Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 245 Smuggling into Europe

Natasha wore a black dreadlocked wig to cover her eye-catching orange-red hair. Her skin color was dyed dark, and the Slavic face was adjusted to become more black. T'Challa standing next to her had messy hair, neat teeth painted yellow, and was wearing a shirt that was too large, covering his strong figure.

Because they were afraid of being wanted by SHIELD, they prepared to head to Europe by smuggling. Hawkeye Patton, who was also marginalized, was on a mission in Europe.

They are now in Agadez, Niger, the southern gateway into the Sahara Desert.

There are a large number of Gambians, Cameroonians and poor people from remote states in Nigeria stranded in this city. They tried to cross the vast Sahara Desert to Libya, where they took a boat to sneak across the Mediterranean and entered Europe to realize their dream of making a fortune.

But their money is usually spent after arriving in Agadez, and they can only survive in various ways in this city.

The fare from Agadez to Libya alone costs $500, plus an additional $300 as a gift from the police at the checkpoint. This amount may only be the cost of a dinner for a rich man in Europe, but most stowaways cannot raise it.

When they arrived in Libya, they had to spend more money to buy a boat ticket. Libya is currently in the midst of a war, with various tribal armed forces and opposition forces fighting each other. These smugglers are the fat sheep in their eyes. Very few people can actually reach what they see as the promised land of Europe.

Natasha and T'Challa certainly aren't trapped by money. They had already bought their tickets from the smuggler.

"We will be heading to the Sahara in half an hour, so stay alert."

Natasha checked the stun darts and pistols. These smugglers were not good people. Many stowaways were looted and then dumped in the desert.

T'Challa nodded, looking at the mud house opposite with a complicated expression. Two skinny girls, about thirteen or fourteen years old, were trying to drum up business. They were wearing torn skirts and their voices were weak. They had obviously been malnourished for a long time.

They noticed T'Challa's gaze and wanted to drag him to the mud house.

T'Challa avoided the outstretched hand as if he was electrocuted, and wanted to pay for them. But was directly stopped by Natasha. She gave T'Challa a warning look.

The two of them faked their identities as siblings from Kano State, but they couldn't spare much money to help others.

The two girls looked like stowaways trying to reach Europe. Such people are usually closely associated with smugglers, and it would be foolish to expose your wealth in front of them.

"We don't have any money, go away, bitch!"

She accurately played the role of a shrew and drove the two girls back.

"Now we have no ability to save anyone else, you must remember this. At the bottom of this society where people eat people, compassion is a luxury and will make you a prey in the eyes of others."

T'Challa lowered his head in frustration.

"I once had the power to change their status quo."

"Regret is the most useless emotion. What we need to do is change the future."

The smuggler soon came to pick them up in a truck. They were driving a small truck with more than twenty people crammed into the compartment. It was almost crowded and even sitting down was difficult.

The smuggler directly locked the door of the truck and started crossing the Sahara Desert under the guidance of GPS.

The smugglers in this business are already veterans of traveling back and forth to the desert. The two of them, Natasha, arrived in Libya smoothly without any danger, passed through a war zone with fierce fighting, and boarded a small boat bound for Europe.

Natasha sat a little tiredly on the boat and looked at the undulating sea of ​​the Mediterranean Sea. Along the way, she felt her heart tightening almost all the time. If anything went wrong, he might become a dead skeleton in the desert or a prisoner kidnapped by opposition forces.

On the way, she also killed a lustful stowaway who tried to kidnap her and sell her to opposition forces in exchange for a ticket to Europe.

T'Challa was a little silent, and he has remained in this state since he truly saw the cruelty of the lower society.

Their ferry leaked midway, but fortunately the leak was not serious and the ship did not sink directly. Natasha directed everyone to scoop out water and blocked the leak with clothes, so that the ferry could barely reach the end.

By the time they arrived in Italy, three of them had froze to death on the sea due to the cold water. Although the remaining people survived to the end, they were already dying.

A woman knelt directly on the beach, kissing the sand crazily, and others cried out in ecstasy. In their view, arriving in Europe means reaching heaven.

"These people are happy too early. The European Union has long stopped welcoming refugees. They have no skills, and they cannot obtain refugee status to receive relief. In the end, I am afraid they can only spread blankets in the woods and sell their bodies."

The snakehead lit a cigarette and said to Natasha. He was very optimistic about Natasha's calmness and command ability at sea. I want to get her to join me in the human smuggler business.

"Haha, as long as the dream is not exposed, we can collect a lot of money from these idiots. Rashida, you are different from these idiots. Those arrogant Europeans cannot accept us. , come and do it with me, haha, it’s not easy for you to support your stupid brother in Europe.”

Naturally, it was impossible for Natasha to stay and sit on a small snake head and leave directly with T'Challa.

"You're going to regret it, bitch!"

The smuggler yelled directly.

On the way Natasha took off her wig and used special makeup remover to wipe off the dye on her face. I dialed Hawkeye Barton's cell phone in a small supermarket on the roadside.

"Hey, is it Natasha? Is there something urgent? I need to call this number."

Barton's voice rang on the other end. This phone number was known only to his most trusted people and would never be tapped.

"Barton, is it convenient for you to talk on the phone now?"

Natasha said.

"Don't worry, I'm the only one here, others can't hear our conversation."

Barton kept his alertness as an agent, and after the secret phone call was suddenly called, he naturally distanced himself from other agents.

"I was attacked in Africa. The person who attacked me was a quick reaction special force. I suspect SHIELD has been seriously penetrated. No one can be trusted now. I will come to Rome to join you, and I must come alone!"

Natasha said, quickly giving a meeting address.

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