hire them as civilians.

In addition, medical facilities, accommodation facilities, weapons workshops and magic workshops have been completed around the Calavis Tower, and regulations for payment of entrance fees have been set, and the search inside the tower is gradually progressing.

If Christina was able to move as close as possible to the village of Bern, it would be no wonder that the Caravis Tower could be nominated.

――There you can fight Chris, but there are other adventurers' eyes too. You might worry somewhere.

――Mr. Christina is a serious person. I thought that the title "Inspection for future tower management" was just right for taking out Christina outside ...

――Hmm, then it might be nice to pretend to be another person and go to an even further distance without rot.

Domina, who responded to her glance with a slightly mischievous face, was sensitive to the feeling.

Doramina wondered if she could come up with something extraordinary, trying to guess the lover's mind, who was too capable to be bound by common sense.


In the middle of a garden surrounded by brick-walled fences, a man with a wind that seems to be thirty, swinging a short spear as long as he is, simulating the enemy of the vision envisioned in his mind The war was unfolding.

The body, which has no thread on its upper body and leaves traces of indelible scars, is forged like an umbrella through continued training.

The sweat flowing along the muscle lines and scars that excite the skin splatters with the movement of the man and shines in the sun, while the man saw blood droplets squirting from a fantastic enemy that penetrated the chest with a short spear. .

I've always been training in simulated battles against fantasy enemies, but it's been a long time since I've done it with enough precision to see non-existent blood droplets.

It used to be a lazy mud so far, but it was a result of a long run of heat after losing training and close to a reoccurrence.

After slaughtering about six fantasy enemies, the short spear stops moving, and the man begins to hold his breath, sweating with his forehead.

The man's name is Luscrow. He is a veteran adventurer in Maizelint, a labyrinth city in the Gujarati Alliance in the south of the Arkrest Kingdom.

"No, I guess it wasn't late enough to heat up. No, no, I don't want to think it's still enough."

Luscrow is approaching a tub placed at the base of a tree growing in the garden, immersing the towel in the tub in the water in the tub, wiping his sweat, and cooling his hot body.

Luscrow once came to Maize Lint dreaming of becoming a great adventurer, but he challenged a labyrinth at a time when he believed it was his heyday, but lost without help and lost his life, The pillars are shattered and he has been alive until just recently.

However, taking on the leadership of certain rookie adventurers, a new firewood and a new kind of fire were thrown into his passion that had been smoking within him, and he had a wake up to the present.

When Luscrow had just wiped his sweat, he put on his cotton shirt and returned to his room with a tub and towel.

Finished changing clothes in the room, wearing a breastplate and small hands with light metal pieces sewn on the tanned skin, and wrapped around the waist a small bag that summarizes medical supplies and preservative food for first aid essential for adventurers, With his dagger swinging and his favorite short spear in his hand, he turns his foot to the adventurer's guild building.

Luskrow's bosom is warm now, with the rewards of the newcomers and the commissions they received. Basic guidance for newcomers has been completed, and we are not always working together now.

I try not to leave Maizelint so that the newcomers can respond immediately when they are asked for the kind of requests and advice they receive for the first time, but Luskrow alone dives into the labyrinth and regains a dull intuition.

I went to the adventurer's guild to check for messages from newcomers and to see if there were any jobs that could be done in or near the city.

Maazlint, a member of the Jagsie Islands Federation, alongside Mashar, is a key part of the north-south continental trade, overflowing with adventurers dreaming or dreaming, merchants looking for treasure to be found in them and labyrinths, With the aristocracy, the city has a tremendous calorific value and vitality.

Once he broke his confidence, he retired several times, remembering that he was disheartened by the vitality of the city.

After all, I could not imagine myself living outside here, and I remained slippery until today, but when I restarted this way, the vitality of people walking around the street, the shouting like a shouting anger, the stalls The fragrance of a totally integrated dish overflowing from the cafeteria, the drunken smell of wine, fruit wine and beer divided into clay bottles and Otaru brought in from sake barrels ...

It is as if all of them emanating from human activities have spread to every corner of the cell, reviving the body that has been rotten.

"Now, Oops, Mersha and Luscrow-san."

Ruskrow enters the building of the adventurer's guild, discovering that there is a girl she knows just one of the receptionists, approaching her colleagues seeking jobs and chatting with them. .

Until now it was just a frivolous smile as it appeared. She smiled like a dull blade due to forgetting care, but now he is regaining the radiance of the past, he is now returning to the grin of the sharp blade in the sheath.

Was Mercia sitting at the reception seat aware of it?

"Hello, Rusukurou san. I was back to your facial features a little virile"

"Haha, is that so? I'm so glad. I'm trying to watch out for the stubble.

So, it's bad right away, is there any message or something from Dreisen? If you don't have it, I'm glad you have a request for a suitable material. ''

With many labyrinths of divine origin, special metals, liquids and plants that can only be found in certain temples are being discovered every day. Requests for unknown new materials are always made on a daily basis.

Ruscrow believes that the strength of the Dreisens is the strongest in Maizelint, but they still have a poor track record as adventurers and little guild trust.

In addition, the Dreisens seem not to be very interested in their reputation as adventurers, and are interested in helping them with their daily routines, capturing low-level labyrinths, and supporting adventurers.

From such unusual adventurer behavior, Luskrow speculates that they are coming from other countries and trying to use the labyrinth, and may be referring to Maize Lint.

Even Luscrow is likely to have similar concerns at the top of the guild.

Mercia quickly looked at the reception shelves and the documents at hand to reply to Luscrow.

"Yes, I'm keeping the message from Dr. Dreisen. I'd like to go to" Pearl of Pearl "at Luscrow's convenience when I want to consult.

There is always one person left at the inn, so he wants the remaining one to talk to him. ''

"Yes, that's okay. By the way, it doesn't matter how much you teach, but what is the reputation of Dreissen's activities?"

"The activity itself is the same as before. The search for the labyrinth seems to be proceeding with caution, and now I'm working on the Hizmel labyrinth. Isn't Luskrow working together?"

"Hizmel just gave a brief lecture on the tendencies and countermeasures of the monsters coming out.

If they know their skills, they can make a turn, no matter how much they fail. A group of influential newcomers who are far apart. ''

"Yes, it's exactly what Luscrow said, especially Hamma is very popular with other people. Even if it is revealed that he is a great priest who hid his identity, he can only convince himself and Dragonian Quinn You and Dreissen are incredibly strong. ''

"Yeah, I don't want anyone to think Dragonians are so strong. Well, tell me, and I'll be fine, so someday I'll go out with my meal."

"Yes, someday"

"Haha, someday"

Now, only two of us know if we should take the refusal, or encourage us to stay alive until we eat together someday.

After leaving the guild, Luskrow headed to the Pearl Crown pavilion, where the Dreisens have a long-term accommodation contract.

This is a place where we have been invited by the Dreisens several times to have a small banquet.

As the name suggests, arrive at a four-story inn with a pearly white wall and a blue dome-shaped roof, give the receptionist a name of Luscrow, and urge Dreisen to wait in the fourth-floor room. Was done.

She was full of women and was only a man, so she was worried that she would be worried a lot, but Luscrow was reassured that this party would not seem to be a mess between men and women.

Standing in the center of the room, the interior of which was unified in pearl color as well as the inn's exterior, Dreisen bowed slightly to Luskrow, a smiling face with weak power from his shoulders. A woman is snuggling beside Dreisen.

"I'm sorry I called you suddenly, Luscrow."

"I'm good, I'm your coach. If you have a consultation, it's your job to get on. So why is your lady consulting today?"

Luscrow's drooping eyes are seen by a woman snuggling close to Dreissen. If you just look at the atmosphere, you can get along with Driesen's lover who has a dragon head, but then what was that hammer and Doven?

She was a long-haired woman with long "peach-colored" hair and a thick braid. She had "red-pink" eyes and was reflexively breathtaking. Hammer and Doven were also extraordinary beauties, but they are also more than enough to attract public attention.

Just like Luscrow, he wears light armor that emphasizes ease of movement, heaps magic stone on the waist, and embraces the spirit stones of fire, water, earth, and wind on the left and right, and looks like a luxurious business. The evil sword is lowered.

"Nice to meet you, Luscrow. I'm a beginner. I knew Dreissen and today I told him I couldn't do it."

It's not a kind of look at adventurers. While still standing and hearing his voice, Luskrow suspected that a girl named Beginara in front of him could be born a considerable noblewoman.

At first glance, the appearance of the beginner is one of the gestures, and it has a sophisticated dignity in standing and breathing.

"I don't seem to need any self-introduction, so I haven't heard what I'm talking about yet, but what did Beginara ask Dreissen to do?"

Luscrow tried to use his intentionally shattered wording, but no signs of getting angry with the beginners.

Even if you think that it is rude and intimidating without showing it, it seems to be implicit, but it seems that you are not really concerned about it. Are you born and raised differently or temperament?

Well, more than that, what kind of request from this beautiful woman is a direct problem, Ruscrow says inside out.

"In fact, after hearing the stories of the Draisens who are active as adventurers, I am also an adventurer ... Oops, don't make a disgusting look. There is none.

But yes, I want to work with you for a while to satisfy my curiosity. I would be grateful if you think that you want to touch the hero tan read from a young age even a little. ''

If you receive it at face value, you should think that a certain noble child exploded the longing for an adventure that had been accumulated in the heart so far and relied on Dreisen who met for some reason ...

――You don't seem to be telling a lie. He's not a lie, but there's a secret he didn't say. If you look for it, it's a request that is rolling as much as you want.

There are many reasons to act together, to satisfy curiosity, to attach foil, etc., but children of the nobles and large merchants who hid their status act together with adventurers. It is not unusual.

Luscrow has never done such a request once or twice. The client has fallen in love with the adventurer and asked to show good things, but it seems to be still easier than anything.

Is this girl most likely to be Dreisen's patron or a knight or something to serve it? Then, from the point of view of the leaders of Maizelint, the business enemy came to search fairly stately, and it would never be interesting.

Nevertheless, there is no way to reveal it, so Luscroww has no choice but to decide whether or not to be consulted for the reasons mentioned.

Now, while stroking the beard left only on the chin, Luscrow was ready to wonder, but immediately denied that it was not.

Mayslin is a city with Luscrow's life. There is everything from feelings, attachments, hatred, sadness, lamentations, setbacks.

There is, of course, resistance to performing such rebel acts against the city. Although the Dreisens have given us the renewed notch and enthusiasm, their favor is no better.

Although the benefits of the Dreisens are not as good as their thoughts for Maize Lint, their pride in Maize Lint also reminded us of this.

"Well, I don't know why we talked, but Maize Lint isn't that cheap.

Thousands and tens of thousands of adventurers have explored for hundreds of years and still have a great deal of unknowns.

Even if you stay a little softly, you can not taste the essence of the essence.

Even if you're saying great things, it doesn't matter how much you can understand Maize Lint.

If that's okay, I'll get the request. Please take a look at this city that has swallowed countless human dreams and desires. ''

Yes, this is a challenge. This is to remind newcomers from other places whether or not the labyrinth city of Maislint is a place where you can easily find out.

Well, that's what Luscrow has interpreted, but it's the fact that it's the fact that it's actually a matter of disguising himself as a baron in a certain place, and letting her breath away. It's a flower, without saying.

Bigilana did not appear to be offended by the challenging words of Luscrow, and she relieved and relieved that her request was not refused.

"Yes, please, show me this city, Maize Lint."

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