The blade released by the woman who was full of black painted an elegant arc in the air as if it were a willing creature, and returned to the woman's hand, spilling the glitter of white silver like phosphor powder.

fast. Lynette correctly knew that even a warrior who had benefited from advanced enhancement magic could cut off the carotid artery and squirt blood without any help.

As the blades cut through the thin, sharp air, the linettes were also ready to fight.

Lynette picks up a mace in the shadow, and Edvard stands in front of Edvard with a custom-made whip of beast tendons and fur, and Eliza with a one-handed ax and shield.

The same was true of the greed kings Koura. Although Koura is thinking of helping the whole world, he is armed with only a small knife, but Kakubaz absorbs magical power, dust, ionic molecules existing around him and converts it into power by his own incompetence ' Create a dark battle ax inside. Mace also carried a fire-fighting bowgun and thirty quiver upon exiting the interior of the complete world, and Sheila had a single-edged sword with an arc reminiscent of a crescent moon.

Almost at the same time, Kakubaz, Mace, Lynette, and Sheila took a step towards becoming a black man and woman.

Although the production area of the Princess is fairly large, due to the innumerable number of cultivation tanks, it is highly possible that a fierce battle with this number of people would cause damage to the facility as such.

A leap of sight The preparatory movement of a woman throwing a freely flying blade again was shown, and the man also squeezed a silver shining sphere with his left hand, aiming for the moment when he was ready to intercept the linnets, Dendrobium-Mace's Influence "" is activated.

The inability to jump objects in sight to any point in sight also transferred Sheila and Kakubaz over men and women's heads in a nanosecond.

Responding to a surprise that humans could hardly believe to respond was armed in their hands rather than the body and consciousness of men and women.

The blades and spheres, separated from the hands of men and women, picked up the blades that Sheila and Kakubaz each swung down with lightning speed, and rebounded, scattering red and dark sparks in the air.

The blade and the sphere may have built-in automatic defenses to protect the user, but the speed is tremendous.

As Sheila and Kakubaz were re-arranged in mid-air, she was aiming and firing a bowgun at the woman.

A bow gun that can fire up to five guns is equipped with magic arrows that aim at the same opponent as the first arrow in a set of five. Five arrows fly as a meteor in the faint light spilling out of the culture tank, and the blades that flew back on four of them cut off.

And the last fifth one was shown by the woman herself. It would not have been a weapon hunter as long as they had penetrated such a place, but its prevention has attracted the attention of Edouard and Lynette.

If she felt that her arm had moved in her clothes, her fingertip extended and her fifth arrow was entwined in the air.

The woman smiles at her under the mask and freezes her smile. There was a linet in front of her, who lifted the iron ingot, slipping through her forged five senses. It's already time for Lynette.

There are no two characters of mercy and hesitation in the eyes of Lynette who looks at a woman. It's these two thoughts that were in the re-net at this moment, hurting and vomiting information to an irresistible degree, so do not kill.


Despite the iron mass being shaken down with too much momentum to realize death, the woman's body was desperate and moved to prevent it.

When the woman's left arm made a bang in her clothes and did "something," she even barely caught Lynette's blow when she turned two or three more. At the moment of the collision, the sound of a hard object crushing is heard, and a painful and even more astonishing rough wave is produced on the woman's face.

Mixed animal and beast "It's the same body. Did you wear a shell or scales on your left arm? But that's not enough."

In the mind of Lynette, the day he met Doran and Deirdre, a man whose name was given to him as a false name, Yao, was gone.

A blade taking autonomous action approaches the carotid artery of Lynette, drawing a trajectory like a living snake, while Lynette and the left arm of the woman are confronting each other.

Mason's leaping sight captures that, and the blade goes behind the woman's neck! It seemed inevitable for a woman to bleed fresh blood as long as she followed the law of inertia, and the blade shuns her body and attacks the linnet again.

The blade, which also cuts off the thick steel armor, was shot down by the whips of Edvard where it was.

The whip, whose tip is beyond the sound barrier, boasted a hardness that would not be cut off by a blade due to the hardening process using magic and the robustness of the material derived from the beast.

"Are you close? Kakubaz, Koura!"

With the cover of Linnet in time, Edvard was nearly breathless, but noticed that the remaining man was trying to manipulate the sphere, shouting at the name of trusted superhumans.

We did not order specific actions. Nevertheless, there was trust within Edouard that they were convinced that they would do more than they thought.


Kakubaz's dark battle ax goes from behind to split his right shoulder, and the swiftly rotating sphere barely catches it.

The Kakubaz greed king, who converts everything into energy, tries to steal power from the sphere, but the sphere itself seems to have some form of defensive means and cannot take as much power as Kakubaz aimed for.

If a man had a live ax in his fighting axe, he would have lost his power as quickly as he could kneel, but the failure to do so was due to a warning bell that sounded his intuition as a warrior.

Koura was approaching the man from the front with a knife like Lynette. However, while entering and exiting the complete world in a short distance, he repeatedly made intentional blind spots in the consciousness of the man.


The voice of a man wrinkled from the back of the mask spilled, and something like black ink spread along the man's feet on the floor in front of Koura, which was approaching a few steps to the man.

At the moment when Koura's eyes appeared on the surface of the ink, countless eyes and mouths opened all over the water. Round, square, strange pattern eyes with pupils, square teeth only, teeth with teeth like stakes, or mouths without teeth ...

Following an unusual sight that evokes some madness, Koura immediately jumps into the complete world, following her intuition as an artificial superhuman, and further retrieves Sheila, Kakubaz, and Lynette, and descends to the position of Mace.

The spooky ink overflowing from the man spreads to a certain extent on the floor to protect the man and the woman, and stops eroding. From the ink, countless signs of life are felt, and numerous gazes and hostility penetrate Koura.

"That's a much better face."

To Koura muttering bitterly, the man and some of the things in the ink do not loosen even a little caution. Perhaps they saw a surprise attack using Koura's complete world as a considerable threat.

The spheres and blades of men and women are also a considerable threat, but the users themselves seem to have various interesting things.

The men slowly look down at the entrance behind and look around each face of the linette. His gaze stopped at Edvard's face.

"Is it the archeologist of the Arkrest Kingdom, Eduardo?"

"Oh, do you know me? I'm honored. I'd be grateful if you could introduce myself, but you're unlikely to be allowed to do that.

By the way, what we've been fighting so far is that our goal doesn't seem to be something that can be achieved by fighting you, and I think you will.

There will be some problems, but we and you will have similar goals, so if you can't cooperate, how about an alliance that doesn't hinder each other at least? "

Well, Lynette praised Edvard's courage in this situation, but the response from the men and women who received the suggestion was poor. Rather, a reaction seems to come out.

If men and women had been ordered to kill witnesses, they would have to deal with the Eduards, but it should have been well understood in the current battle that they could not do so easily.

Eduardo may have decided that it is possible to accept a proposal from Eduardo in order to look for a surprise opportunity.

Thought that the linette could be a little bit possible, the man and the woman fly away from the open door, keeping their eyes on the linette.

"……let's go"


After the men and women disappear beyond the door, the ink on the floor follows the Lord and retracts behind the door. Lynette waited for the signs to move away rapidly, and then dismissed the battle, as Edvard did not tell him to pursue.

Eduardo stroked his chin and showed his thoughts, then headed to the display provided in the culture tank and began moving the finger smoothly.

"Professor, what are you doing?"

Lynette talked to Edvard, holding Mace in his hand. The reason why he did not immediately follow men and women is now questioning what Edoardo is doing.

"Oh, you know, they seemed to be manipulating something, so I was a bit worried about what they did, and I'm catching the operation record. And was this a connection to the central control room?

"Hmmmm, it looks like there was a harvest."

"Yeah, they don't seem to be the occupying power here, they seem to be aiming for the central control room, the brain of this facility. And because it was a quick thing, the array they used Is unlikely to be a technology of the Goryato system ... "

Despite his consent, Edvard was prevented from giving out any further information on the spot, suddenly being interrupted by an alarm ringing throughout the facility.

"Well, we're fighting for a short while in a critical place like a production zone, and is it normal for us to detect anomalies?"

Although not alone, Eduardo did not appear to be moving as the intrusion was preoccupied, but Eliza was stabbed by a rather fluent statement.

"Professor, we are in a situation where we can talk fluently. We need to decide quickly what action to take next."

"Yeah, exactly as Eliza says! Now, you have to do something a bit dangerous, but Lynette, you"

"Please refrain from saying that only the linette will escape. If you come to this point, you will be called a lottery student. If you have sent only the professors to the central administration office, please get scolded by Mustardran.

And the invaders aren't just men and women, and given the defense weapons at this facility and the strength of the occupants, there should be a re-net to keep everyone alive. ''

"I'm here, it's exactly like Doran who just hits this painful spot and seals off the objection."

"A compliment for Lynette."

"Yeah, well, I'm sure you'll be here if you're here. Let's go to the Central Office. Go out of the door they left, turn left and go further down into the basement. Koura, a perfect world. "


Liquid has been drained from some of the culture tanks, and the operable Tianhime has begun to wake up.

Elsewhere, before the facility's defense weapons begin to fire, the linettes flee into Koura's complete world.

"Well, even if you shift to vigilance, it seems like the perfect world is OK if you are a facility opponent. That would highlight the fear of that woman who even noticed the strange space"

With his mouth moving, Edvard looks down at the terminal in his hand, scrutinizes the information previously obtained from the production section, and gives directions in the meantime.

After the alarm sounded, not only armed soldiers but also humanoids and spider-like guard robots carrying cylinders began to rampage in the hallways inside the facility.

It seems to have shifted to a full-fledged security system, but the men and women mentioned earlier will break through security with their equipment and their own abilities.

Then, as you proceed inside, facilities that can be seen from the inside of the complete world vibrate occasionally, and explosive flames begin to see more from the other side of the passage.

If it were to be the result of a battle, it occurred in too many directions. You should think that the traps that the intruders set in advance have started.

If their purpose was an internal investigation, they wouldn't be able to fight so gorgeously even if they were found. Was it the purpose of the destruction of the facility itself or the elimination of the occupants?

"Professor, do you think they were the only ones invading?"

Edvard immediately responded to Linnet's question. He already had some thoughts on intruders in him.

"No, given this situation, it wouldn't be the case. Maybe they're under the control of the four sinners or the four savages of Todorokuni.

According to rumors, it matches the information that it has the characteristics of multiple demons and beasts, and if this facility is disabled, it will not hurt both Takarato and the occupants, so they will It's no wonder it moves. ''

"At the moment, the facility is now home to three powers: linettes, occupants, and Tokukuni."

"I'm supposed to be a roaring nation. If you can see what the consequences of this raid will be, let's escape in a hurry!"

It would be better to wait for the men and women to get into the Central Management Room and start fighting with the occupants, Lignette said, not saying it.

Occasionally, among the defense weapons seen in the facility, there were several Androids that resembled Princess Megumi, but considering that this facility was a mobile fortress for Raum, Raum was ugly. It is probably an Android for Raum that has been adjusted to look like.

There are occasions when such Androids and multi-legged guard robots fight against the black men who are similar to the men and women or the strange beasts that the black men have released, and the linettes give them He died in the complete world so he couldn't notice, and sneaked aside.

Lignettes, who use the means of transportation that can ignore the obstacles of the complete world, were able to confirm the route and arrived at the central control room, which is the core of the facility.

Eduardo was worried that he had arrived so soon that he had arrived earlier than the black intruders.

"Okay, if you go straight down the aisle, you're in the central control room. Hmm, but there's evidence of a fierce battle here. I understand the terribleness. "

It was at the square where passages from three sides merged that Eduards once stopped moving. There is no other way to go to the central control room, but it is a perfect place to ambush.

However, the types of defense weapons that are now ambushing here are rolling down, all destroyed.

Since the alarm sounded and until now, it has defeated the defense weapons waiting for the invasion so far, so the power of the intruder is equal to or better than Princess Megumi as Edvard says Should be considered.

Lynette secretly contacted Doradnaut, confirming that the intruder was already fighting in the Central Control Room, and urged Edvards to stay ahead. Now it's not impossible to get lost in battle and connect to the main electronic brain in the central control room.

"Linette suggests that intruders may already be taking over the central control room. Let's sneak in before resistance is over."

"Yeah, as Lignette says, the proverbs of the east say the fisherman's interest. Let's have a good place while we're fighting! It's a sloppy suggestion, Eliza."

"It's something we usually do to somebody. Everything has been prevented, but this time we'll do it so let's succeed."

As Koura tried to move the complete world into the Central Office, which was visible across the passage, the thick Central Office door blew off into the square.

It was not just the door that blew off from the inside. The costumes are breached, and the skin, wings and tails spilling underneath, covered with yellow scales of black scales and red spots, are spilling out.

Linnet quickly realized that they were the two who had just fought, and was even more wary of those who appeared beyond the Central Management Office.

You can tell at a glance that you are an individual of Tianmahime with its uniform and beautiful appearance.

However, while having a clearly younger face than other individuals, the whole body is wrapped in glossy black armored clothing, a large sword with countless small blades rotating in the right hand, and a spiral groove in the left hand The quality of the equipment is clearly different, such as carrying a spear lance.

"It's a special individual adjusted for security. Do you recognize this as a matter of course?"

A translucent visor is hung around the eyes of the new individual, and it is precisely looking at the linettes in the strange space through the visor.

Sheila and others were aware of what Lignette was aware of, and Lignette, who watched with Koura, immediately jumped out of the complete world.

"Professor, she's aware of this. Lingette will do the rest, so I'll leave the information to the Central Management Office!"

"Rine ..."

Don't wait for Eduardo's reply. At the same time as jumping out of the perfect world, Lynette takes out the gandoga that he brought as a trump card, not the mace from the shadow, and descends into the square after boarding.

Demon armor Black and white men and women, with a sudden appearance of a golem-or, perhaps, may have misunderstood-give off a faint, eye-opening sign.

They are unknown to them because they were not among the linens they fought earlier.

Even if you were to know Ganduga, the Gandoga you brought in this time had its exterior and armament replaced, so it would have been difficult to find out that it was the same aircraft.

Since going to the occupied heavenly heritage, fighting in a closed space is supposed, and normal gundoga's armament is too high in firepower.

The skeleton, the cockpit of the linette, and the power engine were the same, but the armor, mainly gray, drew a slender, tight line, with ears like rabbits extending diagonally behind the temporal region.

Unlike standard gundogas, which combine heavy armor, great firepower, high maneuverability, and super-propulsion, arming them for close combat is much simpler.

A total of four magical blades, “Sofudo Blade”, made of Doran's refined high-purity Mythril, Adamantite and Orichalcum, two on each side.

Originally, the Gandoga's five bodies may themselves be weapons, but they are light equipment that is bold compared to normal specifications.

"Gandoga Sofudo is the first team, but let's fully demonstrate its performance."

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