Vage opened her tightly closed eyelids slowly, with the morning sun oozing on the horizon.

Apparently, he seemed to be lying on his back on the meadow, judging from the surrounding scenes, smells, and sounds that jumped into sight.

There was a soft touch under his head, but apparently he seemed to be using pillows instead of the chunks of water collected by Ruyu or Ryuyoshi.

If you're a water dragon and his daughter, you'll have nothing to do with treating the water so as not to wet the opponent.

Just as Vajé can select a target to burn and emit a flame, a water dragon can easily select a target that sinks or gets wet.

In addition to the blue sky and white clouds, the view of the opened young crimson dragon included a rude tweak looking into his face and the beauty of the great emperor Suiryu.

Even after being known to be the daughter of Emperor Suiryu, Ruyu, whose face and face quarrel with her if she meets her face, has an expression that sincerely thought about Vaude, who had died, and was relieved to be able to regain her consciousness safely. Exhale breath of relief.

They are like a sample of the word that they are close enough to fight.

"Vaget, are you finally awake? How are you feeling sick?"

In response to Ruyu's question, Vage raises his upper body slowly and answers with a dim voice somewhere to determine whether he is unconscious.

"Well, no, it's okay. There's nowhere bad."

Vage stands up, supporting her body with her tail following her upper body.

As Vuget rises, Ru-Uu releases the water polo that he created instead of a pillow and looks anxiously at Vage, who shakes his head and tries to clarify his consciousness.

Vage, whose consciousness has begun to settle, finally realizes that, besides Ruu and Ryuyoshi, there are also figures of Christina, Serina, and Doramina, whose resentments and extinction have almost disappeared.

"Well, why did I sleep? ............, yeah, it was.

Ruaj suddenly started laughing, and Ruj did something wrong! ? I was sorry to call me out, and spun the words asking the inside of my chest from pretty lips reminiscent of a light cherry-colored shell.

"Vage, what's wrong?"

While not only Ruu, but also Serina, who is worried about her, she caressssssssssed on her on Vajé's appearance.

Ruyu, who knows only the usual arrogant and vaunted Vajé because he smiles so refreshingly, deepens the suspicion that Vajé has gone crazy.

"Hehehe, no, I thought I had a terrible dream. Ruyu, you can laugh at me as you like.

What, Leviathan and Alexander, who are the seven dragons of that primordial, have not only come down to our eyes, but that Doran is a reincarnation of all dragons It is.

Hey, even though it's a daydream, it's a terrible and ridiculous dream.

Certainly, the dragon's soul has not been found anywhere in the world, but why does it lead to the dream of being reincarnated as a human being?

Isn't my imagination quite significant? Hahahahahahahahaha "

Ah, what an empty laugh that's hollow and open-minded. It's so cold that it reminds the ears of the ears of the cloudy wilderness.

Serena, who was listening a little further away from Ruyu in the form of a vague that resonated with a dry laugh, seemed to involuntarily shed tears.

Vajé, who looked away from certain reality and assumed that it was a dream he had in the middle of the day, was compassionate and compelling.

"Ahahahaha, look here, Ruyu, laugh. Just laughing at me this time will not get angry.

"Vagetable, I'm sorry. I can't help but feel compassion. Vajé, take that. Please take care of yourself."

Ru-Yu felt so persuaded that he would give permission for the execution, and although his chest was hurting so much that he could tear it, he still chose to use his heart as a demon to face Vage.

Even while doing this, she is waiting for those who have to deny that even her beloved mother is insignificant.

At the very least, salvation does not matter to the other party, as if they were not angry or frustrated.

If it weren't, then not only Vage but Ruu and Ryukichi would have considered judging themselves.

He did not yet understand that doing so would only confuse the waiting person and was merely a product of his overcoming obsession.

"Huh? Over there? Which one? This one over there? Oh, over here, over here ... over here ... over, over, over, over ..."

Vage had to look back at Ru-Yu, showing tears of pity at the ends of his eyes, and face the reality that his self-defense instinct thought was an event in a dream.

――Oh, oh, how good was this if it was a dream! !

In Vage's mind, the words begin to endlessly repeat.

Don't look at it, don't look at it, don't admit reality! Yes, the cry of shouting in every voice was empty, and Vage faced reality.

Alexander smiles with his right arm around Doran's left arm with a smile, and Leviathan stands on the other side in a dignified state.


"Hmm, have you finally awakened? Vajje, I think it was a lot of unacceptable things for you, but I wouldn't have to go down."

I mutter in a tone like a father with a strong daughter, and look calmly at Vage.

Alexander, who was told to me, is fortunate enough for Vajé to see a sad crimson dragon in her eyes, and there is no way to open her mouth with a laughing smile.

"Dragon, no, should we call it Dolan? Then, Doran, though, I've been hiding the truth for a while, so there's probably some kind of mischief in the Lord. "

Unlike his younger sister, who has only his brother in his eyes, Leviathan makes a statement in support of Vage and lightly chirps me.

Lightly, perhaps because the dragon world, including Leviathan himself, is liable for the lack of relations with his brothers on the ground, resulting in a difference in consciousness between the two.

"I don't mean to blame, but if it sounds like that, sorry. Vaje, don't worry. I don't blame you."

"Well, oh ...

I try to keep Vajé from scaring me and speak to Vajé in a gentle voice and mood, but the spoken Vajé often opens and closes as if she forgot how to breathe.

Perhaps my mood is familiar to Vajé, but Alexandre and Leviathan, who stand on my left and right, seem to be the transcendent of the top of all dragon breeds, tying the mind and body of Vajé. .

Plus, with Alexander and Leviathan, as if they were relatives-a relationship that is, in fact, a close relative or better-look at me, and if you don't want to admit, you have to admit it No longer.

I thought that I was a reincarnated incarnation of the Great White Dragon, but I was actually a single pillar dragon of the Seven Primitive Dragons that was only spoken in legends rather than white dragons.

"Ahhh ..."

"Vage, calm down and calm down. Doran doesn't care about anything, so calm down."

Vajé, who is about to be defeated again with large tears floating on his crimson eyes, is supported by Ruu who has regained calmness, and tells him many times to calm down the child who has fallen into a depression .

Ryuyoshi then approaches Rage, followed by Ryu, and gently embraces his shoulders and begins to comfort him.

Despite the origin of the tribe and the peak of the primordial seven dragons in front, Leviathan looks back on me as much as Vaje's reaction.

Leviathan says that his younger brother is somewhere out of sight, but I'm undoubtedly the one who spent the longest time in the terrestrial world, including before and after.

"Doran and his brothers on earth are usually like they are before us.

Vage is sore and she will be fainted at the moment.

It doesn't seem that we're afraid of us, but we've never imagined that we're going to get so nervous. ''

"I wasn't too active in interacting with my brothers on the ground, because for us on earth we're like the clouds above us.

It's no wonder that almost everyone reacts like Vage. Vage was still nervous when Ryuyoshi was in front of us, but this time we are in a higher position.

It would not have been a surprise story. Even so, I didn't even think that I would be defeated. ''

"Well, even if we deepen our exchanges with our fellow people on the ground, we may have to think about taking steps. This time, since this time, many unfortunate things happened.

Don't be so nervous. Ryukichi and Ruyu are already used to concubines. Even though Ru-Yu is still nervous. "

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