Saving Uchiha starts by flipping the table

Chapter 429 I will definitely take care of this sixth child in Konoha.

"I've just arrived.

Ai responded in a muffled voice.

After a few words of greeting, Ai got to the point directly:

"Yan, according to my observation, Taki Ninja Village cannot resist Iwa Ninja Village for too long, so we need to give Taki Ninja Village some support."


Yan frowned slightly:

"You mean, Yun Ninja Village and Konoha sent a group of people to join the battlefield of Taki Ninja Village to help Taki Ninja Village resist Iwa Ninja Village?"

This is not a good choice.

Although it will make the water in Taki Ninja Village very muddy, if several forces are mixed together in one place, it can easily evolve into a second ninja war.

Several forces are fighting back and forth in Yuren Village. Today you beat me, and tomorrow I will beat him.

The end result is that no one pleases.


Ai nodded and expressed his opinion:

"I think we should firmly drag the footsteps of the Iwa Ninja Village in the country of Taki. This will be good for us."

"Why must Iwa Ninja Village be dragged into the country of Taki?"

Yan didn't understand very well. Seeing that Ai wanted to refute, he said first:

"I understand your position. Iwa Ninja Village is being dragged down in the country of Taki, and with the addition of Cloud Ninja Village and Konoha, Iwa Ninja Village is a three-front battle.

It's a nice idea, but I don't think it's necessary.

Taki Ninja Village is unreliable, just like the Grass Ninja Village of the past. "

"My idea is not to ask for much help from the Taki Ninja Village, as long as they can slow down the Iwa Ninja Village a little bit, it will be enough.

Next, there was a two-front attack by Kumo Ninja Village and Konoha, and Iwa Ninja Village couldn't stop it at all.

Even if they plundered a large amount of resources from the country of Taki, it would be the same. "

Fighting on two fronts, or two enemies stronger than the Iwa Ninja Village, Ohnoki uses his head to block them?

"So Konoha doesn't agree with sending people to the battlefield of Taki Country?"

Ai knew it would be difficult to convince Konoha to agree to this suggestion, but he didn't expect Hiko to reject it so decisively.

Yan still shook his head and refused decisively:

"If we send people, we will declare war on the Iwa Ninja Village with the same village. In this way, the previous plan will be useless. It is almost impossible to backstab the Iwa Ninja Village.

Konoha wouldn't do this kind of thing, throwing away the watermelon to pick up the sesame seeds. "

Cloud Ninja Village can send people to support, but Konoha cannot.

Because Konoha's plan and stance is to be a sixth man, rather than jumping out to attract firepower.

Therefore, Yan will not accept such a suggestion.

Yun Ninja Village can and can provide support in a fair and honest manner, but this is suspected of being arrogant.

So Yan didn’t say anything.

As for how to think about it, that is Ai's own business, and Konoha has nothing to do with it. Anyway, sending people to the country of Taki to stir up trouble will not work, unless Konoha has declared war on the Iwa Ninja Village.

At that time, Konoha had already become the sixth child and stabbed the Iwa Ninja Village from behind.

After all the stabbing was done, sending some people to support the battlefield in the Kingdom of Dragon was nothing.

Ai: "......."

You Konoha really don't deserve to be the sixth child, I feel unhappy.

Is it because during the Third Ninja War, Iwa Ninja Village became the sixth child, so you are unhappy?

It seems right when you think about it. At that time, Konoha had just ended the war with Suna Ninja Village.

As a result, Iwa Ninja Village saw that Konoha had suffered heavy losses, and when its vitality was severely damaged, they silently gave Konoha a knife.

Should I say it?

Forget it, stop being such a bad person and let Yun Ninja Village deal with it on its own.

In this secret meeting, Ai is destined to return disappointed. He wants to drag Konoha to the rescue early, but this is impossible. It is up to you, the Cloud Ninja Village, to save him.

Ai did come back disappointed. No matter how he tried to persuade him, Yan just didn't agree and refused decisively.

There is no point in talking about this matter. Konoha will never be involved in the war if it is not the sixth child.

Konoha doesn't agree, and Ai can't do anything about it. He can't hold a knife to Hiko's neck and ask him to agree, right?

If you really dare to do this, I'm afraid Konoha and Yun Ninja Village will have to compete before they start fighting with Yun Ninja Village.

Returning to Yun Ninja Village, Ai immediately held a high-level meeting.

"Konoha refused and was unwilling to send people to the battlefield of Taki Country to support the Taki Ninja Village, so we can only rely on ourselves for support. My suggestion is to send an elite force to sneak into Taki Country.

With the help of Taki Ninja Village, an ambush was carried out, causing Iwa Ninja Village to fall hard. "

"Then Taki Ninja Village took the opportunity to announce to the outside world that the village had accepted their mission entrustment, so they sent ninja troops to assist Taki Ninja Village in resisting the enemy's attack."

I have to say that Yun Ninja Village’s calculations are very loud.

He wanted to intervene in the battlefield of Taki Country and drag Iwa Ninja Village into Taki Ninja Village, but he didn't want to directly declare war on Iwa Ninja Village, so he chose to collude with Taki Ninja Village.

We will first send people to sneak in quietly, and then you will be responsible for attracting them. We will ambush and attack the Rock Ninja Village hard.

Then you announced to the outside world that you invited us by way of task delegation.

From now on, even if Onoki is furious, he can't accuse Yun Ninja Village of anything. After all, Yun Ninja Village has not declared war.

It's just that you accepted the task commission. No matter how domineering you Ohnoki is, you wouldn't want to stop others from issuing commissions, right?

When the Iwa Ninja Village was dragged deeper and deeper into the country of Taki, the Kumo Ninja Village declared war head on and attacked directly.

Just as he said, Ai immediately sent someone to notify the envoy sent again from Taki Ninja Village.

The two sides quickly reached an agreement, but it is not yet known what price Taki Ninja Village paid.

Soon, a ninja force of more than 500 people quietly sneaked into the country of Taki in batches, preparing to cooperate with the Ninja Village of Taki in an ambush.

In Konoha, the messenger of Taki Ninja Village is still staying in the village and is unwilling to leave. Lian Yan admires this guy's perseverance for being able to stay in Konoha and not leave.

Fortunately, this won't have much impact on Konoha. If the other party doesn't want to leave, then just stay!

Anyway, after the hospitality period, all living expenses will be paid out of pocket, and Konoha will not be the loser anyway.

It is impossible for Konoha to keep you as a guest.

Just when everyone thought that Taki Ninja Village was doomed, shocking news came from the battlefield of Taki Country.

Yun Ninja Village sent many ninjas to sneak into the country of Taki, and cooperated with the people of Taki Ninja Village to stage an ambush.

An ambush caught the Iwa Ninja Village off guard and caused heavy losses. Even the positions they held were moved far toward the rear.

When the news came out, many people were shocked.

Is Yun Ninja Village planning to intervene in the war?

The Iwa Ninja Village, who reacted the fastest, immediately accused the Cloud Ninja Village of not following the rules, fighting without declaring it, and directly participating in the war.

Faced with the accusations from Iwa Ninja Village, Yun Ninja Village had no intention of paying attention.

On the contrary, Taki Ninja Village jumped out and announced that the reason why Yun Ninja Village participated in the war was because it accepted the mission commission issued by Taki Ninja Village, so it sent some people to support Taki Ninja Village.

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