Saving Uchiha starts by flipping the table

Chapter 459 Ohnoki: You Yun Ninja Village can come if you want, we are not afraid

Shikaku is a man of action, and the tasks given by Yan are quickly implemented.

Has the village taken any big action recently?

After receiving the notice, people from each family realized that there might be big moves in the village.

The family needed to mobilize elites, which was enough to prove their guess.

Just talk to other families and you'll be sure.

There are also some who are more impatient.

Such as Fugaku and Nizu.

At this time, Uchiha and Hinata were getting closer. If there was any important matter, Fugaku and Hinata would sit together to discuss it and drink tea by the way.

It's rare that both of them are family patriarchs, and it's rare that both of them are people who like to drink tea. It's hard to get together for several hours without trying.

"How many people from the Hyuga clan are dispatched?"

"Probably all of them?"

Hizu paused and continued drinking tea.

Fugaku raised his head in surprise.

Because Uchiha is almost in the same situation.

In today's Konoha, except for Sarutobi, who is not gregarious and shameless about being a commoner family, Uchiha and Hinata are the strongest.

Almost all the powerful members of the Hyuga clan were sent out, which was a big deal.

Before Nizu could speak, Fugaku took the initiative and said:

"Uchiha is also in the same situation. It seems that our assistant-sama plans to have a big wave."

Nizu nodded slowly.

Fugaku had long been accustomed to getting along with Rizu, so he continued:

"What's rare is that your Hyuga clan will send out all members of the clan."

In the past, no matter how big something happened, even if it was urgent, people from the Hyuga clan would rarely take action.

Not to mention the Zong family, not even the elders and clan leaders of the Zong family ran away this time.

It's all included.

Although this was a joke, it sounded a bit harsh. Rizu said calmly:

"Uchiha won't send out all the troops?

If the Uchiha can do it, why can't the Hyuga clan?

I don’t believe that Mr. Assistant would let members of our two families die. "

"That's true."

After ending this topic, the two began to focus on the tea ceremony. If Yan sat here, he would definitely doze off.

There are so many things to talk about even when drinking a cup of tea. He can't bear to go through it all. It's too ink.

Konoha began to mobilize.

At this time, a piece of news that shocked the ninja world spread.

The Cloud Ninja Village officially issued an announcement. In view of the fact that the Iwa Ninja Village broke the agreement of the five major Ninja Villages and launched a war against the Country of Taki regardless of face, causing heavy losses to the Ninja Village, and the entire Country of Taki became a battlefield.

He wantonly killed the ninjas sent by Kumo Ninja Village to help Taki Ninja Village on the battlefield of Taki Country, so he officially declared war on Iwa Ninja Village.

Fully involved in the Taki Country War.

The declaration of war by the Cloud Ninja Village can be said to have pushed the Ninja World War to a climax.

Compared to Cloud Ninja Village and Iwa Ninja Village, the grinding pace of war in Mist Ninja Village and Sand Ninja Village is simply not enough.

At this time, everyone realized that the ninja world was going to be in chaos.

If the war between the Kiri Ninja Village and the Sand Ninja Village only had a certain impact on the ninja world, then the Cloud Ninja Village would declare war on the Iwa Ninja Village and fully intervene in the war, and the entire ninja world would be dragged into the water.

Faced with the accusations from Cloud Ninja Village, will Iwa Ninja Village fight back?

And whether Konoha will take any action.

These are what everyone is paying attention to.

However, Konoha is still the same, as if it is an outsider, giving people a feeling that Konoha is not involved.

As for Iwa Ninja Village, they did not refute Yun Ninja Village's accusations, but used actions to prove their attitude.

That means if you want to fight, then fight! !

In order to pass on the conflicts in the village, they desperately launched a war against the country of Taki. The Iwa Ninja Village was already untenable, and they were the ones who were at fault.

No matter what you say at this time, no one will believe you.

Since no one believes it, what else can you say?

Just do it and be done. Do you really think Iwa Ninja Village is afraid of you?

As the Kumo Ninja Village declared war, a large number of Kumo Ninja ninjas poured into the battlefield of Taki Country, and many teams sneaked into the back of the Iwa Ninja Village from the sea to cause damage.

Maritime power, among the five major ninja villages, Kiri Ninja Village, which developed by the sea, can be compared with Yun Ninja Village. Yun Ninja Village will definitely not give up its advantages.

We will fight you on the frontal battlefield, and we must also use our maritime power.

Sending people to sneak into the Kingdom of Earth to wreak havoc, leaving you exhausted fighting fires in the Iwa Ninja Village.

The two war machines of Iwa Ninja Village and Yun Ninja Village have been activated.

Iwa Ninja Village is much deserted than before, and the damage caused by the Four-Tails Night has not yet been repaired.

In a short period of time, Iwa Ninja Village didn't have much time to take care of this.

In the rebuilt Tsuchikage office building, Onoki sat in the Tsuchikage office, looking at the map and lost in thought.

Yun Ninja Village intervened in the war, and Onoki was already prepared.

To put it bluntly, if supplies were not scarce, Iwa Ninja Village would not be afraid of fighting with Yun Ninja Village with real guns and swords.

With the Kumo Ninja Village's tendency to meddle in other people's affairs and hold grudges, it was impossible for the Kumo Ninja Village to sit idly by and ignore the Iwa Ninja Village's attack on the country of Taki.

Besides, Ai wants revenge.

Yun Ninja Village fully intervened in the war, which was actually a relief for Ohnoki.

There is no need to guess whether the enemy will declare war or whether they will fully attack you. Just concentrate on fighting the enemy.

The only thing that made Onoki feel uneasy was Konoha.

The Cloud Ninja Village is over, but what about Konoha?

Although Konoha has no precedent of taking the initiative to declare war on other great ninja villages and attack them.

But the Konoha of now and the Konoha of the past are two different things.

In the past, Konoha only sought stable development and peace in the ninja world. Now Konoha just puts away its fangs.

The fangs are retracted, and it’s easy to expose them if you want to, just open your mouth, and be ready to pounce on you and bite you at any time.

Cloud Ninja Village and Iwa Ninja Village have enmity, and Konoha and Iwa Ninja Village also have enmity.

Send a ninja force to defend Konoha?

Ohnoki was thinking about this problem.

Now that the Iwa Ninja Village has invested too many troops in the battlefield of Takino Country, a certain number of people must be stationed on the border to guard against possible attacks from Konoha. Preparation cannot be lacking.

The question is, how many people are appropriate to station there.

If it's too little, it won't stop the enemy.

If there are too many, it will affect the situation on the battlefield of Taki Country.

Iwa Ninja Village has never been a ninja village that relied on strong people. Their village relied on a large number of ninjas and various joint earth escapes.

Even if they are cannon fodder, joining forces on the battlefield can make the enemy miserable.

The trouble is, the Kumo Ninja Village is more restrained than the other villages.

There are too many ninjas who are good at thunder escape in Yun Ninja Village.

"Send five hundred more ninjas to the border to guard against possible surprise attacks in Konoha."

Ohnoki doesn't want to be a gentleman, he just wants to be a villain.

He would rather save people with a villain's heart and believe that Konoha will launch an attack.

This cannot be taken lightly.

Sending an additional 500 ninjas to garrison the border camp was Onoki's final decision.

The battlefield in the Kingdom of Takino became more and more lively as the fighting progressed. The situation on the battlefield was extremely urgent, far exceeding that in the Kingdom of Wind. Teams to reinforce the border camps soon arrived.

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