Alexander and Caravis watched as Doran summoned the King of Spirits against Aix, signaling the absolute difference in power, while cheering and glancing at each other. Was.

It was good right after Doran won. Bahamut has been left unanswered that there should be no problem.

The problem arose shortly after Alexander and Caravis started praising Doran.

Alexander praised only Doran, while Caravis praised Rennie, who loved and never stopped, with Dolan, and Alexander gave it a start.

Alexander knows that Lenia took care of her, but she was a damn daughter of Caravis, so she couldn't really love her. I want to add a difficult habit to what I think.

Alexander caught the mouth where she was praising Renia with subtle doubtful words, such as Renia-chan, awesome, nice, as expected, and getting wet.

`` Hmm, it was exhilarating and exhilarating that I was able to inform both people on the ground, though it was about one end of the extreme end of my brother's ability, but Renia was as active as you say I don't think

I did some training opponents, but most of them were just standing up and attacked. At the end I did a good attack, but not much! "

Bahamut, whose roots are the same as Alexander, did not overlook that Alexander's behavior contained some subtle feelings for Lenia.

But it doesn't hurt to see Renia in my eyes, in my nostrils, in my ass, or even in the womb from the birth canal-I didn't give birth to Renia Not—but for Caravis, Alexander's words are nothing but resentful.

"Let's make a cute, cute Renia-chan, make it ridiculous, make it ridiculous, and make it a fool, Alexander-chan , Are you still that child's aunt! "

Caravis, in the shape of a traveling dancer Ravi, really eats steam from her head, strips her teeth and eats Alexander.

In the reality that Caravis, who has the endless hatred and evil feeling just by hearing the name of even the most prominent and pronouns and evil gods of the evil god, is angry by saying someone other than himself is bad, Alexander was gutted but did not change his attitude.

"Who's your aunt? No matter what, I don't recognize you as your brother's wife, and I won't allow Renia to call her an aunt!"

"It's time to call me aunt, shit, shit, shit, quietly.

"Mukyu !!"

"Let's go, muky, muky, muky, muky!"

Alexander and Caravis, who are arguably the best in the world, are childish exchanges, but they have a great deal of power in inverse proportion, and they cause a lot of inconvenience to others.

Bahamut breaks into the two pillars of cursing and vocalizing her voice and mood to prevent herself from falling out of control.

"Alexander, Calavis, I can't stop telling you what you've watched, but if you fight so ugly and stupid, I must stop you with power. Doran will notice if he tries.

If you're afraid that you may be struggling with emotions and disdained by Doran and not be able to watch the game in the future, you may want to change places and like it there. ''

"Oh, mummy, mummy, I can't forgive the reputational damage to Renia-chan, but this time I'm not going to pull it out of Baha-yan's face. Abba!"

Carrans, who also admits Doran regarding the speed of switching thoughts, immediately calculates the seriousness of Bahamut who became serious and the threat of Alexander who piggybacked on it, and the fear of being despised by the dragon, and Bahamut and With his ass turned to Alexander, he runs away furiously toward the Great Makai.

Alexander never shows his face to Calavis, who is getting smaller in sight! Keeps hitting the abusive language that is unbearable to hear.

"Alexander, by then. It's not a good mood, with words coming out of my sister's mouth one after another."

"Yeah, Baja. Then let's go to your brother right away. I couldn't cheer for him directly, but I can go and say congratulations."

Wherever the feelings of hatred and hatred directed to Calavis went, Alexander was filled with affection for his immediate family, but Bahamut's gaze was bleak in the eyes of Alexander, Imbued with seeds of anxiety and immediately sprouted.

"What, Baja, what? I have a scary face."

"Alexander, I can't say you know both how to use your power and how to behave. I thought I was still fine when I got down to the ground, but I had a dispute with Calavis. I have to change my mind when I look at it. "

In addition to a scary face and a cold gaze, Bahamut tells a hard voice, Alexander turns into a strict brother's attitude of a sister who does not head over, and a scream that seems to be twisting stomach if Caravis was listening. increase.

"Hey !?"

"I don't want to go down again, but you shouldn't meet directly with Doran and others until the end of the festival where Doran and others are participating.

Caravis will look down and try to get off, and there are already Maillar, Chaos, and Aldes.

Although we may not have a dispute with Mylar and others, it is painful to think about what will happen if you are in a three-part state including you.

Also, we shouldn't show ourselves at events where we participate as humans. Do not join in the circle of friends and relatives of Doran's human beings. "

"Even though it was out of the way, both Baja, Riva and Hype did not have special training!"

"Well, I don't intend to forbid contact with the Dorans, only Alexander. I won't see them until the end of the race. Alexander, you're not hateful, I can't believe you wherever you swear on this occasion.

How come you can meet Calavis when you get down to the ground and you have no conflict? I don't stop watching, and I don't stop telling my blessing after the race is over. Be patient only during the festival! ''

When Bahamut tells him a little bit of the meaning of Alexander's punishment, Alexander puts a lot of big tears in his eyes and squeezes the skirt's hem tightly and lowers his face.

Although Bahamut's suggestions were so irrelevant that he could not speak a word of rebuttal, Alexander's heart was a thousand words because of the fact that he came across this place when he came across Caravis in such a place. ) Was disturbed.

The moment Bahamut thought a bit too much before Alexander's depressing appearance, Alexander, as soon as she lifted her raised face, sought to run at full speed and pass by Bahamut.

Alexander's tears were genuine, but he nevertheless used it to create a gap in Bahamut and trick his elder brother into descending into the earth.

However, such a younger sister's shallowness seems to be transparent to Bahamut, and Alexander's neck is firmly grasped by Bahamut's left hand from behind, and a small scream from Alexander's throat tightened. Spill.

"Kukya !?"

"Why should you lament your shallowness, such as running in such a shallow manner, or interpret it as being so deep in Doran? Today, I will return to the dragon world as it is, Useless. "

"Yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, hey! I want to talk to my brother, I want to praise it, I want to say that it was amazing!"

"The race festival ends in just a few days on earth, and then comes out."

Alexander's mouth kept protesting for a long time, but immediately began to make an irresistible squeal. Nevertheless, Bahamut's detention did not loosen, and Alexander was brought back to the dragon world without protest.

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