After the encounter with Renia, one of the biggest concerns when introducing Lynette, ended moderately with Lynette's wit and the clarity of Lennia, I introduced Lynette to Mr. Fenia and Nernesia.

Everyone had a different word, as if Doramina was a new familiar in summer vacation, and Doran made a pretty girl samurai, but if you look at it objectively I will deny it There was no fact, and I didn't make any sound.

Well, it's no excuse to say that the addition of Lynette has changed our lives significantly.

Linnet claims that he has no experience but himself knows everything, but since the staff employed by the school is responsible for washing clothes and eating, cleaning is the only thing that can be done at home. Thing.

As we watch over and over to see if furniture or windows can be broken by mistake, Lignette cleans up properly, searches for materials needed in class, collects materials, and collects materials. He was really excited about the work.

Originally I was able to get help from Serina and Doramina, so those tasks were completed much faster than other students, but with the addition of a rignet that boasts precise and accurate work accuracy and speed, my freedom The time available for use has certainly increased.

In this case, after graduation from Magic Academy, there are many cases where Lynette can help in practice after registering as a vassal at Christina.

I don't hate studying, but Nernesia and others who don't like the skin sometimes came to know that she had the ability to use Lynette and sometimes asked for help.

Nevertheless, I had already completed the acquisition and examination of the credits required for graduation by jumping class before finding the lignette, and after that I was studying personal magic and irrelevant rarely in the magical school that is not related to graduation. Reading of books was the main daily routine.

Like me, Fennia and Christina, who graduate from Magic Academy next spring, have more time now than they did in summer.

There are increasing opportunities to talk with Phenia and Christina about the reign of Bern after graduation, the development of my hometown, how to interact with the nobles who govern other northern territories, and how to become a person.

In particular, I and Christina are rising nobles, and they have a history of helplessly being ridiculed as a noble, so they were daughters of a large noble from birth and grew up with the highest education in the country. Mr. Fennia's insight is very dependable.

It was a great deal for Fennia.

Now, the idea that I and Christina each have in my chest is the picture of the rice cake in the eastern country. The time spent is really fun.

Lynette has never been to the village of Bern, but is glad to see me and Christina happily talking about the future of their hometown.

Well, it's a happy miscalculation, as the number of useful people involved in governing our village is increasing.

Today and us, Christina and five other people, were gathering in a break room in the private bath of the private seal, saying that we would like to talk about the future of the village of Bern today.

You don't have to worry about students of all ages and genders gathering for Christina.

During this time, we had a seat in the break room where we had a meeting with Rennie and Lynette, and we were sitting in a seat.

Christina, who is supposed to be the first to bring snacks and snacks brought in at all times, first drinks a sip of linette's brewed tea, and me and Serina, Doramina do not leave my hands on food. Finally, bring your eyebrows down.

Linnet, who hasn't yet figured out who Christina was, was rather unconscious before and after looking at the real faces of Domina and Christina who unveiled them, rather than feeling uncomfortable.

"Mustard run is tough. The whole world is shining in the linette. It's as if the sun is falling on the powdery snow that is shining full of sight and glittering.

Lynette is horrified by the fact that putting both Domina and Christina in sight at the same time is a threat that goes far beyond the magic of the highest enchantment. ''

The linette's brown skin is flushed enough to make it easy to understand, and the focus of both eyes is undetermined from a while ago.

Well, can a linet and Christina be witnessed at the same time, even in a linette with multiple layers of defense against mental interference?

"Maybe it's too early for Lynette. Look like you're as thin as Selina and try to get out of sight from two people. What if you close your eyelids?"

"I will imitate Serina. There is such a beautiful thing in the world that Lynette cannot be astonished.

Knowing the existence of Domina and Christina, those who despair in the world will be eradicated.

In a world with such a beautiful person, it will surely be converted if it is too early to despair. ''

"Well, Lynette is a poet. Wouldn't it be angry to be surprised?"

"No, the dramas and christinas are out of the norm so much so that they can slurp in the linette. It's good evidence that even Serina, who has a longer relationship with two people than the linette, is as thin as possible and doesn't look straight ahead. is"

Serina, who was winding a tuna on the left side of me, did not panic over Lynette's suggestion, staring alternately at Dramina and Christina's face.

"Hmm, if you're Christina or Domina, you've got to be okay if you look at your face from the front, but it's still impossible for two at the same time.

Rather, Doran, who has a friendly face with the other three people, including Ryukichi, is unusual. ''

"Sure, I don't scare me, but that doesn't mean I have nothing in my mind. I'm always embracing in my heart the love of three people, including Ryuyoshi."

"It's like Dolan's words, but sometimes she's a terrible woman, right?

"I don't know much about it, but it's because they're the ones who say this because they are special to me.

Well, a little digressing, Christina-san, looks a bit different today, but I guess it was also something troublesome. ''

Christina brought in Doradnauts, which I wouldn't normally bring to such places.

A private killing sword with a mirror-like object in a circular shape embedded in the middle of a golden brim is silent in a steel sheath.

Christina once looked down at the Doradnaut on her lap and opened her mouth in a determined manner.

We swallowed up and waited to see what kind of crucial things would be spoken out of Mr. Christina's terribly serious expression and the serious atmosphere created.

And this is what Christina spoke from her mouth.

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