Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 180 Underwater Battle

Years of hunting and finding food in the earth's mantle and the dark seabed have made Godzilla's hearing so acute that it exceeds the limits of human imagination.

Even before Winston chased the pod of whales, he had already distinguished the Rylon from the background noise of the ocean. Even the P-3C patrolling in the sky did not escape its ears. He could even hear the conversations inside the submarine.

He pretended not to know and drove the whales to the waters where the Ruilong was located, causing the Ruilong to expose itself in panic. Attracting the US military and Self-Defense Forces forces from nearby waters to appear.

Their real target has always been the Titans, and Tony Stark, who designed and built the Titans.

After Tokyo was severely damaged by the Titans, both Winston and Norman Osborn were very afraid of the Titans and wanted to get rid of them quickly. There are not many weapons on this planet that can threaten them, and Titan is the most deadly among them.

Moving forward at high speed in the water, a long and narrow water belt was pulled out behind him. Winston could clearly hear the sound of the destroyer's propeller turning in the water and the sound of the patrol aircraft dropping active sonobuoys.

He was consciously moving in one direction.

On the Quinjet in the sky, Natasha stared at the electronic map uneasily. On the surface, there is almost nothing suspicious about Godzilla's movement path. After he discovered that he was surrounded, he first circled around, trying to find the weak point in the encirclement. After being driven away by the torpedo, he consciously headed towards the shallow sea.

The hydrological environment of shallow seas is much more complex than that of deep seas. As long as Godzilla hides in shallow ocean trenches or among undersea mountains, he can avoid sonar pursuit.

This kind of operation is quite normal for a former Navy SEAL commander.

"Where is the other Godzilla?"

She thought for a while and asked a question.

"The remaining submarines of the Self-Defense Force are on alert in the surrounding waters, and all have active sonar turned on. They should be able to detect the approaching second Godzilla immediately. We need to create a time difference and get there first before the two Godzillas merge. Kill one of them!"

Nick Fury will naturally not forget the other Godzilla. Even though Titan has made a lot of improvements due to the experience of the first battle, it is still very difficult to deal with two Godzillas at the same time. Even with the support of so many destroyers, fighters and bombers, it is impossible.

"Hope everything goes well."

Natasha suppressed her doubts.


Depth bombs dropped by P-3C patrol planes and bombers detonated one after another, blasting out continuous bulges on the sea. The sea water collapsed into countless leaping water droplets due to the huge impact. The white light from the explosions under the water was almost continuous.

The fishy smell of sea water filled the air.

Godzilla swims at full speed so fast that it is difficult for the torpedo to hit unless it is a sneak attack or a head-on attack. They could only drop a huge amount of depth bombs in advance by calculating Godzilla's trajectory and water depth.

For this battle, SHIELD pulled out almost all the depth charges in the Self-Defense Forces' inventory. Because the US military has a variety of advanced anti-submarine means, depth bombs have long been withdrawn from service. SHIELD even made an emergency purchase of a batch from Russia and China.

The water was turbid, and the sonar floating on the sea could only hear a murmur of continuous explosions.

Winston, who was submerged in the sea, let out a scream. The seawater could not be compressed, and the power of the explosion hit him with almost no buffer.

Even after he completed his genes, he still received a big impact.


The hook rope fixed to the Titan's body released its buckle, and the heavy body immediately plummeted toward the roaring sea water.

The aircraft body glided in the air for a certain distance before falling diagonally into the sea.


There was a loud noise like a landslide, and tens of thousands of tons of seawater were thrown high into the sky by the impact. It seemed like a storm had arisen.

As soon as the Titan hit the water, it activated its newly installed plasma jet thrusters. The nozzle on the machine body immediately sprayed out a bright blue flame. The thrust of these engines is not enough to make the Titan fly, but it is enough to allow it to move at high speeds through the water.

Because he had already considered the possibility of fighting Godzilla in the sea. Tony Stark has made many corresponding additional improvements, including waterproofing the body and equipping it with a new weapon.

It was a spear hundreds of meters long, with a long needle-shaped armor-piercing tip. With the Titan's powerful output, it could easily penetrate several meters of steel. An Ark reactor is installed inside the gun body, which not only coats the gun tip with a layer of sharp plasma cutting flames, but also releases a powerful electric shock of hundreds of millions of volts after piercing the target's skin.

After studying the data collected by Veronica during the previous battle, Tony Stark discovered that powerful electric shocks can interfere with the discharge and storage cells in Godzilla's body, causing Godzilla to temporarily lose the ability to spit out radiation and move. ability. If it punctures a vital part, it is more likely to kill Godzilla directly.

In order to be able to use this powerful weapon freely, Steve conducted arduous training in marksmanship.

"Report body status, Veronica."

Steve watched the nearby water through the sensor.

"Everything is normal, Steve. Do you want to turn on the active sonar?"

Veronica replied.

In the sea water, the phased array radar on the body loses its function, but Tony Stark has already considered this. A high-frequency active sonar is installed on the head, active-passive/active integrated sonar on the shoulders and back, and three wide-aperture passive ranging sonar on each side of the ribs.

In a series of "Bang!" and "Bang!" sounds, the sound waves returned instantly located Godzilla's location. Steve held the spear on his back in his hand.

"Speed ​​up! Veronica!"

The blue flames exploded, pushing Titan towards Godzilla at high speed. The heavy sea water was pushed away layer by layer, and the heavy sound of water could be heard even in the cockpit.

Seconds later, a low-light television camera located in the head spotted the massive Godzilla.

Titan held the gun in both hands, and the gun tip flashed with dazzling plasma cutting flames, like a cold star in the dim sea water.

Special skills are required to operate this powerful spear. Although the armor-piercing spear head is made of ultra-high-strength alloy, it can only be used for piercing. The special shape puts it in danger of breaking once it is subjected to lateral force.

If you want to cut, you can only rely on the disembodied plasma on the outer edge.


Winston's huge figure was surprisingly flexible in the water. He twisted his body and avoided the direct thrust, but the plasma only made a scorch mark on his body surface.

After missing the target, Titan did not slow down, but instead distanced himself at high speed, preparing for a second stab.

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