The reason that the bodies of Serina and Doramina, which are closely related to Doran, reacted, and Christina also responded to the factors of Doradnaut and the killing of the old dragon.

It was because of the religion of Abyss Dawn, the religion of the evil dragon, Abyss Dawn, and the predecessor of their friend, Renia, who might have died in the old days.

Serina and others react to the evil dragon, which cultivated microscopic cells scattered when the former hero Renia, created with the old dragon Dragon as one parent, was defeated by the Seven Heroes.

Behind the evil dragon, which is nothing but a body of flesh with no soul or heart, Gajra, one of Abyss Dawn's top officials and a gurus, has a slightly suspicious color on the face of the dragon.

Although the evil dragon is only a flesh now, it is said that the terrible god who dreaded even uttering its name was too powerful to control and let go-the real situation is different-the strongest worst in history It is a deity monster of.

The dragon was badly preserved in the archeological site of the heavenly people, so it was terribly degraded when Abyss Dawn discovered it. It is well known that even when it resumed cultivation, it was far from its original power.

Nevertheless, there is no doubt that if the creatures on the ground face the evil dragon, they will be horrified from the bottom of the heart, and if they are worse, they will be subject to mental death.

Despite this, the girls standing in front of Gajura and the evil dragon are not afraid without any exception, and have a tired face somewhere stunned.

Even if they thought they were wrong, they re-examined them, and there was no change in their expressions.

It just looks like you're not afraid to face the evil dragon.

However, he did not intend to pursue it all the time. The purpose was to secure the identities of Prince Superior and Princess Frau.

"Giving the status of Prince Superior and Princess Frau calmly, you may be able to guarantee your life while negotiating with the kingdom, or even return safely after the negotiations are over."

Unusual for this kind of religion, Gajura gave a big concession, albeit in words only.

Ordinary human beings are insignificant elephants for the dragon-raising Gajura that accepts the degraded cells of Renia.

I don't see any value in the lives of those people. That's why it doesn't matter whether elephants and elephants are dead or alive. It's not wrong, not the joy of the gods, nor mercy.

If the prince and princess are not taken hostage to bargain with the Arkrest royal family, the escort knights, maids, and Doran are not worth the killing effort.

He had lost many comrades and the mule that had reached a decent rank, but it wasn't a distraction for Gajra because he was the one to feed the evil dragon anyway.

In response to the words issued by Gajura, Doran and others finally change their expression with anxiety.

Despite all the attention of Lenia's previous souvenirs, Gajra is a highly wanted villain like Bastrell and his high school brothers.

After all, Doran and his colleagues agreed that the root of the peril had never been cut off.

Christina was the representative spoken word. In a way, Christina's words, which are as inferior to Doran's words, are exuberant.

"Don't say it over and over. You can't give your Highness to you and others. And if you're shown that evil dragon, don't let go of it. That evil dragon will destroy anything and everything. U "

The hands holding Christina's Dorado Note have been overpowered, and the dragon-killing factor in her mind and body is beginning to respond to the raging emotions.

In particular, Dord Note draws information on the formerly exiled Renier and communicates it to his owner, Christina, ready to destroy the evil dragon at any time.

If you're against Renier of the past, the Dorado Note must have a lot of power, but if you're against a shabby evil dragon that's not enough to degrade, you'll be able to make it with Christina's low power control.

Although not a culmination of his ancestor Semto, Christina was quick to burn his fighting spirit and reinforces his will to destroy the evil dragon with his own hands.

"To shorten your life is nothing but stupidity."

There is no disappointment in the words of Gajura. After all, how he answered, he would have drowned the Dorans with bait or something.

Seeing Christina stepping forward and seeing the whole body overflowing with fighting and magical powers, Doran and Serina, Diadora, and Doramina lightly look around to communicate.

From Doran's point of view, the gods were professing with my daughter and playing with the remnant of Lenia, who had become frustrated, incredible perverts and debris, and so much disgust and anger that I could not help nauseating Is being recruited.

The reason for not revealing it is that he has witnessed Christina, who was possessed by the factors that killed the dragon and the former connection.

The easiest way to dissipate the craziness and paper-filled emotions of Christina's body today is to make her own hand slay the evil dragon.

Doran's wrath can be extreme, talking about the elimination of other Abyss Dawns and similar cells stored by the religions.

Doran and her lovers instantly shared their thoughts, and they devoted themselves to helping Christina to kill the same evil dragon as his ancestors, though the subject was too different.

Considering the power contained in the evil dragon and the power of Christina, if the mine on this heavenly archeological site only blows away, is it OK?

The spiritual connection between the gyajra and the evil dragon behind it is activated, and the evil dragon opens its closed eyelids and mouth again, from which a frightening gray light shines like a haze Spill out.

Here and there, the battle is set up, and the Spellions show up with intense noise behind Doran.

Religions, including those who became dragons slightly later than the Superiors, and others who do not, also enter the hall.

"Bad, those who came around from behind!"

When Chard apologized with a long sword wet with blood and red blood, Diadora and Serina, already close to the Superiors, were moving.

The rich blonde of Selina undulates, and the snake stands up intimidating, and the illusion of a giant snake begins to roll again. It's no longer Lamia and not Lamia.

If parents in their homeland look at Serina today, it must be astonishing what happened to her daughter, even less than a year ago.

"Prince, princess, quickly go to the center of the room!"

"Using the power of a dragon against us is pretty fatal but not aware of it.

"But I'm not a sympathetic partner, Mr. Diadora."

"I'm not going to sympathize with you. These guys, always, always have the resentment of the grudge of the dead. If you keep them alive, you don't know how much you will die. Not something "

During the conversation between the two, which can only be compared to the religious people, the chaplains chasing the Superiors are close and the breath of fire spills from the mouths of the dragons. That's it.

The magic soldier Spartoi, created from the demon's fangs and claws, and the evil spirits running with the golems, were attacked by black thorns and seven-necked giant snakes growing from Diadora's hair, and their feet. And stop it very easily.

Given the position of the artificial dragons heading to the hall through the aisle and the difference in their abilities, there is nothing much for Serina.

"I wasn't satisfied with just catching humans, but was it enough to drive the chicks into the basket? It helped me to get the" rainbow egg ", a treasure owned by Prince Superior, Princess Frau, and the Kingdom of Arkrest. Would you like to go there? "

Gajura's vocal sounds, which are completely astounded by the uselessness of his subordinates, do not sound disappointing. The superions stop a few steps behind Doran and Doramina.

He seemed to know the rainbow egg that Ghajura had eaten, and Sperion, who stopped his feet while protecting his sister behind Doran and his friends, looked down with doubt.

"A rainbow egg? That is an egg-shaped object with a rainbow-colored shell, as the name suggests. It has no magical power, cannot be scratched, and is only a dead object.

But now that you know the origin of the dragon behind you, you have a rough idea. I saw the rainbow eggs as the blood of the evil dragon, and some of the flesh was contained or useful for resurrection. ''

"It seems like your head turns around. That's right. The special equipment we got from the heavenly people that seals the cells of the anonymous evil dragon is what we call a rainbow egg.

The evil dragon's cells are still alive in that egg, created by the science of heaven and the magic of magic, which cut off the surrounding space and completely isolate the inner world.

Even if you do not understand the wisdom of the heavens, you have useless things. It's just dust. However, if I come to my hand, I can bring this evil dragon closer to its original form. ''

"Do you want the power of others like that? What do you mean when you get such power? Do you want to rule this world?"

"I don't know the assassinous folks. There is a big flow in the dark world now. That abominable Bastrel has died, and his Overgene has been destroyed.

Moreover, the religion that serves as the evil god of destruction and oblivion has for some reason stopped working and no longer exists. Now is the time to repaint the world.

It is not difficult for me to sit at the center of the world with the power of the evil dragon that people of all dimensions gather together in the age even older than the heavenly people and finally defeated! "

Christina, Doran, Selina, and Dramina responded to the unexpected name that came out of Gajura's mouth by moving her eyes and eyes.

It is none other than Doran who defeated that great witch, Bastrell, who surpassed even the Arkwich, and Christina became the new owner of his dragon-killing sword.

Although it was Deran, he was able to destroy Bastorell without any problems, but certainly there are no inhabitants of the dark world like the Gajura who can compete against Bastorell with a sword that was still named Dragon Slayer. Would not have been.

But Doran and his colleagues defeated Bastorell, and his senior brothers died.

It was only natural that the struggle between those who aimed for the back pot of Bastorell and the conflict with other powers who saw this as an opportunity would intensify.

Christina walks slowly, while the speriones, without words, scrutinize their complexions in the turbulent ambitions of Gajura, slowly stepping into the evil and magical powers formed by Gajura and the evil dragon.

A place filled with the harmfulness of Gajura attacks to try to destroy Christina's cells just by stepping on it, but Christina's genuine fighting power and the protection of a swinging evil sword are almost inaccessible.

"If you think about what you are aiming for, there is nothing to say. It's just a story about using a dragon that had died a long time ago and using it for my own desires.

In addition, I am so terrible that I can do something with such a vulgar root that the weight on my head disappears and starts to move. ''

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