Thanos stood in the vegetable field, carefully picking a tomato with his palm as big as a dustpan. His subordinate Wumuhou is using telekinesis to extract water from the river and turn it into drizzle to irrigate the vegetable garden.

"Sir, are we going to grow vegetables for the Green Goblin in the garden like this?"

Thanos failed the cooking test and had to start by growing vegetables in the garden. Regarding this extremely humiliating arrangement, he took it easy and let the remaining four generals among the five Obsidian generals command the huge army, leaving Ebony Maw to accompany him.

"Isn't that what I thought? Broly looked down on me so much and gave me the opportunity to observe him secretly. I don't believe that anyone is invulnerable."

He filled a big basket with all the fresh tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables. He took out this cooking encyclopedia and read it attentively.

Thanos believes that with his ability, he will be able to climb to the position of Broly's right-hand man sooner or later.

Just start by mastering the cooking skills.

"Hello, Thanos."

Tessa Eagle led the two of them over and carried away the picked vegetables.

"Are you still used to working here?"

"Very accustomed, madam, my dream is to have a piece of land of my own and grow vegetables and fruits on it. Thank you for making my wish come true."

Thanos' big face showed a satisfied expression.

"That's good."

After Tessa and the others left, the smile on Thanos' face faded.

"These ordinary earthlings are not simple. They possess some kind of energy, which is somewhat similar to Broly. This is simply stupid. They actually teach other people the secret of their own power. As long as I master this power, Maybe we can directly surpass Broly."

Ambition shone in his eyes. After observing many killers, he discovered that all of them had mastered the use of qi.

As time goes by, the concentration of dark magic on the North American continent becomes higher and higher, and the sun in the sky becomes dim. Due to lack of sunshine, surrounding farms began to reduce production and large areas of plants withered.

A figure walked into the farm. The originally lush corn had long since withered, leaving only the stalks standing on the ground, like tombstones.


He accidentally crushed the bones on the ground.

That was the body of the former farmer. The violent wild wolf rushed into the farm and ate up the whole family.

And this group of wild wolves regarded this place as their lair.

The invasion of outsiders quickly alarmed this group of bloodthirsty beasts. They very cleverly pulled out a loose encirclement, trying to surround the intruder.

Because of the abundant food, these wild wolves are larger than their relatives in New York City. Their fur is shiny and smooth, and their eyes turn red under the stimulation of dark magic.

The figure flew away suddenly, the gun light roaring, and it killed the wild wolf in front of it in an instant. When people follow the spear, the spear blooms and is unstoppable.

The wolves were quickly slain, and the figure reached the leader.

Seeing that all his men were killed, the alpha wolf let out a long and shrill roar, and suddenly breathed out a black breath from his mouth.

The man just waved his gun and blew away the breath, then killed the wolf and hung it in mid-air.

"These beasts are getting tougher and tougher."

The one who killed all the wolves was the gun-wielding demon.

He looked at the wolf corpses lying on the ground and felt a little emotional. Stimulated by dark magic, these wild wolves quickly became stronger, and some individuals even mastered the crude use of dark magic.

After Veronica was killed by Broly, the morale of these demons fell to the bottom.

Several powerful demons fell into internal strife and wanted to take Veronica's place. The gun-wielding demon directly abandoned the men assigned to him by Veronica and left Washington.

Sure enough, the demons who were holding each other back suffered a defeat when faced with the US military who had accumulated strength and launched a counterattack. Although they were not injured, this was the first defeat the demons had suffered.

But it definitely won't be the last defeat. Humanity's power is constantly recovering, but the demons are constantly weakening.

The novice monk was carrying a spear and looking at the abandoned farm.

He knew that if he acted like those demons, the demons would be completely wiped out from the earth.

After Veronica's death, the demons almost lost the ability to reproduce. The demon robots would only lose less in battles, and could no longer easily transform all the mechanical appliances in an entire city as before.

Whether it is internal fighting or fighting with the US military, it is weakening the demon clan's own strength.

Therefore, he chose to leave Washington, a place where four wars took place, and enter the relatively sparsely populated central region.

The novice monk walked into the farm. The wild wolves had made a mess, with wolf droppings and broken bones everywhere.

He even found a few leftover cows in the cattle pen. Although these beef cattle are in poor condition, they are still alive.

The intelligence of these wild wolves is growing as fast as their strength. Already know how to store and raise livestock.

But these are things that humans need to worry about.

The novice monk broke through the door and walked into the farmer's house. Here lay the bones of the remaining three people. The warmly decorated house was already in a mess and filled with a strong stench.

He dusted off the dust and garbage on the sofa, sat down, and put the magic gun at hand. The sofa collapsed under the weight of his heavy body.

Even as a demon, he was a little tired after walking for so long.

He took out the water bottle he brought with him and took a sip of water.

Although their needs are very small, demons still need to eat and drink water. The biological tissues proliferating in their bodies require energy.

Suddenly, the novice monk grasped the magic spear and stood up.

"Come out."

He said to the door.

There was silence outside the door, only the sound of wind and sand.

The novice monk shook his spear, and the magic spear in his hand let out a long and shrill roar. The demonic snake materialized, its scales fully visible, its fangs ferocious, and it snaked towards the door.


The wooden wall was pierced through with almost no obstruction, and the demonic snake devoured the person standing outside the door.

A flash of light suddenly lit up in front of the demonic snake. The person used the demonic knife in his hand to cut off the scales and tendons of the terrifying demonic snake and dismember it in the air.

But the terrifying demonic snake was just a false move by the novice monk.

The sharp spearhead stabbed straight away, catching the person off guard. Even though he tried his best to dodge, the spearhead still drew a bloody mark in front of him.

"You have become stronger, Samitao."

The person hiding outside the door is also a demon.

"But I'm not the only one here this time."

Three more demons appeared around, faintly surrounding the novice monk in the center.

"Novice monk, do you have any fragments of the Holy Lord's fire source on your body?" The demon asked with a wicked smile: "If you hand it over, I will let you go."

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