Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 305 Doomsday weather

In New Wakanda, Tony Stark is using vibranium to create new bodies of Mark and Friday in Ivan Vanko's laboratory.

After having an almost endless supply of vibranium, he was immersed in the laboratory almost without sleep or food, without leaving home.

"Mr. Stark, I recommend that you get at least six hours of sleep."

Friday's head was placed on the table and several cables were attached to it.

"How can I sleep now? Every time I close my eyes, I can see the victims who died at the hands of Veronica. They are questioning me and asking me why I created this killing machine."

Tony Stark is in a very bad state now. His hair has turned into bird's nests due to being too dirty, his eye bags are severely swollen, and his eyes are full of bloodshot eyes. He is no longer the playboy he was before.

Black Widow Natasha has been obtaining the situation in North America by hacking into the US military command system and intelligence system. And compiled into a daily report.

Just yesterday, Veronica attacked Boston. The mayor of Boston fled directly without organizing citizens to evacuate. Most of the citizens of Boston were killed, and few survivors escaped. So far, the demons and demon robots have turned the entire city into a pile of ruins.

After demonizing the machines in the city, the number of demon robots skyrocketed again like a snowball. The U.S. military was retreating steadily. The battle lines were retreating almost all the time. Large-scale desertions had even begun to occur in the army.

The Air Force has dropped several tactical nuclear bombs on Cybertron and cities in the sky. But the nuclear bomb was either directly swallowed by Cybertron and in turn provided energy for Cybertron, or it just killed some insignificant demon robots.

The plan to use nuclear strikes failed directly.

As the head of the Titan Project, Tony Stark takes all the responsibility on his shoulders. But Veronica's power is too powerful, and it's simply not something he can handle. This only made him feel more guilty.

Pepper tried to pull him out of the experiment, but failed miserably.

Suddenly, there was a loud thunder-like sound in the sky over New Wakanda, and Baya, who became even larger, was sent back to Wakanda from the front line against the demon robots by the Rainbow Bridge.

Optimus Prime was unwilling to sit back and watch Veronica increase her power unscrupulously, so he suggested to Kakarot that he should use the unparalleled super mobility of the Rainbow Bridge to find an opportunity to surprise Veronica and curb her growth in strength.

At first, it was just Kakarot who made a sudden attack, killing the demons and demon robots. After Baya retrieved New Wakanda, its Red Lotus Shock was extremely efficient at killing enemies on a large scale. It can easily melt the demon robots within several kilometers with ultra-high temperature, and even stronger demons can't resist it.

As Asgard's strategic weapon for projecting power, the Rainbow Bridge can instantly deliver thousands of Asirs, combat weapons and supplies. Delivering a behemoth like Baya is no problem.

Without the restraint of the two of them, Veronica would have led the mechanical army and reduced the entire North America to rubble.

Kakarot and Baya were not unscathed. There were several long and narrow sword marks crisscrossing Baya's huge body. The hard scale skin at the wound was cut neatly, and the flesh was rolled up.

Kakarot's injury was even more serious, with a penetrating wound directly penetrating his abdomen.

After they cleared some of the demon robots, they were ambushed and surrounded by three Veronicas. If Heimdall hadn't opened the Rainbow Bridge in time, he might have been left in Boston.

Kakarot covered her wound and flew into the medical cabin, and the nutrient solution slowly swallowed her up. The severe pain at the wound gradually eased.

"Veronica is getting stronger."

After recovering from a near-death state, her strength improved by leaps and bounds, but she could still only compete with a Veronica. After being besieged, he instantly fell into a disadvantage and was pierced through the abdomen by one of the Veronica's magic swords.

"No. 18 is getting familiar with the power of the Cosmic Cube and will soon be able to join the battle."

Professor Connors said.

The Cosmic Cube is not a pure energy source, but also has the power to manipulate space. After No. 18 was implanted with the Cosmic Cube, he suddenly understood the power of space and was able to perform operations such as opening space doors and teleporting by accident.

The extremely practical space ability makes No. 18 even more powerful.

When No. 18 fully masters the power of the Space Stone, it's time for them to take action against Veronica. You don't even need to take action against Veronica, you can directly use the space gem to rescue Broly who is trapped in the dark dimension.

A group of people who escaped from New York City. The current situation is being understood through the radio in the car.

Now the grassroots rule in areas near the east coast of the United States is close to collapse and has entered a state of anarchy. The National Guard and the Army were severely damaged, and the thin armed force of the police was unable to restore order.

Some wealthy and powerful capitalists and politicians have fled to Australia and Europe, leaving their motherland that has become a battlefield.

Along the way, quite a few areas had been cut off from water and electricity, and there were countless thugs who took the opportunity to loot and set fires. Shops were closed, gas stations were set on fire and roads were blocked by barricades and burning discarded tires. Traffic has been cut off.

Peter Parker jumped off the roof of the car and threw the abandoned car in front of him to the side of the road.

He couldn't hide the look of exhaustion and confusion on his face. Along the way, he had killed countless thugs. In the absence of order, the dark side of human beings is fully unleashed.

The evil deeds of those thugs made it difficult for Peter Parker to treat them as human beings anymore.

Dr. Banner adjusted his glasses, holding a stacked map in his hand, and identified the current location. They were heading to Nevada, where there was an advanced gamma ray laboratory.

After examining the heart crystals of demon robots and demons, he suspected that it might be possible to read the information in these heart crystals through gamma ray irradiation.

"We still have about two thousand kilometers to go along the state highway."

"We are running out of fuel. We have to find a gas station to replenish the fuel as soon as possible."

said Gwen Stacy, with her father, George Stacy, sitting next to her. What he saw and heard along the way completely knocked down this patriot, and now George Stacey has become autistic.

"There should be a gas station more than 20 kilometers ahead. I hope there is no complete loss of order there."

Dr. Banner said hesitantly. If possible, he could not wait to fly to the laboratory in Nevada to study the secrets of these demons earlier.

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