As Renia was visiting her parents early in the morning, Christina was also visiting the residence where her father, Marquis Almadia, was staying.

Nyx will now fly around the royal capital, singing and dancing with various hens in love. Perhaps the reason for the phoenix's peculiarities is that it was painted on the dirt of human society.

The great noble family of the Marquis Almadia has a vast mansion in the royal capital, a size that most nobles can dream of, if not as large as their home castles.

Christina, wearing her Agururua bracelet since the time of the match, walks under her father, astonishing the guards and servants who know Christina's face.

As he walked through the mansion with Elspada and Dorado Note, his bandits, Christina looked for signs.

The mother-in-law and step-brothers should be in the mansion, but Christina's perception is that the room is just like a father drum. It is probably going to sightseeing or tea ceremonies.

Passing through the door where his escort knight stands, Christina arrives at the office with a face like an Iwao.

Christina faces her with a different feeling than before, with her father standing against the brightly lit Chaoyang. Unlike the past, where I had no fear, expectation, or anxiety about my father, I was just calm now.

"Father, I heard you call and screamed."

"Trouble, you can make it easier."


The eyes of the drum change slightly, supposing Christina's change of mind. From Christina's point of view, it is hard to say that he loves his father, but he does not dislike it.

The honest place is the greatest benefit of being picked up and raised after my mother's death. I have never felt affection from the drums and I don't remember being cherished so much. I don't remember being disdained at the same time.

However, it seems that there is no such idea that the daughter of a concubine is used as a piece of political marriage, and there is no element that dislikes it. Thus, Christina had forged a formidable relationship with her father.

"So my dad, can you ask me what you called me? Since I came to the royal capital, I remember that there was a job with my brother But……"

"It's not about taking you to a meeting or evening, are you relieved?"

Apparently, he knows that Christina is not good at coming to such places.

Christina didn't know if she was making fun of it or just saying it seriously, but it seemed a bit like a parent-child conversation, and I knew she was happy.

Was he starving for his fatherhood? Christina smiles while answering her self-analysis.

"Yes. I'm afraid of being afraid of being crowded."

"Um ... It looks like you're wearing a bracelet you don't recognize, but is it because of that?"

Speaking of which, Christina replied, reminding her that her brothers were very surprised at the match.

"A magical bracelet borrowed from the director of the school. It has the effect of changing the appearance of what you wear.

The school director told me that it was not good to expose my real face in the royal capital, so I lent me this. It was a great story for me, so I just accepted it. ''

"Yes, Olivier's judgment is correct. I can imagine what confusion will appear when you show your face."

"Your sister-in-law's progress seems to have been quite surprised?"

"I was making a lot of noise about what a curse was. "

Christina himself replied, surprised, whether this person was surprised.

It seems that my father feels much less pressure than usual. Impressions from opponents are quite different just because their attitudes are different, but their impressions on opponents may also be different.

"I've got a junior who wants to look good. And I'm thinking of rewarding someone I've been unable to do so far. Is that annoying?"

"No, it's not an annoyance, but it may be troublesome for you. It's time until you can meet with those who want your blood that showed that much power I won't take it. ''

In the past, Christina's value had been the lineage of the Marquis of Al Madia, but it has been said that some people have valued the blood as a wizard due to his performance at this contest.

If you only want to be a wizard, you may want to ask for Christina's disbelief with her stepmother.

Christina has to admit the accuracy of her point.

It is up to the father's chest three inches to accept or decline the coming marriage. Rather than disagree with Christina, I'm going to refuse all marriages, so I'm going to leave the house when it comes.

This would be a nuisance to the Almadian Marquis, but for Christina his life was his own, and this was an inevitable line, as he did not think it was for the Marquis.

"But there's something more that you have to hand over to you."

Drum took out the paper wrapped in fine paper from his bosom and handed it to Christina. Seeing the coat of arms pushed by red wax, Christina's willow bounces.

It was the crest of the Arkrest royal family. Then, the sender of this is related to the Arkrest royal family.

Christina had no choice but to read the document. In the meantime, she seemed to have a face with a messy sensation, and she was lightly squeezed into the drum.

"It doesn't look so disgusting. Don't look like that in front of the precious."

"I'm sorry. Is this an invitation for a tea ceremony from your Highness Frau?"

"It's an ordinary year. Some of the female students who participated in the festival are invited to a tea ceremony hosted by the Highness, and it seems that they were selected as one of them.

It's an honor, but you can see through the inner feelings of not welcoming, Christina. Then there is great disrespect. ''

Christina tightens her face with a gross appearance to her father, who looks a little amazed. With this attitude in front of his father who was so weak, Christina's change of mind is as remarkable as Lenia.

"Be very careful before your Highness, Father"

"Well, that's not a problem. It's more likely to be a problem in another sense ..."

Regarding his father's other issues, Christina, who was so aware, bitterly laughed while stroking her cheek with her right hand. My face, which I had to go with for a lifetime, was the cause of my bitterness.

"Is it possible that you will be seen by your Highness? I remember that the full-time knight was already there, but I pray that there would be no rubbing."

"That's right. Fortunately your Highness can be made wise, but he also has the whims and strength of his beliefs that are appropriate for the year."

Christina reluctantly told her father that she wasn't happy, and thought that she would still hate me, but decided to interpret her as having been given information in advance.

I only know the Frau in the spectator seat, but the Frau next to my brother was only a girl with a bright impression.

It is Christina's true intention that he should treat him just because he is a royal daughter.

From the princess to the former queen, the princess of Ryugu, Emperor Suiryu and the Emperor Ryukyu, and Christina who has been in contact with the gods and the ancient dragons, so I am not nervous about meeting the princess of my country now. There are places where people are in trouble.

"I'm done with you, Christina."


"Congratulations on the victory of the Demon Festival"

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