Although the Hulk is very powerful, the Devil is not an ordinary person. To be able to possess the power they have now, they have at least slaughtered hundreds of their own kind and absorbed the energy of tens of thousands of humans.

Although a considerable part of their power was harvested by Veronica, their power still exceeded the imagination of ordinary people.

The devil wielding the halberd was possessed by a ferocious demonic figure as soon as his devilish energy surged, and his strength increased greatly.

He hit Hulk on the back of the head with a halberd. There was a muffled sound, and with great force, the halberd body trembled violently, and Hulk's body was slammed into the ground, and the hard concrete sank in like soft mud.

The violent vibrations could even be felt by several people in the car.

"Run, we have to run fast."

"No, we can't run. We can't run away anymore. Only by joining forces with Hulk can we hope to survive."

Because he has fought against the demons, Peter Parker is well aware of their terror. The Hulk cannot last long in their hands. If he chooses to run, he will only be defeated by these demons one by one.

"Interesting, I didn't expect there are still rats alive in this city."

A sword-wielding demon noticed the two cars and slashed out a sword.

The sword flashed with lightning and he had already reached the front of the car in the blink of an eye. Peter Parker had already sensed something bad when the demon started to attack, and blocked the front with his sword.


The sword energy was intercepted by the magic sword, and Peter Parker slashed with all his strength, directly wiping out the entire sword energy.

The sword-wielding demon was startled. He did not expect that the ants could actually resist.



One of Wade's arms shot out like a ballista, flying towards the halberd-wielding demon.

"Little tricks."

The demon said contemptuously, raised the halberd in his hand, intercepted the flying arm, and wrapped it around the halberd.

"come on!"

As soon as he pulled, Wade was pulled away at the other end of his arm with huge force.

Peter Parker cuts off his arm with a sword and saves Wade.

"That sword? This idiot actually died in your hands. His sword is pretty good, and it belongs to me now."

The devil holding a meteor hammer stared at the magic sword in Peter Parker's hand, his eyes showing greed.

This demon sword accompanied by hatred is very famous among demons. Because this is a companion magic weapon that may become a magic weapon.

Although it is impossible to grow into a powerful magic weapon like Xingxujie and Jiufeng, it is still very precious. When they were in Sokovia, many demon robots were already eyeing Qiu Yu because they coveted the magic sword, and they consciously restricted the growth of his strength and waited for him to cultivate the magic sword to maturity.

Unexpectedly, Qiu disappeared mysteriously not long after entering New York City. The demons thought he had escaped, but they did not expect that he was killed because they thought he was too useless.

The meteor hammer roared, and the demonic energy surged on the hammer body, turning into the head of the demonic dragon.

When facing Hulk, he did not use all his strength, but instead exploded all his demonic energy in order to seize the magic sword.


Peter Parker nimbly dodged the flying dragon's head, thrust the magic sword in his hand horizontally, and the tip of the sword penetrated the iron chain behind the dragon's head. Sparks burst out, nailing the meteor hammer to the ground.

The demon grinned ferociously, and the nailed dragon head suddenly turned its head, spitting black lightning from its mouth.

Peter Parker raised his sword and tilted the dragon's kiss, and the destructive lightning almost grazed his head. He looked at the road surface that had been eroded by lightning and made a big hole, and he was filled with fear. As long as the reaction is slow for a moment, the whole person will be directly electrocuted to ashes.

Seeing that the hidden hand had been dodged, the demon was not upset, and the entire meteor hammer turned into a demonic dragon, circling and biting.

Peter Parker jumped back and forth, dodging the roaring dragon. The magic sword in his hand would strike at the dragon from time to time, causing sparks to burst out.

The halberd-wielding demon shouted loudly, and slapped Hulk back as he tried to get up from the ground. He glanced at Peter Parker who was fighting with the demons, and knew that if they were not dealt with quickly, things would very likely change.

He liked the euphorbia that came with it very much, but he didn't covet the magic sword that much.

"You go kill the rest of the men, and I'll hold off the beast."

Hulk's power is so strong that even the Demon Man cannot compete with him alone. These demons were temporarily united to hunt him.

The thoughts of other demons have long been focused on the magic sword in Peter Parker's hand. As soon as he heard that the halberd-wielding demon was willing to hold Hulk back, he immediately rushed towards Peter Parker and his group to kill them.

The remaining demon twirled the halberd in his hand and hooked his hand at the Hulk on the ground. He is more warlike than other demons. Called in for support by other demons, he has yet to fight the Hulk alone.

Hulk wiped the back of his head, saw the green blood on his hands, roared angrily, and flew towards the demon.

The demon changed his shape, preparing to use his body skills to avoid Hulk's terrifying attack.

In his opinion, although Hulk is rough-skinned and thick-bodied, he is just a beast with low intelligence and it is too easy to defeat him.

At this moment, the severed hand that fell on the ground suddenly came to life and circled around his body, blocking him for a moment.

Hulk's momentum was so fast, in just a moment, the devil was knocked straight.


With a loud noise, the demon was like a watermelon that was squashed. Even the demonic energy in his body was squeezed out. His whole body flew like a cannonball and crashed into the buildings on the roadside.

Hulk roared angrily, rushed into the ruins, pulled the demon out, and swung it wildly on the ground, leaving a mess on the roadside.

The arm that was shattered by the impact of the impact wriggled and reorganized, grasped the euphorbia that fell on the ground, and flew back to Wade's shoulder.

"Haha! This weapon belongs to me!"

He has been coveting Peter Parker's magic sword for a long time, and now he finally has his own magic weapon.

The demons who were about to attack Peter Parker and the others were shocked. They did not expect that their companions would be defeated so quickly.

Hulk already hated these demons very much. After killing the halberd-wielding demon, he roared and rushed towards the other demons.

Instead, several demons were surrounded.

As demons, there was no trust between them. They only came together because they fell in love with Hulk's terrifying blood. Now that the situation has taken a turn for the worse, they naturally have the idea of ​​​​flying separately when disaster strikes.

Hulk was like a whale diving into a pond and jumped into the crowd. His body was huge and bulky, and there was nothing he could do against these dexterous demons. But with the help of Peter Parker and others, everything was possible. It’s different.


The demon who wielded the meteor hammer was directly hugged by Wade, and the two of them were hammered into the ground by the Hulk.

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