
A group of people like Hill, Monroe, Gormond, and Irvine are walking along the shore of the endless sea. Last night, there was a storm here. There were a lot of shells and seaweeds on the shore. Irvine collected some. Shells, I plan to fry mussels to eat.

In the morning, the sky was still relatively gloomy, but as the sun rose, dense clouds rose quickly, and then melted above their heads. The coastline of the Endless Sea is very long and varies greatly in shape. At this time they walked among a pile of messy reefs, and this area is full of such reefs. On the other side is a vast desert, and you can see the uplift of sand dunes not far away.

The desert by the ocean. Hill thought in his head. He immediately remembered that there is a desert by the ocean every week on the earth, which seems to be caused by the Peruvian cold current, and he had studied geography in high school. Hill remembered that the ocean currents in the high school geography class involved the formation of fishing grounds. The Peruvian fishing grounds were formed due to the upwelling current of the Peruvian cold current...Would he also try fishing grounds? I can't let the krakens just catch it like this.

Hill stood on the coast and closed his eyes.

Blue sky, blue sea and golden beach, Hawaiian style cabins, sparkling sea, speed boat, beach barbecue, hula dancing, bonfire party, lazy and cozy tropical style...

He opened his eyes and saw the empty sea and sandy beach in front of him.

There is a long way to go. He thought.

Right now it is indeed suitable to build a modern resort, but the lower realm is currently not very good at developing tourism. Although Hill is ready to move, he also understands that it should not be something to start coveting pleasure at this time. So he had to hide this idea in his heart first, and then move on with everyone.

Soon the desert disappeared, and the beach became narrow. Not far away, you could see messy mountains and rocks. There was a towering cliff a little farther away. The weather was very clear. The rocks on the cliff were shining. It should be some kind of mineral. . Hill stood there looking up at the cliff, feeling that it was suitable for building a villa.

Hmm...it's also suitable for the murder of a wild villa, it's still a secret room.

This scene is very Conan. He thought.

Farther away is the forest. The forest is shrouded in faint smoke, which looks a lot like the dark forest in the magic movie. But this is originally the lower bound. Hill thought.

Many birds have built nests on the cliffs. They fly around from time to time, and sometimes they are connected together like clouds. Their calls are very harsh, much louder than the sound of waves.

Hill saw that one of the big white birds would suddenly dive into the sea, picking up a fish, and then his other companions would use their sharp beaks to directly divide the fish into corpses, and then share them again.

"It's kind of brutal," Hill said.

Gormond raised his head to look at the birds hovering in the sky, and said, "They are targeting us."

"They" and "them" are different in the language of the Nether. Hill couldn't help but raised his eyebrows. Monroe said next to him, "It's worthy of being a bird of the Nether."

There are even more scary birds in the Nether♂Do you want to see it. A nasty joke appeared in Hill's mind. But now there are too many people, and Monroe is not easy to provoke after becoming a death knight, so Hill swallowed this sentence into his stomach.

Monroe glanced at him, "What are you thinking?"

"Yellow jokes." Hill answered truthfully.

"Feel it," Monroe said.

Hill: "Puff."

What kind of ghostly conversation.

Gormond was still looking up at the flock of birds, "I have seen ordinary demons who were dragged into the air by five or six of these birds directly with their clothes in their mouths, and then other birds cut them apart with their beaks."

Hill was a little creepy.

Then Gormond released the breath of the magic dragon, and the birds flying in the sky immediately dispersed. Gormond is right, they are really targeting these people.

"Go back and clean it up," Hill said.

"My king?" Gormond questioned.

"It's them, not them. This thing is just a bloodthirsty monster, not a part of the demons." Hill said, "Clean up and drive away. I will use this area in the future. I don't want them to be here. Harass people."

"Higher demons will not be harassed by these." Gormon said, "lower demons will be killed."

"Yeah. So we have to protect them." Hill said.

Gormond was stunned for a moment, "Protection? The weak and the strong is the principle of the lower realm, my king..."

"Then this principle should be changed." Hill said faintly. He raised his hand, and his fingertips emitted a faint green light, and the light went straight into the sky and spread out silently for a moment. In another circle, the birds with red beaks and white beaks were frozen in the air, their vitality was already deprived, "The principle in the future is to play the role of each race. I have the final say." Hill lowered his hand. The tone was lighter, and his voice was not turbulent, "I believe you have no objection, Gormond."

The faint green light faded from the sky.

The waves are still there.

Gormond felt a little bit shy. He felt that the faint look of Lord Demon in front of him was more terrifying than his previous angry look.

"Follow the will of my king," said Gormond, knelt on one knee.

Hill shook his hand casually, and the corpses of the birds that were frozen in the air fell like rain. Most of them fell into the sea and were eaten by fish. By the way, it is the kind of fish they ate before. Then Hill tilted his head, showing the usual smile without haze, even a little shy, "I'm hungry, it's time for lunch."

Gormond lowered his head, temporarily losing the courage to look directly at Hill.


Hill’s development path requires the Nether to change some of the habits they continue to this day. This has nothing to do with kindness and compassion. Hill only considers it for the benefit of the Nether. It is unrealistic and unrealistic that all the people are soldiers. The original lower realm is not called development, but maintenance and survival. And human beings who constantly create new things are called development. Sooner or later, there will be no need for angels to go down, and humans will be able to annihilate the demons. Hill thought.

But speaking of it, forcing others to do that as a demon king is actually a kind of weak food.

Lunch was eaten on the beach. Irvine picked some huge leaves and spread them on suitable rocks to make a simple dining table. Then everyone found some edible ingredients together, and Irwin also found some sea salt in the recesses of the rock, which was just right for cooking.

The main dish is mussel meat. The shells are inherently rich in umami flavor. They are delicious without adding much seasoning when cooking, but adding more will make the umami flavor loss. But if you like the flavor of seasoning, let's talk about it separately. So Irwin made a more original boiled mussel meat, and made a stir-fried mussel with more ingredients. The stir-fried mussel was delicious, crispy, and very refreshing.

In addition, it is grilled fish that you can never tire of.

In addition, Irwin also boiled fish soup, a soup made from pure wild fresh fish. The taste is extremely delicious and fragrant, and the taste is excellent.

When Gormon was looking for food, he accidentally found a beach full of black shells. Hill took Monroe over, and Monroe recognized that it was a mussel. Hill later checked his cell phone and found that mussels were suitable for farming. After he returned, he decided to set up a large mussel farm there. Of course the siren is in charge of this.

So the farming on land is given to the tauren, and the farming in the sea is given to the Kraken.

This division of labor is good and professional enough. Hill thought.

Mussels on the earth have strong vitality and are suitable for artificial large-scale cultivation. They are a popular seafood product with high nutritional value and medicinal value, and they are delicious to eat. Hill intends to produce them on a large scale and turn them into one of the main foods in the Nether.

In fact, many molluscs can be eaten directly, but Hill is not very keen on it, so he did not develop this way of eating.

There was no drinking water nearby. Monroe used magic to condense the water vapor to fill the glass, and then put the glass in front of Hill. Hill blinked, wondering if it was distilled water?

Gormond stared at Monroe: "Where is mine?"

"Do it yourself." Monroe said concisely.

Gormond almost sprayed Monroe's face with fire. He is a magic dragon, he can't do such fine manipulation.

At this moment, Irwin brought up the braised mussels and brought a few sliced ​​coconuts.

Hill didn't like the taste of coconut milk itself. He thought it was weird to drink. It would be acceptable if the taste was adjusted, but not now, so he was still drinking Monroe's water.

Monroe seemed to raise the corner of his lips.

Irvine snorted.

Quite cute. Hill thought.

Hill feels like walking with them, taking a walk, looking at the scenery in the lower realm, and then seeing what to eat... Um... the latter seems to be the point... Well, in short, it feels pretty good. , Relax enough, and also have some inspiration on how to build.

After all, infrastructure needs to be adapted to local conditions. Hill thought.

Eating the local specialties-this food is really local. It is a pleasant thing to chat with the sea breeze.

"Speaking of, Monroe," Gormond asked, "how do you humans record the demons?"

"There is a record that the demons have horns on their heads." Monroe replied.

"Part of it is true." Hill said, "but many races obviously don't. Do you let slimes have horns? Don't use slimes as a demon."

"Those books are mostly speculations." Monroe said, "and they said that the thicker the horns, the stronger the demons."

"...Then shouldn't I be wearing the horns of a Big Mac?" Hill twitched, "The hill above the heads of the previous Demon Kings?" After saying that, he was amused by himself, and Irwin saw Lord Demon smiling. Then he laughed, and for a while, the beach was full of joyful atmosphere (...).

Gormond pondered for a moment. He said, "This statement is biased."

Monroe nodded, "Well, I think so too."

Gormond continued: "If you have to say that the thicker an organ is, the stronger the male is, it's not impossible."


Hill looked at Gormond in shock: "...Are you driving Gormond?"

"On the matter," Gormond said solemnly.

"No, I don't think you are just going to make a decision, you are driving along the way." Hill said.

"But this is also with the help of ‘power’." Gormond said, "Master Demon Lord, you have taught me some martial arts philosophy from the mysterious east. I study it every day and understand some truths."

"Those reasons are not for you to make excuses for driving." Hill twitched, and Mr. Jin Yong in Tian Youling probably wanted to slap him in the air, "...I didn't expect you to have such a big eyebrow and big eyes. one side."

"That's to blame Monroe, he was the first to propose it." Gormond said.

Hill thought for a while, "Okay, blame Monroe."

Monroe over there finally couldn't help but speak: "...what's the matter with your demons."

Hill chuckles, "Now you are also one of us!"

Monroe looked at the sky with both eyes, regretting becoming a demon for the first time.

This group of people is a bit too sabi. ①

...However, I feel very relaxed.

He thought.


At the same time, Delia Luiz took a group of imperial relatives (which are really imperial relatives) into the shopping mall. She frowned and assured her brother: "The food here is delicious. It’s like hallucinogens."

Her brother, Caesar Louis: "..."

Sister, your brother's statement made me a little flustered.



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