Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 169: Mount Tai is overwhelming

Steve Rogers increased the power of the plasma pulse cannon to the highest level, and the hot plasma jet burned for three or four minutes.

The blue plasma jet was like a leaping arc, swaying in the pit, melting the nearby concrete and soil into red-hot magma, rolling into it, and turning into a pool of steaming magma.

The scalding hot gas steamed, and a thick black claw stretched out from the magma. Norman Osborn crawled out of it in a very embarrassed manner. There were several scorch marks on his indestructible hide. The plasma jet created a high temperature environment of tens of thousands of degrees at the bottom of the pit, which even Godzilla, who could survive in magma, would find it difficult to withstand it.

Although the sword that Titan stabbed directly did not penetrate the skin, the impact hurt the tendons under the skin, and even the internal organs were impacted, causing a dull pain.

Steve controlled the Titan to hold the hilt of the sword with one hand, thrust downward with all his strength, and pushed Norman Osborn, who was trying to climb out of the magma, back into the magma. His right hand was constantly bombarded with plasma pulse cannons.

The turbid waves of rolling magma were churning, and Norman Osborne was writhing in the pool like a bastard. The hot plasma jets bombarded his scales, traveling like arcs, causing secondary damage.

Tony Stark, suspended in mid-air, watched the battle in silence. Although Norman Osborn was much weaker than expected when he first designed Titan, Steve's rich combat experience was indispensable for being able to suppress him so easily. Not long after he came into contact with Titan, he was able to exert the body's performance to this extent. This was simply a miracle.

Titan is different from the MK series. Veronica's intelligence is quite limited and cannot take over a large number of tedious operations like Jarvis. A considerable number of functions require manual operation, and the neural operating system will put a very strong load on the driver's brain.

After all, to make a giant machine more than eighty meters in size move flexibly, the information that needs to be processed is beyond the capabilities of an ordinary human body.

Steve was able to manipulate the Titan to perform such delicate and precise operations, which seemed easy but actually quite difficult.

Although Tony Stark was reluctant to admit it, he was indeed unable to control Titan to this point even with the assistance of Jarvis.


Norman Osborn, who was pinned in the magma pool, directly peeled off the hot soil at the bottom of the pool and drilled from the ground to the back of Titan.

At this time, he was in a very embarrassed state. There was almost no good flesh on his face, and the deep white bones were exposed. His body was even more scarred, and the squirming internal organs could be seen in his body.

However, after Norman Osborn was embedded with more Godzilla genes, his vitality was greatly improved. After such a severe injury, he had lost most of his combat effectiveness before the replacement, but now, he is still alive and kicking, as if The injuries on his body are all fake.

His huge body jumped up and fell on the Titan's back, his sharp claws tearing at the armor modules on the body.

Unfortunately, the armor of the main parts of Titan uses the same technology as MK2, which can evenly spread the force of external impact. This ability is enough to withstand Broly's punches on the smaller MK2. After distributing the impact to a huge machine like Titan, Norman Osborn's attack is like scratching an itch.

"Buzz buzz!"

The electrical storage cells all over Norman Osborne's body transferred electrical energy to his back. The discharge cells on his dorsal fin instantly released enough electrical energy to sublimate the human body in an instant. Each dorsal fin lit up one after another, transmitting the energy to his throat.

"Radioactive hotline!"

Since his claws couldn't penetrate the robot's armor, he planned to destroy it directly with the atomic breath breathed out by the radioactive rays.

Before he could spit out the huge energy gathered in his throat, the chain sword in Titan's hand suddenly untied, and the blades were violently separated by the strong magnetic repulsion, turning into a length of nearly a hundred meters. whip.

Under Steve's control, the driver of the whip controls the direction of the magnetic field between the blades, manipulating the chain sword in the whip form like an arm.

The long whip swinging at high speed was like a long snake, tearing through the sky and making a shrill whistling sound.

Norman Osborne had no time to dodge, and was struck by the whip-shaped chain sword. The highly elastic hinge tightly wrapped around his neck, and the sharp blade hooked tightly on the scales.


The power of the nerve muscles was increased to the limit, and a high-frequency buzzing sound was emitted under the stimulation of the current. The hydraulic drive device exploded with tremendous force in an instant.

Norman Osborn was ripped off directly, and Steve swung him through the air several times before slamming him into the biochemical laboratory.


The entire solid biochemical laboratory was directly destroyed. The ground trembled violently, and the dull shock wave directly threw the masonry and dust on the ground into the air.

Steve pulled the hilt of the sword and pulled Norman Osborn out of the ruins. He picked it up again and smashed it into the ruins again.

The destroyers of the Seventh Fleet that were still sunk at the bottom of the sea made him dare not relax his vigilance at all, and wanted to kill Norman Osborn directly and completely.

After being swung fifteen times in a row, the entire biochemical laboratory was wiped off the map, leaving only a large pit, and the reinforced concrete in the center was crushed into the finest powder.

Norman Osborne's bruised body was lying on the pit. He was in terrible shape at this moment. Most of the dorsal fins on his back were broken, his scales were rolled back, his flesh and blood were blurred, and even the uranium liquid stored in the uranium liquid bag was leaking. Out.

The white bones can be seen on the neck wrapped by the chain sword.

But even though the injury was so serious, Norman Osborn was still not dead. The wounds on his body were healing, and his two forelimbs were tearing at the chain sword wrapped around his neck, trying to break free.

Steve was a little shocked. He didn't expect Godzilla's vitality to be so tenacious. Perhaps a simple blunt blow wouldn't be able to kill him.

He controlled the Titan, stepped on Norman Osborn under his feet, and removed the electromagnetic gun from his back. But in terms of single-target damage capability, the electromagnetic gun is the strongest among all weapons equipped by Titan. Kinetic energy alone was enough to penetrate the mountain. He had previously considered that the electromagnetic gun was too powerful and could easily cause accidental damage, so he was not prepared to use it. However, since Norman Osborn was so difficult to deal with, he had no choice but to hesitate.

"Nick, have all the nearby citizens completed the evacuation? Ordinary weapons cannot cause damage to the target. I am going to use the electromagnetic gun."

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