Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 166 The Monster in the World

Tokyo Bay, one of the busiest bays in the world. Yachts were sailing slowly on the sea. The blue sky is as clear as washed, and you can see Tokyo Tower in the distance.

Since the 1970s, with the rapid development of Japan's economy, large-scale land reclamation works have continued, factories have been built, and ports have continued to expand. The former habitat has gradually shrunk and disappeared. Based on this, the metropolitan government built a number of marine parks along Tokyo Bay.

At Tokyo Municipal Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park, snipe, plovers, wild ducks and other water birds, and large birds such as goshawks perch on the beach and hunt for food.

There are a lot of tourists, children are chasing and playing excitedly, and adults are taking pictures of wild birds on the beach with their cell phone cameras.

Suddenly, the birds on the beach suddenly became frightened and flew into the sky like a dark cloud. Some wild ducks even bumped into tourists and fluttered desperately, flying away from the coast.

"what happened?"

The tourists present looked at this scene in horror and at a loss. This was the first time they had seen such a scene.

A piercing siren suddenly sounded in the city, and the radio in the park began to broadcast an evacuation report.

"In the event of an emergency, all tourists are requested to follow the instructions of the on-site staff and leave the beach in a timely and orderly manner!"

Because earthquakes and tsunamis occur frequently, the Japanese people have rich experience in escaping. Although they were panicked, they still managed to maintain order.

The yachts on the sea were also heading towards the sea at full speed, and the tourists on them looked anxious.

"What happened? Was it a tsunami?"

A shock wave appeared on the sea surface, and the seawater along the way was sprayed into the air. A yacht that couldn't escape was cut and torn apart.

Norman Osborne's huge body jumped out of the sea and landed on the beach. The shock waves and seawater set off were like hurricanes rolling across the beach, directly blowing several tourists closest to the beach into the air, and the rest were rolled all over the ground.

Water dripped from his dorsal fin.

Winston coughed violently, constantly coughing out the water in his lungs. Norman Osborne swam so fast in the water that he was almost knocked unconscious by the oncoming current.

"let's go."

Norman Osborne can't wait. He has become accustomed to the rapid improvement in strength, and the current stagnation is a kind of torture.

The two of them identified the direction and rushed straight towards the University of Tokyo.

Shrill sirens rang in the streets, and police cars roared toward the beach. The order they received was to safely evacuate citizens in the city to civil air defense projects. So that carrier-based fighter jets taking off from the sea could launch an attack on Norman Osborn.


A police car unfortunately hit Norman Osborne, and half of the car was smashed to pieces. The remaining police cars were frightened and crashed into a ball.

Norman Osborne just glanced at it and continued to move in the direction of Dongda University. He was afraid that Japan would guess its purpose and move the experimental equipment on the Tokyo University campus in advance. With his amazing speed and the fact that Japan knew nothing about his target, it was too late to take action. When the two arrived at Dongda University, the entire school was exposed to them without any defense.

As a former SEAL commander, Winston is used to collecting all possible intelligence before taking action. He had already memorized the map of Dongda in his mind.

The Japanese side strictly blocked the information about Godzilla's appearance in Fukushima. When the students first saw Norman Osborn who broke into the campus, they were so frightened that their feet were shaking and they could not even move. .

Norman Osborne just glanced down at these students and flew straight towards the biochemical laboratory building.

Winston jumped off Norman Osborne's back and kicked the door open.

"It takes about twenty minutes to make the serum. We need to grab more hostages to prevent the US military from blowing up the entire building. It's best to have heavyweights."

After entering Dongda, their purpose was exposed. As a former member of the US military, Winston often directed the air force to bomb safe areas and Red Cross hospitals. An accidental bombing could easily be avoided afterwards.

He did not believe that the commander of the US military would give up the tempting option of blowing up the entire biochemical laboratory directly into the sky.

"Everyone is not allowed to leave. Line up and go to the roof, or I will eat you."

Winston picked up a student who was trying to escape like a mouse, opened his mouth and tore off one of his arms. Blood hissed out of the wound, staining half of the wall red. The student wailed miserably, and such a cruel sight shocked everyone in the laboratory.

Like quails, they lined up obediently and walked to the rooftop. Some timid girls were even unable to walk because of weak legs, so they were carried along.

Winston couldn't wait to walk into the laboratory. The original formula did not need to be changed, he only needed to operate step by step.

He held his breath, gritted his teeth, opened the abdomen with sharp claws, and pulled out the entire egg sac directly from the abdominal cavity. The Godzilla larvae in the egg sac have already developed, and their outlines can be vaguely seen through the translucent egg sheath, emitting bright light.

They are still very fragile. As soon as they leave the mother's body, their activity begins to weaken, their light begins to weaken, and they squirm uneasily in the egg sheath.

Winston looked at these squirming little things with fascination. The wounds on his body squirmed slowly, and it didn't take long for them to all heal.

"Children, be my steps on the way to becoming stronger."

Titan is flying in the sky, with four huge turbine engines connected by steel cables, hanging it in the air. These powerful engines come from a canceled project of S.H.I.E.L.D. - the Space Carrier.

All funds for this project have been diverted to Project Titan, leaving only some of the results that have been developed. These four turbine engines can lift a space carrier with a displacement of more than 100,000 tons into the air, and can easily lift a Titan that is lighter than the planned space carrier.

Tony Stark piloted MK2 and flew beside Titan. Farther away was an escort squadron composed of 24 F-35 fighter jets. Several Quinjet fighters belonging to S.H.I.E.L.D. flew at the back, carrying logistics personnel to troubleshoot the aircraft and repair damage in a timely manner.

Natasha sat in the crew cabin, and a communication belonging to Nick Fury suddenly came from the projection screen in front of her.

"Change destination and rush to Tokyo City immediately."

Nick Fury's face was so dark that he seemed to be dripping with water.

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