Dusen Calavis Tower contained those who could be described as "caught up" because of the rough and rough nature of Calavis. In Karavis Tower, where there is no top level, counting the levels does not make sense because the space is distorted inside. At least, not yet organized.

Still, if we were to count the ranks, there was a dwelling for those involved in the corner between about 5,000 and 500,000.

Before the end of the ancient war, those who fell between the tenth and eleventh dimensions due to the fight against the evil gods who descended on the earth's world, and still fight with the guardian deities.

For them, the world is a small garden.

In order for the guardian god to protect the people, the city, which was covered by barriers so that the evil gods who are superior in number could not invade, wandered in the space between the dimensions while riding on a huge disk-shaped ark, and were closed. In a limited world, they were born, had children, and died.

With the good intentions of Doran of the great god Caravis, far above the gods against them, they continue to fight without knowing that they have escaped the gap between the planes they had been wandering about.

To survive and to survive. In order to destroy pieces.

The miniature garden was wrapped in a cylindrical barrier formed by a guardian deity who transformed his body into a shining pillar.

With its clear blue waters, rich mountains and rich green hues, and its inhabited city, it still fought today without knowing the anomalies that had occurred.

Since the patron devotes most of its power to protect the miniature garden and the lives of the people, the battle against the evil gods that must be attacked must be entrusted to the people who must be sad and guarded. Was.

The evil gods of the attacking gods had a strange appearance with a gray body. In the center of the round body that looks like a full moon, square teeth are lined up, and the corners twisted toward all directions are extending.

It is large enough to swallow a two-story house, and it is attacking the city in thousands.

These are the gods of the evil gods, which the attacking people call the Solvone class.

A giant type called squawk-class, with thick, long arms and a scorpion-like tail on its hips and neck.

A half-man and half-horse horse with a slender egg-shaped face on the lower body of an eight-legged horse and two arms with holes instead of a wrist.

Both are monsters boasting more than ten times the size of humans, but it was teens and girls who faced them.

The young guardians of the miniature garden play with the protection of the guardian deity, dressed in white, and decorated with the colors of their souls, and with their weapons in hand.

Backed by a pillar of light that is home to families and friends, people whose faces and names do not know, and the body of the guardian deity, only seven children stood ashore in front of unprecedented evil gods. .

In front of a group of monstrous monsters, one will kill fear, some will be caught in the arms of despair, tears, and others will be determined to pay for their own lives. ing.

A red-haired boy, who seems to be the spiritual support of the children, shakes his knees, but still desperately raises his face and tells his friends while staring at the evil gods. In his hand is a giant bayonet that has destroyed many evil gods.

It was the first time that the sacred treasure from the patron deity, which may be called a partner, was felt so unreliable.

A determined boy tried to utter words to open the front of the last battle. It was solidified by the determination of a reluctance to turn to pity.

"Everybody, let's go. As usual, defeat the bad god."

The voice of the boy who heard from far behind the group of evil gods, relentlessly intercepts the words of the boy who dared to say so, knowing that it was not the case as before.

The tremendous powers and signs that easily transcend the evil signs emitted by countless evil gods flow into the torrent.

Are the children the evil gods' favorite? ? And everyone breathed in tension ...

"Nuthahahahahahaha! What's so small things don't go all the way. I remember seeing it somewhere, but where was it!"

The sound of waving a boon and a long spear changes the atmosphere into a storm, and the sorbourn class, which had rattled its teeth, was smashed into fine dust, and fine particles were purified by the guardian deity and disappeared.

"It's a work of the Tenteishi series. The fact that you were still fighting was leaked from the area of the great barrier over the ground because you were trapped in a narrow space."

Following an intense laughter, a serious and inflexible voice, along with a continuous attack of horizontal bends like a huge beast's claw traces, slicing the squawk class one after another.

"The children and the pillars of light can feel the power of Chioush.

It seems that Chioush-sama protects humans from all over the world from the invasion from Tenteishi. He's benevolent, you're at a great burden. ''

Also emitted is the rain of arrows like a meteor shower that emits a jade shine.

The Schloss class emits light bullets through the holes in both arms to intercept, but the jade arrows make up the Schloss class giants, including those, one after another.

Once the three attacks stopped, the total number of evil gods had fallen to half.

Suddenly reduced numbers of evil gods, and children witnessed by an attack like a catastrophe, stunnedly looked up at a hole in the barrier, but did not notice the three main attackers.

Nuhaha is a fairly unusual laughter, a large blonde man holding a huge spear that exceeds his height, and two beautiful women stretching pure white wings from their backs.

The man gently descends on the surface of the rough sea as if he had no sound or weight, and the beauties stay in the air beside it.

The war maiden is the three pillars of the war god Ardez and his relatives Sarako and Saha. There are only two pillars that are likely to be able to follow Aldes's Nori-or temper, so it is a small elite group with only three pillars.

The children did not realize that the one who appeared in front of them was Ogami, one or two times more than the guardian deity Tiosh or the evil god Tenteishi.

I know that the presence in front of me is a unimaginable unimaginable thing, but more than that, I was deprived of being a visitor who came from outside other than the evil gods for the first time and being an adult .

Until now, fighting against the evil gods has been limited to children under the age of 20, and adults are only assisting while biting their helplessness, and the only way to survive at the forefront is They were just teens.

Sadly, for them, the sight of an adult standing on the battlefield feels very different.

To reiterate, when the evil gods finally changed the rules of the past and made a terrible scale of invasion, the Ardes and others appeared to kick off some of the evil gods There is also confusion.

Aldes walks steadily to the red-haired boy staring at himself and the girl with pink hair beside her.

It's not Aldes who doesn't know the confused mentality of the opponent, but it is this man who does not care about it.

Although Aldes has no fragmentation of his children, he has to be vigilant about nature and gathers around them because of his extreme force and lack of information.

In the meantime, the evil gods were trying to invade towards the city without knowing about the fellow ally, but there was some time to exchange words.

This was Aldes' first voice. Raise one hand, raise your left hand with a bright smile with a smile,


Tomorrow, in a very simple word, a red-haired boy and a peach-haired girl will have a grim face. How did he return to Aldes's greeting, which had no idea of hiding his feelings at all and not at all?

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