In New York City, at the Sloan Kettering Cancer Medical Center, a doctor with a horse face was quickly scanning the physical examination reports. These medical examination reports were very detailed, even including several pustules on Wade Wilson's butt.

"This is impossible."

Stephen Strange placed the medical examination report on the table. Although he had already seen the electronic version sent to his mailbox, he still could not believe the report in front of him.

As early as more than a month ago, the cancer medical center sent him this patient's medical records.

As one of the world's top priority surgeons, hospitals send him cases they can't solve almost every day. Dr. Strange picked challenging cases to solve and gained both fame and fortune. His annual income has reached the top of New York City.

When he received this case, because the remuneration was very generous, he took it without hesitation and performed tumor removal surgery on Wade Wilson.

He was very confident in his skills and thought he had completely removed the tumor in Wade's body. But it turned out not to be what he expected. The cancer cells in Wade Wilson's body soon reappeared and became more serious.

Because this was one of the very few cases where Dr. Strange's operation failed since he started practicing medicine, he was very concerned about it. After several rounds of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the patient's physical condition will never be so healthy.

More importantly, part of his removed liver grew back. Although the human liver has strong compensatory and regenerative capabilities, if it is cut off, it is cut off, and the regrown liver will not be exactly the same as the original liver.

"What medicine did you use on the patient?"

he asked Dr. Clayton.

"We also didn't know that after someone came to visit the patient, his condition improved amazingly."

Clayton felt a little relieved when he saw Strange's shocked look. As a specialist at the cancer medical center, he has surpassed most doctors in the United States, but Strange still showed no signs of falsehood, and even pointed out the omissions in his surgery in public without mercy, and ridiculed him. .

"How is it? Are you willing to undergo surgery again?"

Dr. Strange nodded. As a doctor, he takes on various cases that other hospitals cannot handle not just for money. What he enjoys more is the challenges brought by all kinds of complex and strange cases. He is obsessed with using his hands. Addressing cases that other doctors have deemed terminally ill.

This patient was his slight failure, and now that he had another chance, he would never give up. What's more, he is very interested in the changes in Wade Wilson.

The Cancer Medical Center quickly prepared for the operation. The center's best anesthetists, most experienced nurses, and even several specialists were arranged to serve as Strange's assistants.

Strange was wearing sterile surgical clothes, holding a scalpel in his hand, and looking at Wade Wilson, who had passed out from anesthesia. This person's mouth was even worse than his own. During the previous operation, before he was numb and passed out, he attacked his appearance like crazy and made up a few cold jokes, which made him so embarrassed in the operating room for the first time.

Taking a deep breath and getting rid of the distracting thoughts in his mind, his hands were as steady as a rock and he cut Wade's chest open with a knife. The endoscopic examination clearly transmitted the situation in the chest to the medical monitor in the operating room.

There was a sound of gasping in the operating room, and some people even couldn't help but vomited. As doctors at the cancer center, they didn't know how many patients they had seen, but this was the first time they saw such a weird tumor.

The purple-black tumor was adsorbed on the healthy internal organs, slowly squirming, and countless tiny tentacles spread from it, entangled deeply into the body like dodder, entangled with each other, criss-crossing, and there was a terrifying and strange feeling. Beauty.

The hospital's CT scan didn't find these weird tentacles at all.


Strange gave a low drink, and the operating room became quiet again.

"What's going on? Is it because of the use of that unknown drug?"

Dr. Clayton regained his composure. Such strange cancer cells did not appear to be naturally occurring.

"No, the patient's cancer cells were originally in this form, but they became what they are now under the catalysis of the drug."

Strange was originally very curious about the reason why the previous operation failed. Now it seems that he only removed the tumor but did not clean up the tentacles.

"Should we give up the operation?"

Clayton asked solemnly.

"No, how could I just give up on such a challenging case?"

Strange's eyes flashed with some fanatical emotions. The scalpel in his hand was like the sword in the hand of a peerless swordsman. It penetrated into the space without thickness, and was extremely dexterous to remove the tumor parasitic on the organs without harming the organs themselves.

It took him more than two hours to remove a tumor and completely peel off the tentacles extending from the tumor. Sweat almost soaked his whole body, and his physical strength was very exhausted due to long-term concentration.

The removed tumor was still slowly squirming and waving its tentacles, as if it had an independent life.

Even a well-informed doctor still shudders when seeing such a strange scene. The cancer in this patient is anything but ordinary.

After a long operation lasting seventeen hours, all the tumors that could be observed with the naked eye were removed. Strange's proud hands could not control their trembling. He was so exhausted that he couldn't even finish suturing the wound, so he had to leave it to other doctors to finish the work.

A large plate of tumors was placed next to the operating table, emitting a stomach-churning stench. The tumor that had been cut off earlier had become inactive and completely turned black, while the newly cut tumor was still very fresh and full of vitality.

They cannot survive outside their mother's body.

"I want a sample of the tumor."

Strange sat on the chair outside the operating room. Now he was struggling to even speak. The cancer cells still exist in the patient's body, and he does not believe that traditional chemotherapy and reflexology can be effective against this strange cancer cell.

"Of course, Doctor Strange."

Dr. Clayton had to accept that he only lasted five hours as an assistant before he had to ask someone else to take his place. He also kept a sample to send to the CIA agent.

The cancerous tissue removed during the last operation was destroyed after routine inspection and analysis. This time the cancer center is preparing to mobilize all resources to clarify the pathology of this special cancer.

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