Three days after His Highness returned to the royal city with Chard and Amria, a secretary arrived with a secret letter stating the date and place to meet secretly with the escort of the Goryakuto nation as an escort.

A strictly magical book telling the sender of the opening and the magic of the seal were told that a meeting would take place at a mansion on the outskirts of the small city of Mikelka, east of the Arkrest kingdom.

The escort will be the elite of the Knights of the Guards and the court magicians, as well as I, Chard.

The ostensible top army of Japan is Arkwich Merle, but she is so famous that her whereabouts have always been confirmed by neighboring countries, so even if she is the escort of the Prince, it is so easy There are circumstances that cannot be moved.

Also, some signs that the battle situation of the Romar Empire is going to move significantly have been confirmed, and it is undoubted that the west of the kingdom is currently in a state of vigilance and that the introduction of Merle is also in view at the Royal Castle. Would.

By the way, she brought a lignette to her escort, but she had not enough time to prepare for her departure, so she was working on a different job from her escort.

The secure marriage of Christina and Chris has given rise to crucial matters in our lives, such as arranging her wedding date and disseminating her to related parties. At the same time, a private requirement to greet parents and a public requirement to interact with Lamia's Hidden Village in the Mores Mountains.

Now, as he travels to Serina's hometown of Jalura, he has been holding a meeting to address the success or failure of personnel selection and interaction.

The meeting was held in a conference room inside the mansion, with me, Chris, Serina, Dramina, Diadora, and Lynette, as well as Baron Treasurer Shenna and Knight Commander Baran. Baron leadership.

"Because Serina and Doran are the parties to Jarula, it's natural that, for private purposes, that's fine, but as a messenger from my house, I have to turn a little more.

How far is it from Selina, Bern village? How many dangerous monsters and beasts appear on the road? "

Chris started the meeting.

In the past few days, in addition to being grossly frustrated by the Serinas about marriage with me, my parents and brothers have also been invited to say hello to their engagement, so they should be mentally tired. Now, he's impressed with his face and attitude as a baron.

It's been a month since Chris was appointed Baron, and is it too much to be seen as a sign of growth that she has become able to act as a Baron without even being conscious?

"When I came to the village near Bern alone, it took less than 10 days, but considering that it will be going by many people this time, it may be better to think about two weeks for one way to spare. not.

But that's only on foot. With Doran's Horse Golem, you can safely climb up the steep roads in the mountains, and if you keep running the Horse Golem, it will take about two days each way. ''

Selina's statement was based on the fact that horse golems had no concept of physical strength and did not require a break, and that they could run more than twice as fast as a live horse.

Even if a horse golem does not need a break, a rest is indispensable for the person riding it, and it is necessary to consider the time wasted by raiding monsters on the way. Selina's two-way one-way statement would be based on that.

"And on the road to Jarula, the creatures that come out are no different from the village of Bern until you reach the forest at the foot of the Mores Mountains.

When you enter the forest, large insects, wolves, snakes, and cannibals begin to stand out. However, there should be no problem if you ask Ente to talk or get help.

After that there are spiders and snakes, and there are also small villages of sub-humans that are hard to see around here, so I think it would be good to stop there besides Jarula. ''

"I see. The main focus this time is opening a window with Jalula, with a population of over 1,000, but I would like to go if it can also interact with other sub-villages.

Balan, consider the ecology of Lamia, where only women are born, and include young male soldiers in your mission as much as possible. I want you to be very strict about your personality so that it doesn't cause any problems. ''

Chris was hesitant to call Baran back when he was a baron, but now his words come out of his lips.

Barran who received it did not already have an attitude of itching in the status of a knight, but was aware of the rights and honors given to him and stood firmly by trying to behave appropriately. I'm showing you.

"Well, it would be a good training if we were going back and forth to the Mores Mountains. It would be a problem if the aide, Horse Golem, was too well-behaved and not very trained."

"Thank you. Tell the soldiers that you will pay more, and discuss with Senna, Serina, and Ente to review and catalog the gifts to be given to the delegation, and to estimate the required food and costs. ask"

"Yes, Baron. I will make a quote immediately and have it."

"Oh, I'm asking. You can use the budget limit up to 20% in the safe. Please set up your mission to Jalula in this direction. Then move from Doran to the dark wilderness. I have a new report about this.

Dispatch of a delegation to Jarula changed, and Chris, who lowered his voice and cut out, turned everyone into a serious look and tried not to miss my words word by word. .

Whether the goblin that hit Bern village last summer will be a return. In particular, I felt a lot of tension from Baran and Shenna, and I shared information that was truly revealed.

"I've already told everyone who was here that I had been collecting information by releasing golems that imitated birds and insects in the dark wilderness, but I will tell you the results of the current situation here.

In the dark wilderness, so-called goblins, kobolds, augers, and other monsters existed, and territorial struggles between or within races became normal, but the situation has changed drastically.

The demons, who had settled in the dark wilderness, were almost united, and the land had to be considered as a single power. ''

Everyone except Chris, who had told me in advance, was astonishing, albeit with a small or large difference, but only Doramina did not shake his face.

The emergence of a situation that will lead to the survival of Bern in the village of Bern, which has begun its new path as a baron, is a disaster that can be a disaster for us.

"Aide Doran, are the forces in the dark wilderness moving south?"

Baran asks his mind in the mind of the current Baron territory, or asks him with a rugged look. I've made a lot, but it's not that simple considering the quality and number of soldiers.

"No, as far as I've explored, the battle for the two men and women has just ended, and I've just begun to suffer from corps reorganization and post-war processing. Not next to it.

And if they were going south, they wouldn't end up dropping a village in Bern. We will have a long-term plan to swallow the whole Arkrest kingdom or reach out in the east and west. ''

"If it is, I will not move quickly, including securing logistics, no, can I move?"

If it were an invasion from the dark wilderness, things would spread not only from Baron Berne, but also from Galois to the entire Arkrest Kingdom. In this circumstance, smoking between the Lomal Empire in the west and the Todoroki nation in the east.

It is more evident than the fire that Baron Bern is required by the kingdom to act as a breakwater to the north. Well, including its role, Bern village was once built up, so I guess it's a complaint.

"But, by the way, it's a planned movement that we don't think we've ever known of goblins or other monsters. There should have been human species besides monsters in the dark wilderness, but what are they doing? Do you know? "

"Some tribes succumb to the demons who have taken control of the dark wilderness and have incorporated them, and some have left the dark wilderness."

"Away? But no one seems to have come to this side yet? Have you fled to the Romar empire or headed west or north of the dark wilderness?"

"Yes, almost as Balan said. Few have fled to the Romal Empire, but most have fled to the human nation west of the dark wilderness."

"Well, a nation beyond the dark wilderness. I've never thought so far. Even the kingdom has little contact. So next comes here or west Which is more likely to come to a nation? "

"Either way, but from the dark side of the wilderness, we're south of us, but we won't know that we're an invading opponent but an invading opponent. I from.

If you show a move in the south, you should first consider the danger of being attacked by the west in the back. He seems to have been skirmishing with the western nation.

Even if you move the army in earnest, it will be difficult until autumn or winter. In the meantime, we should be prepared to fight the forces of the dark wilderness. ''

"Okay, let's do whatever we can do to get the numbers right, improve the quality, equip the equipment, and so on, but still sit down in the village of Bern and collect the information Can be done.

With such information-gathering ability, wouldn't other lords, including the royal capital, leave it alone? "

"I'll keep it under my Baron's military confidentiality, and I'm devising it so that my next generation can use it."

Information collection networks using small golems will be tested or operated in various countries with different products and shapes, but first of all, among them, the collection range, speed and accuracy are high. Is one of Bern's strengths.

If we end up with something that only I can handle, the generations after our children will struggle.

Despite some reduction in performance, it is natural to make it easier to handle, but this is not just a collection network.

On the whole, when I was finished talking about the changes in the dark wilderness and what the future looks like, Chris declared the end of the meeting strictly with a dignified face as a baron.

"I think we've got a lot of opinions out there. In the future, our baron's territory will have another storm of storm, but with the power and wisdom of everyone to deal with it, it's always better. I believe we can grab the future.

Let's start by building a partnership with the Morales and other forces in Jalula, and preparing for the war against the dark wilderness that may occur in recent years. If you have any opinions, I would like you to speak frankly in the future. I wish everyone's efforts, including myself. Thank you


Preparing for the dark wilderness, dispatching missions to Jarula and the Mores Mountains, improving highways with Galois and other places, operating the Karavis Tower, expanding the village of Bern and dealing with migrants ... It's a day that's doubled or tripled, but there's still no option to throw a job.

These days, I had to leave Berne village to get one job done. In order to complete his escort duties with Lynette, he was visiting Mikelka, a small city east of the Kingdom of Arkrest.

The eastern part of the Arkrest Kingdom has a unique local color mixed with eastern culture because trade with Takara Dou and Todorokuni is carried out through land and sea routes, but in small cities like Mikelka There is not much eastern influence.

Do the cities themselves sometimes see shops that sell people and products in Eastern style?

Although it is Mikelka with a population of about 20,000, it seems that Takarato's merchants are looking for food, medicine, clothing, armor and iron ore, which is the material for clothing and drugs, aiming at special demand for war. Therefore, it can be said that people who pass by are more foreign in color than usual.

Like when I went to the Romar Empire for a secret meeting, I could not wear uniforms of a guard knight, and both me and Lynette were very common people's clothes.

The face is very different and it may be difficult to insist on being brothers and sisters, but is the setting like a brother and sister who came to play from the countryside?

Immediately before entering Mikelka, he had joined the Highness, dressed as a prodigal son in a wealthy house, Chard was his bad friend, and another guard was hired by his prodigal son for money. He is acting like an escort.

The bald giant I can see is Semegun, who claims to be one of the best names in court magicians, despite being a strong warrior.

I guess that Linnet and I were all impressed or stunned when a typical trio was completed.

In addition to our group of five people, the guards of the Highness, dressed as ordinary citizens, are hiding in various places throughout the city in preparation for emergencies. It will be the same for the messengers of Takarato who we will meet.

If the intent is really just a talk, that's fine. If your Highness is your target or if there is a raid by a third party, you should only reject it in cooperation with escorts.

He heads for a mansion on the outskirts of Miquelka, with her back hair pulled by medicinal plants produced at Gora Doo. A small number of people could be felt in the two-story mansion that stood on the cobblestone road leading from Mikelka on the way to sleep in the silence of a small forest.

The servants who had cleaned the house in advance and the escorts who were waiting inside would be signs.

There is little shadow of visitors to Mikelka near the mansion, and adventurers and mercenaries aren't the places to visit, so you don't need to worry about extra eyes.

I step into the mansion, wondering if there are such secret hideouts and mansions in various parts of the kingdom, and settle down in the room waiting for a messenger from Takarato.

The four of us are in the immediate vicinity of our Highness and serve to show our position as escorts in an easy-to-understand manner. The opponent will jump into this pocket, but how eagerly the opponent will come.

Enter a room with tables and curtains, carpets, paintings, and incense burners that are a compromise between the Arkrest Kingdom and Takarato or Todoroku, and wait for a while to find out if your hobby is good or bad.

When the clock hung on the wall announced that thirty minutes had passed since entering the room, the signs around the mansion were slightly buzzing, implying that the other party had arrived.

Shortly after, the servants of the mansion entered the room, and five people dressed as merchants from Takarato and their bouncers. But in the sky, there are several other signs at quite high altitude. This is Takarato's strength, no trump card.

Take a hat of a unique design with a wide, long and vertically extending collar, a loose sleeves and a front garment in front, and a merchant style that came again with loose pants are representatives of that side. It can be seen from the atmosphere.

The men in the bouncer style held swords wrapped in cloth in their hands, all of which could be seen as skilled military officers with a sense of history. This is a legitimate person, except for a girl with purple hair and golden eyes, dressed as a merchant's sister or something.

Certainly, even though it is a body, it gives an impression of being too inorganic. Indeed, is this girl listening to rumors?

Around the middle of my mid-twenties, a merchant man laughs, staring straight into the face of His Highness, as I finish off the opposition. It was a simple smile with a simple impression.

After seeing his laughing highness reveal a bit of surprise, it seemed that he seemed to have been a big guy.

"Welcome all the way, I was very surprised that you could go on your own, Hibiki-kun."

"Hahahaha, first of all, say that you could get one. I think that your messenger's name was annoying and your country was worried that you didn't need it. I had to lay down completely to leave. ''

Hmmm, Hibiki is the name of Takarato's first prince. His Imperial Highness seemed acquainted, but his reaction seemed genuine.

Since both positions are kings at the same time, it is still suspicious to be able to come to any secret talks, but there are some things that only the Highness is surprised.

But what exactly does the first prince over demand on a business trip? We have heard from the wind that rumors of the war against Todoroki have repeated and regressed ...

The Highness and Hibiki were sitting on a chair with each other, exchanging greetings and listening to a story that began with a smile only on the upper side.

-Mustard run.

――Is the collation over, re-net?

Linnet had contacted Dord Note, shaking on Chris's waist, after searching for the girl she thought was a princess, seeking some information. It seemed already in this short time.

Dradnaut, a heritage of the ultra-prehistoric civilization that was far older than the celestial civilization that flourished on this star and achieved the greatest prosperity in human history, had been used for a time by the celestial civilization, Have recorded.

--Yes. The 7th generation fighting Android "Fam Fatal" series was developed to intercept the enemy beings from Raum.

The heart contains a chakra artificially opened in the manufacturing stage, a chakra converter that amplifies it, and a cold fusion reactor using living cells.

Fam Fatale, a fictional woman or an evil woman who deceives and destroys a man. What a bad name.

――Hmm, but why do you look like a woman again? There should not have been much difference in how to turn the chakra between men and women.

――All are the result of exploring means for invaders from Raum. Although the intellectual life forms of Raum were very different from human beings, the creatures of humans appeared to them as the most ugly creatures.

――Is it ugly or something like that? So what?

――Human was too ugly for Raum. From the first glance, it was so ugly that it was unacceptable for the species to survive, to eradicate the race, and to be convinced that it would be completely erased from the world.

For this reason, Raaum people have begun work to destroy not only heavenly people, but also humans of all worlds that they feel ugly.

It seems that about 70 years of the heavenly war with aliens of about 3000 years have been spent on the battle with Raum.

――It's so ugly that you want to destroy it, it's a sensitivity that can only be said to be bad or bad luck. Humans should rarely feel extremely ugly as many gods are involved in creation, but there are exceptions to everything.

So how do they connect to the story they make?

--The heavenly people at the time came up with the idea that Raum would use its habit of feeling ugly. In that case, it would be the best countermeasure by creating a rauum who felt thoroughly ugly and operating it as a weapon.

-So what are their appearance?

--Yes. Raaum is the most ugly figure that the heavenly people have reached at the end of the enormous sacrifice. The Raaum and others, aware of their existence, have lost their normal thinking and are on record to lose their ability to fight madly in an instant.

After ending the war with Raum, their entry into the front was deferred due to their specialization in Raum.

Production was halted, and the remaining specimens were recorded by Dornaught until they were used for training purposes or to guard bases far from the front.

-And why did they find and operate their manufacturing facilities or bases where Takara Dokkun was still alive?

I sighed only in my heart to the blessings of the blessed princesses told by Lynette. Once created for war, destroyed when done, and now awakened from sleep, will it be used for human-war?

At first glance, they have very little ego, but they may have lamented today that fighting against different types of invaders was more than just a fight between humans.

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