In the corner of the heavenly world where the good gods are sitting, a pillar of the gods who governs time is living with their kin.

There are countless large and small, distorted, irregular, various colors, gears of all shapes, and clocks of unusual shape instead of the earth, and the click and click of the hand and the sound of the hour hand overlap. I have.

In this way, the flow of time in the many worlds over which God has the influence of time is embodied.

The flow of time is often embodied mainly in gears, clocks, candles, etc. The greater the number, the higher the rank of God as time.

The largest clock face owned by God at this time is a golden color shining like the sun, and stands at the center of the area without any support.

One day, a rainbow-colored jewel was embedded in the hands of a golden clock dial that symbolized the authority and power of God.

There have been customs that have been practiced once a day since the rainbow jewel was brought.

A goddess emerges from the shadow of a clock that is crowded around, and stops an elegant walk in front of the golden clock face.

She wears silver hair in a wide purple cloth, wears flax-colored dress and ornaments imitating a clock face, and has a glossy brown skin.

The goddess of being the ruler of this realm. Seeing the rainbow jewels embedded in the dial of the clock face reverence as if humans saw God.

Not only this goddess but also the servants of the lower gods and angels who are serving also appeared, and with the exception of a single pillar that straightened the spine in front of the rainbow jewel, the awe was raised from the whole body, He chanted with his hands spread slightly upward and downward.

"Dragon live!"

"Hello Dragon! Hurray Dragon!"

"Dragon Bangza!"

The dragon they speak of is the name of the old god dragon, which is not an exaggeration to say that it reigns at the pinnacle of all beings, including the gods. It was Chronomaize, the goddess of time, who shouted at.

For a while, Chronomaize's territory, Claudia, reverberates with the singing of the gods honoring the dragon.

Chronomaze once was prepared to be destroyed by a dragon, because a human being who gave the sacred treasure once opposed a dragon.

However, when I met the dragon later, she gave me a brief forgiveness and helped me save my hometown crisis, and now I got the rainbow jewels embedded in the axis of the clock face, I'm crazy about the dragon.

The rainbow-colored jewels awarded to Chronomaize were not significant from the perspective of a dragon that had been reincarnated as humans, but they are a huge lump of power that Chronomaize can hardly handle.

The fact that it possesses the crystal of the power of the Old God Dragon indicates its connection to the dragon, and one thing that has left Chronomaze as one or two eyes from other gods.

Chronomaze was wise because he misunderstood the power and majesty of the dragon as his own and did not increase it.

However, in terms of Chronomaize, there was no room for growth.

He had an audience with a real dragon that he had only seen in the distance before, and was beaten from the bottom of his soul by the power and the spirit of a different dimension.

At the beginning of the transformation of the main goddess, the chrono-maze's followers were amazed and wary at first, but after seeing the rainbow jewels brought by the Lord, they changed their attitude completely, and the entire chrono-maze group became a dragon worshiper Is becoming

The legend of the old god dragon, which has been told so much in heaven, and the anecdote about its majesty were terrible.

In fact, for a dragon, even a rainbow-colored gem that is only the force of the nails and hair, contains a force that slightly exceeds the total power of the chrono maze and all its relatives.

If it is so overwhelming and so different in power and personality that you can no longer even understand it, you will want to hang your head and follow it.

Even more, the other party is showing friendship with you. If you can reconcile your self-esteem, you can rarely find someone to rely on.

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