With the screams of the Imperial soldiers surrounded by the inhabitants of Elkenay, the screams of the Doran and the rebels, the classmates who broke up in Galois before the approaching farewell. I had a little lonely time as usual.

The lessons were almost exhausted, and the Fatimas, who had a lot of time to spare, went out on suburban meadows and went out for a picnic, just like they did since summer.

It was at the height of winter, but for those magically bright, the differences between the seasons were not a big deal. If it's hot, cool it with the cool air of Nernesia, and if it's cold it's good to get warm with the hot air of Phenia.

There was a line of sight from classmates and junior students who remained inside Magic Academy, and they wanted to share as much of their own time as possible.

"Nel-chan, should I just stick to me?"

Fatima is sitting on a fur bedding and relaxing in the sun, but sitting as if Nernesia hugged her from behind.

Fatima put her hand on Nernesia's stomach and questioned Nernesia, who had her chin on her head, but Nernesia answered her as usual with a sluggish face.

No, if you're as close as Fatima and Doran, you'll never miss a bit of sorrow in Nernesia's voice.

"Well, how did Fatima do this?"

"Hmmmm, I don't hate it. But, Nell told me that he would spend days in the mock battle with Doran.

"For Doran, immersion in mock-ups is my best and best way to deepen friendship, but for Fatima, this is the best way to do it."

With that in mind, Nernesia embraces her little friend's body with a little force in her hand on Fatima's stomach.

The softness and warmth of Fatima's body were transmitted through the layered clothes, and Nernesia lowered her eyes slightly and relaxed her whole body. Featuring unparalleled comfort, it is a rare and unprotected figure that is rare for Nernesia, whose parents have driven the standing battlefield into their bodies.

"Oh, that's exactly what Nell says. If you're Nel and I, this is the best way to do it."


Fatima is happy to be in touch with her best friend and leaves her back in Nernesia with a more shining smile than usual. They are both very smiling.

Sierra, sitting a short distance away, smiles with an uncontrollable smile when she tries to suppress her master and her best friend.

Choosing to be a half-human half-vampire, killing his family, and declining without revenge, he now wants to live thanks to the temporary Lord, Fatima.

Sierra thinks that Fatima has saved more than her life. More than Sierra's life, the soul. So Sierra had decided to use and devote everything to Fatima.

I knew that Fatima never wanted to think so, and I knew that I was heavily dependent on Fatima, but let's say that is Fatima's responsibility. , And Sierra are armed with theory.

In any case, for Sierra, Fatima was happy just to be with him, or no, a close friend girl named Nernesia who was happy.

Looking at the sight that Fatima and Nernesia can only see as the embodiment of the word smiling, the red liquid almost overflows from the back of Sierra's nose, but Sierra desperately suppressed it with the power of will Was out.

Sierra's expression was difficult to see, partly because he was wearing a sunshade hood, but fortunately it was fortunate that Fatima and Nernesia didn't even notice that the mouth corner was about to rise. It is.

When the Fatimas turned around, Sierra realized that the dignity and the body surface would be fine, and the Sierra, who was aware that Fatima's consciousness would be directed to other places, was an unusual thing We shook the sight.

"If Fatima and Nernesia do the best, are they the best for them?"

Except for the cold winter breeze and the lack of flowers and loneliness, it is a corner of the grassland that does not change anymore, but only there is a barrier golem lent by Doran and a barrier generation device so that it does not affect the surrounding area Was tightly closed.

If not, the atmosphere would be scorched by pillars of fire that would pierce the whole area to heaven, and the earth would burn red with the overflowing flames, and deep cracks would have been cut so that the bottom could not be seen.

Two eyes, opposite in appearance and character, pointed to Sierra's words and glanced ahead, Fenia spreading the wings of the flame to create a flame hell, Elma Sword of the Magic Sword and Dorad, a decisive weapon for the ancient dragon Christina, who had a notebook in both hands, was facing away ten steps away.

"I'm excited, I'm excited, I'm passionate, I'm passionate, I'm guts! I'm Inferno Daeve!

At the same time as usual Fenia's usual singing and indifferent singing is over, a huge lump of blazing red flames draws an arc above the head before falling to Christina.

"Have you ever chanted it?"

Christina knew that Phenia was in a constitution that did not require any chanting, but she couldn't help but vocalize.

Christina himself has heard of the unique and intense singing that unleashed the personality of Phenia many times, but still has the destructive power that can not be caught in the mouth.

"No, Christina. It's not a chanting of my personal personality, just because of me! Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho"

"That's right, but!"

Christina cuts down the falling inferno dive into two in a flash of Elsperda, laughing at her while she smiles, saying that she has not changed since she met Fenia, who laughs while hiding her mouth with her fan.

A chunk of fire at 44,444 degrees Celsius would not be as foolish as a mere chunk of air if Christina's skill and Elsparda were involved. The torn chunks of fire are turned into countless sparks, which are instantly converted into harmless particulate magic by Christina's magical powers.

Even if they are intercepted, they are inevitably damaged by the high heat generated by the inferno dive, but it is not difficult to deal with Christina who has a spirituality leading to the sanctuary.

"Mr. Christina, raising her arm every day, so if she graduates and goes to the village of Bern, she will not fall behind the demons in the north."

Christina raises her eyebrows to see the unexpected words spilling out of Phenia's mouth.

Kristina admits she was glad that she thought she would like to be in a passionate mock battle today, but that she had such a purpose.

If you graduate and become Baron Bern officially, you will not be able to play mock battles or exchange words as easily as you do now.

"Well, were you worried, because Doran will come with me, and if Doran is with me, Serina, Diadora, Domina, and Lynette will come.

If you have such a gorgeous face, you don't have to worry about anything about an armed force. I'm much more terrified of paperwork and social behavior. ''

It is Christina's true intention without a look and a lie. Upon hearing it, Phenia smiles with a stupid smile and sighs as soon as she says she can. It is Christina's remark that Fenia knows.

Surely, Christina will not change his character even if he is rubbed by the rough waves of social circles. Even more so if that Doran is with you.

Phenia is convinced that the upcoming Arkrest Kingdom will be at the mercy of the storm led by them. It will be the same not only for Fenia but also for Fatia and Nernesia.

"Well, what a Christina-like statement. Even though the village of Bern is the northernmost end of the kingdom, it is not without its neighbors.

It takes more time than Christina thinks. From now on, I'll just shrug. Look, like this. "

The reason why such movements are elegant is that they have the birthplace of Hana, the discipline that has been carefully maintained since childhood, and the blood and history that has been passed down to this day. The girl named Phenia was just one of the statues to be truly called a nobleman.

There are places where the laughter is a little crazy and the mental theory goes too far.

"What a relentless readiness for the future to come, I know, and I really think it's worth it. But I'm a bit prepared for my weak points and complain to my friends. I want you to forgive me for getting it right. ''

"Oh, honestly, to be able to tell Christina that you're a friend means that it was worthwhile to be with Christina.

By the way, considering Christina's birthplace and Doran's achievements, everyone wants to make a connection even if the land is a little far away. No matter how much you prepare, you'll be fine.

Phenia, with sincere advice, suddenly raised the amount of heat that had been transmitted to the ground through his feet. In the meantime, the ground near Christina began to boil around, and the temperature had risen even higher.

At the same time, Christina noticed a threat at her feet and a warning was issued from her left-hand Dorad note.

"A sudden rise in temperature is sensed at the feet. Beware of Fire Elemental Attack by Phenia

Noboru Flame "Suddenly hit while talking!"

The bursting sound of the earth, which has melted into a burdock, pierces the earth where the tip of the Dorad note has begun to melt, faster than Christina's ears can pick it up.

"Dorado Note!"

"Accept the order. drive"

Simultaneously with Christina's audible Dord Note reply, pure white steam wrapped Christina, and what contained it, Fenia's vision, heat sensing, magic sensing ability, and presence were all shut off, You can not grasp the state inside.

`` I would say that if you do not meet a boy for three days in the eastern country, but if you do not meet a girl's day, you will say that flowers are in full bloom and full bloom if you do not meet men's three days ! "

Suddenly, the vapors that blocked Phenia's perceptual ability began to swirl around at a point.

With the sudden inhalation of steam as if pulling out of the bottom of the bathtub, Fenia could see Christina's situation, but the unexpected Fenia bounced one eyebrow in an unexpected sight? And growls.

The inhaler was a cute boy, about ten years old or so, with his mouth full.

Standing out in a blue and black jacket and white shorts with simple designs, the long pink hair and golden eyes give a really gorgeous impression.

The unfamiliar boy had several question marks in Phenia's heart, but this was not in the midst of a mock battle with Christina, and did not delay them.

"Christina ends threat elimination"

"It's hard, then we're going to fight back, Dornaught!"

"Jesus, my master!"

In response to Christina's shout, Doradnaut, taking the form of a young boy, rushes to Fennia at the same time. The reason why he beat the speed of Christina who surpassed human standards was because of the super weapon, the best masterpiece of super ancient civilization.

Phenia, on the other hand, knew roughly what this situation was, just by Christina calling the boy Doradnaut. The softness to be open and flexible without stopping thoughts is definitely the strength of Phenia, even in the face of unexpected situations.

"I wouldn't have told Christina what I couldn't talk about to others, that's a hobby, that's where I was doing my crazy delusions!"

Rather than avoiding the side-blowing fire bombs that Phenia fired for intercepting, Christina, who slashes from the front and pushes forward, says that he is out of heart.

"It's a bad reputation!"

"I affirm. I am a sword in nature. This figure is only a tentative one and does not have much meaning."

This is exactly what Dorad Note says. In the past, when he interfered with Christina's consciousness, Doradnaut took the form of a girl, but his appearance as a boy is just a figure that can be taken freely.

Gender is not strictly defined.

"Oh, isn't that the possibility that Mr. Christina's hobby is reflected in that case is allegedly suspicious? Oh, oh, oh, oh !?"


"Dorado Note! I think you'll be more suspicious if you shut up !?"

"Restart combat action."

"Do you not leave your doubts as it is!"

In the past, Dord Note would have sworn to devote himself to Christina, but as far as hearing this exchange, it is doubtful whether the oath was true.

However, it is quite possible that Christina's request for an easy response to Dorado Note has gone too far.

Fatima responded to the Sierra question with absolute confidence, seeing the fun exchanges between Christina and Doradnaut, and the Fenians enjoying a simulated battle between them while misunderstanding.

"Yeah! For those two, that exchange is one of the proofs of good friends. Cristina seems to be a baron and start a new house. I guess you're spared goodbye. "

"I don't think sorry for a goodbye sorry."

Although a semi-vampire, the Sierra has a robust and regenerative ability that is incomparable to when he was a pure human being, but with his body, he does not think he will break into those two mock battles. It would be instantaneous to evaporate instantly.

I think he met a non-standard among human beings. However, Doran, who is not here at the moment, is a monster that also deviates from the word "non-standard", which has several more heads.

As the Sierra is embraced and enthusiastic about the transition of my life, Fatima turns her gaze in a different direction, still leaving her back in Nernesia.

"Hmmm, but it's good that Renia thought she was going to get rough because she wasn't there, but why is she so kind to that person? Nel-chan, do you know anything?"

"No, I don't know. He sees it for the first time. It looks like Renia is pretty close, but in my view it seems to allow her heart after Doran."

Doran did not leave her body in Galois after all. Everyone expected that Renia would be devastating, but that prediction was betrayed in unexpected ways.

Renia was also present, but she didn't mind Christina or Fatima at all, she was sitting down on a bedsheet with her back to Fatima, and she was comforting a woman. .

Renia is stroking the woman's golden hair with a benevolent smile while burying her face in her knees, helping her baby.

Compared to Renia, who looks younger than her real age, the comforted woman is a woman of a slightly older age, forcing her full body into a deep blue dress that draws blood.

No matter how harsh the priest or personality, he naturally wears a scent of obscene imagination all night long, but his cry is just the opposite.

"Ue-en, bi-ae, uh, uh, uh, uh, uhoboboeh yeah"

Although everyone is associated with a beautiful woman, it is a cry that can only be said to be disappointing. As an extra bonus, the second half of the year will be settled.

For such a helpless woman, Renia's motherhood is absolutely invisible. Rather, it seems that the inevitability reveals more of the motherhood asleep in Renia.

"What did you do? It is unlikely that you, the one of the great oldest goddess who came out of the original chaos, will be lamented in this way."

Examining the words of Lenia whispering to the woman so that she never reaches Fatima's ears, the identity of the woman screaming is self-evident.

Furthermore, there is hardly any one other than that goddess in which Renia takes such an attitude.

With her brown face buried in Renia's lap, squeezed by runny nose and tears, the woman-Caravis begins talking to Lenia

"I feel like I'm feeling excited, and if I get down to the ground ... Dora-chan is here!

What is so different from the past, so that I can't get in my way, what's going on to conceal me all the time? Yeah yeah, yeah, oh yeah yeah "

Caravis tells her here, and then resumes her work by burying her face in her knees and drenching her fabric.

"That's what happened. This Renia hasn't been able to contact her for a while, but it's up to Caravis. I'm sorry to hear you, Renia."

"Well, just Renee-Ann will tell you, it's all comfort to me, oh-oh. But I'm confusing the sadness that might have been rejected by Drawn, Lend a little more knees!

From Doran's point of view, he felt that he had to go to another country this time and not be embarrassed by the whimsical invasion of Caravis, but Caravis did not.

But Renia was simply irresistible and loving of this creator, who only had this unavoidable goal.

I strongly think that it is useless without myself. It is just falling into the psychology of a woman parasitized by a useless man.

"Yes, if you like my knees, please use it until the time is over."

However, the fact that Caravis is crying to Renia in this way is not without any benefit.

Lonely At least while Caravis was crying at Renia, Renia was able to forget that Doran was absent. In some ways, Galois had a situation in which Caravis' absurdity did not help.

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