"I'm sorry, it's an emergency! One life-threatening condition, one left arm defect, please!!"

At the emergency reception gate, she cried out loudly. Behind them were the captain and two stretchers.

... yes, this is an example of a hospital.

"The other day, Colette was just discharged from the hospital..."

Other hospitals are fine, but there is no need to spread information everywhere in vain, and there is no need for extra explanation, so I went to the same hospital (place).

Then, the doctor, who at first glance thought that the injured person was in a terrible state rather than a big mess, shouted out loud and was put on a stretcher and taken to the operating room.... the unconscious.

The person with a left arm defect has no life-threatening condition, and if there is a part with a thousand cuts, he will be able to have a joint surgery, but if not, there is nothing he can do, so he will only be able to handle the wound.

Still, disinfection, wound stitches, and infusions of anti-inflammatory agents might be necessary, but that's not something you want to compete for every second of every minute.

If this is right after the arm blows off, the story will change, but it's already been about 5 to 6 hours...

Ah, another stretcher came and the person with left arm defect was also carried.

... that's right, weren't you left alone...? "

"Captains, wait here for a moment." Don't say anything to the people in the hospital or anyone else until I get back. The person in charge will be back soon, and they'll tell you that they don't know anything because they just asked to carry the patient. "

"Oh, I see."

Yes, soldier, even in a state of emergency, they'll take care of it!

All right, transfer!

"That's why... I want you to accompany me to a patient who can't communicate and is anxious..."


"... so the same sentence below"


Thank you for waiting! Well, I'll send it to the main base (home base).

Huh? Is this the only time I'm here?

"That's why I told you it wasn't enough for the Captain to come!" I have a conversation with the hospital side, so I will go. Even if we stay here, everyone in Wolffang won't be here anymore. "


There's nothing you can do about it, even if you're blatantly discouraged.

"Well then..."

Serial metastasis!

I returned with five of them at Wolffang's home. In the meantime, just a millisecond.

And on the phone.

Of course, the other party's usual contact information.

... yes, the contact information of this country for the [Otherworldly Get-together (Isecon)].

If you take on such an injured person, the police will be contacted.

That's why I have to ask you to deal with it again.

And that's why I put it here, with the combat proof (Combat Proof) that's easy to tell.

... and the person in charge, who was terribly disappointed when he forced Colette to leave the hospital, was in a great mood and said, "I'll be right there! '" I shouted, but I was a little confused.

"Welcome home!"

The dean came to say hello with a smile on his face, which was quite annoying...

I haven't regained consciousness yet, but I had Colette stick to someone who had no life-threatening problems due to blood transfusions or infusions.

I don't know when my consciousness will return, and when I notice that all around me are strangers who don't understand words, I get hurt by anxiety and confusion.

And if I knew that the only person who could understand the words was Her Royal Highness the Princess, I could die of shock.

My senses are paralyzed, but for civilians, talking to Her Royal Highness is an unforgivable act of beating with the head...

Therefore, I would like to practice as an interpreter in order to study the words here. That's why I don't care about the princess, but I want more and more interpreters to help me study. "

Of course I'm here, but I have to talk to the hospital and the agent, and I have a lot of other errands.

Oh, I forgot.


I transferred to Japan and called McCoy.

No, I was able to get it from the hospital, but I thought that the telephone bill would be expensive outside the country, on the other side of the earth...

The content of the call is that there are about 4 trauma patients, and I want some minor injuries to be examined, so please leave the office regularly with antiseptics, wound medicine, painkillers, etc.

I have been properly informed that the seriously injured person has been transported to the Earth hospital due to the explosion. Because I thought that kind of information was necessary for the choice of medicine.

McCoy is an internist, but he can't treat injuries easily.

Besides, it's not a serious treatment, but an unexpected injury that has been overlooked... If you think it's just a punch, it's actually a fracture... If you leave it like this, you'll just have to check if there are any sequelae left. If there is a problem, I will think of a plan later.

And then again to the hospital.

"I'm busy..."

The explanation and treatment at the hospital is completed, and the two injured people are in the same room.

It's a four-person room, but we're the only two patients.

It was more convenient for intelligence protection, and Colette and Sabine could be together, and they could take turns.

Two injured people will feel better with their peers, and it will be easier to be bored if you have someone to talk to.

... Anyway, no matter what people talk about, they don't understand the language, and they don't have any trouble getting to know each other.

I don't think there's anything to be gained from people in countries where civilization has lagged behind when they talk about agriculture, fishing, and gunpowder manufacturing techniques.

"With this, I managed to pass a paragraph..."

I'm sorry about the accident, but I was lucky that there weren't any dead.

I'm sorry for the loss of one arm, but in that world, there are not few people who have lost limbs in accidents, wars, gangrene, etc. Since the Count of Boses is a person of character, you will probably continue to hire him in a place where you can work even with one arm. It's an official disaster.

We must reward and reward you for doing dangerous work for the Boses and the country.

There are many types of work that use the head rather than the left arm, work that can be done with one arm... paperwork, inspection, work management, etc. Especially in the Bozes, which are experiencing explosive development, there will be many people who can be trusted or entrusted to control.

... no, 'explosive' doesn't mean I want it to explode into gunpowder!

Ah, how about a prosthetic arm?

It would be very helpful if you could just hold the documents or grab something lightly.

It does not oppress the current industry in the other world, nor is it used in war.

It used to be expensive, but now it seems that you can get a fashionable and super cool muscle prosthesis (Bionic Hand) at a cheap price.

It is no wonder that a person with bad eyes wears glasses. Rather, stylish glasses are often cool.

In that case, it's good to wear a prosthetic arm by someone with a bad arm, which is also super cool.

I wonder if that person will be a forearm prosthetic rather than a forearm prosthetic because he is a forearm amputee.

Okay, let's do a lot of research.

If I am gone, I may not be able to repair or repair it, but until then, I would like to reduce the inconvenience slightly.

"Ah, I have to see Count Bozes and listen to him..."

Also, the investigation of the cause of the accident, measures to prevent recurrence, and so on...

There were six people who were admitted to the clinic, but there were probably more people who were injured than they were admitted to the hospital. "We need to get those people together before we carry Mr. McCoy..."

In the development of weapons and weapons, especially in relation to explosives, even on Earth in the past, death accidents and other daily tea events.

... but I don't want to make people as unhappy as possible with me.

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