"... anyway..."

Ahh, are we still talking about this...?

"What are you going to do?

No, no matter what they say...

Well, what should I do...

Beatrice is just watching in silence, worried.

Yesterday's Dubutante Ball was very satisfactory in itself, but that's not what I'm talking about. And he fully understands that this is about his life ahead.

Yes, Beatrice is not so stupid as to say "a serious discussion between the Count of Boise and the Princess of Thunder and the Witch."




"Stop teasing Mitsuha so much...."

Oh, we need backup from England!

"No, I'm not tormenting anything... I'm just punishing you a little!

... ah, yeah, it's not like you're 'angry, obviously scattered', but 'scolding me' for me. I knew that somehow.

"I'm sorry...."

Since I apologized, I was not scolded any further and decided to discuss what to discuss for now.

"... well, you just have to decline the engagement offer. There are some from the Duke who draws the blood of the royal family, but the military harbour connection is difficult, and it is not so much now. It is impossible to move now because of the insinuation of the Lord Shishaku, there is no apology to the goddess for being engaged and married immediately after assuming the role of Virgin. It is all because of Mitsuha, and the excuse is irrelevant.

Some of them may come from unmarried top nobles and royalties in other countries, but the royal palace will stop you because there will be no fool who would bother to send the Virgin to other countries.

... the problem is... "

Ah, the "Virgin Suspicion" one...

The temple, the upper aristocracy and royalty are about to take over...

There are relatively many decent kings and nobles in this country, and it would be foolish to serve the Virgin. But, no offense, I must welcome the Virgin with good intentions! They'll come out and say, "

... especially a temple, a temple, a temple...

I was pretty stuck to it before. You just need to register your name, so you can be a witch.

Apparently, he wanted to use the name value of the Salvation Hero, "Princess of Thunder and Witch."

I don't want to be involved in a fraud like that.

No, he didn't mean to do anything wrong. However, it seems that he was just thinking about donating, aiming to increase the number of worshippers, selling the goods of the Princess of Thunder Witch, holding some kind of event, etc...

I don't need that!

"Do you want to make Beatrice a 'what a saint' like this, or do you want to solve the misunderstanding by explaining that it is due to my country's entertainment artifact...

Each has its advantages and disadvantages.

And since I gave you advance notice of this, everyone knows that I'm involved in this... "

And you still think it's a "miracle of the goddess", guys...

"Originally, with the exception of some people, Mitsuha was thought to have connections to the goddess for ordinary kingdoms.

And it is no wonder that if Beatrice, who has ties with Mitsuha, becomes a saint, Mitsuha will be informed of it in advance by the goddess, and the king's city people will be entrusted with a miracle of blessing so as not to be surprised and confused.... "


Yes, because I think that I have a connection with the goddess, I think that I have carried out "the divine will of the goddess", that is, the consecration.

In that case, is it not a question of whether I am warning or rooting out, or 'informed in advance', regardless of which option I choose...


Well, let's go through!

"" Huh?

Everyone here, except me, the Counts of Bozess and Beatrice, spoke with surprise.

"Besides, you don't really have to make a formal statement, do you? Everyone in King's Landing checked the facts with their own eyes, so you don't have to bother explaining them here.

If you explain it, you have to argue that it is true, and if later discoveries or inconsistencies occur, is it bad?

If you don't explain anything, we won't be liable. You don't have to be responsible until the people who watched it assume it, do you?


And then, "My daughter's Dubutant Ball will definitely have that fireworks!" I don't have to worry about being screwed in. Just say, "Please ask the goddess yourself."

After a while of thinking, convinced by my explanation, the three Shishiki nodded to me who said something unusual....

"Ah, but what am I supposed to say if they ask me? If His Majesty the King or the Archbishop asks you, you can't ignore it.

Beatrice asked me the most extraordinary thing.

Yeah, that's the problem.

"... shut up, stick your fingers in your mouth and say, 'That's a secret! I don't know if I should just say," If you do so, the goddess may have stopped you, or you'll think about it on your own, and you won't be able to penetrate any further.

Ah, nobles and shrine officials may ask, but your Majesty and the Chancellor will never ask, so that's fine. "

I asked His Majesty and the Prime Minister to let me use the royal palace for fireworks, so I explained the fireworks at that time. Of course, even the guards....

So Royal Palace officials know the fact that there are some numbers. This is also one of the reasons why Beatrice can't be a Virgin.

Well, if you can festive the Virgin, you won't be able to walk a decent life.

You can leave that to a civilian girl who wants to marry His Royal Highness, right?

"... you've done so much flashy blessing miracle, there's nothing to stop talking about! It's as if the goddess is a horse... a little incapacitated!

That's what Beatrice complained about... yeah, that's right...

But, even if the non-existent goddess seems to be a bit of a horse... "a person who is incapable of thinking", there is no problem.

There will be no brave man who can stand up and insult the Goddess. At this level of civilization, religious values, and after the "miracle of the goddess" happened.

All right, let's settle this one down!

"... and I'm sure you'll be able to prepare something for the Third Princess and Second Prince, something far more than yesterday's..."


The next and biggest problem...

"Ah, I was thinking of" aerial dance by a flying dragon "or" simultaneous dragon brace firing by a ground dragon "...."

"" Ha!!

The Count, Elise, and Beatrice peeled their eyes.

... yeah, I was in a hurry, and I just thought about everything.

The former include formation flights of anti-submarine sentinel aircraft, aerial militia tactics (Blue Impulse) and acrobatics (Acrobat) flights by teams such as the US Air Force Thunderbirds, and formation of combat helicopters flying through the Ride of the Valkyrie at maximum volume from speakers.

I can't do local training beforehand, so I can't grasp the ground goal with a song (acrobat) flight, but could you take a satellite photo and create a chart in advance? If you remove the high-difficulty moves from the program, you'll be able to do it.... you're a 'professional on the road'.

The latter think of tanks, self-propelled artillery, mortars, guided missiles, etc.... well, it's about a dozenth of Japan's total fire drills.

Of course, it is not Japan that I ask, but other countries that are accommodative.

If you ask an army from somewhere along the Isekon route, they'll probably take care of it.

... you'll be asked for a lot of money, but I think if you give me two or three buckets of sea water or something like Hulkigenia, I'll take care of it.

And actually, there's another special idea that I just came up with.

It is a "laser show" that draws a picture with a laser in the night sky, and a "projection mapping" that replaces screens with gas and water particles sprayed in buildings and the air. If you distribute water from the outer walls of the castle rising in the night sky and special equipment into the air from the tip of the tower, I wonder if we can do something about it...

What, the audience is a first-time amateur. Even if it is slightly rough (oh), there is no problem.

Now, take a look. If there's only one plan, we'll figure it out...

"... is that something that can be implemented in the royal palace?


Flight exhibits, laser shows, and projection mapping will be fine, but the General Thermal Exercise (Dragon Breath) will never work! I have to go to some vast wasteland somewhere...

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