Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 140 Norman Osborne’s Plan

Winston Jensen felt a splitting headache, and he struggled to hold on to the cold rock beneath him and straighten up. The successive battles consumed too much of his energy, especially the severe injuries caused by the Hulk, which almost killed him directly.

On the way Norman Osborn took him away from New York, he fainted due to lack of physical strength.

He found himself in a dark and humid cave at this moment. The rock walls were wet, and water droplets dripped on the ground, making a tinkling sound. It seemed to be very close to the sea, and his keen hearing could hear the sound of the raging tide.

Covering his head in pain, the lizardmen he had eaten were restless in his spiritual world, as if they were about to burst his head.

He crawled to the puddle in the cave, stretched out his tongue and licked the muddy water in the puddle. As the cold muddy water poured into his throat, Winston Jensen felt refreshed and managed to suppress the chaos in his mind. The alien spirit supported his body and stood up from the ground.

The fire of hunger was about to burn through his stomach, and he tried to find some food to satisfy his hunger.

"you're awake?"

A somewhat familiar voice echoed in the cave.

Winston Jensen shook his chaotic head first, his eyes ignited with anger, and he roared through gritted teeth.

"Dr. Radha?!"

He didn't know where the strength came from, and he staggered towards the direction of the sound.


A slap in the face made Winston Jensen's eyes flash with stars, and the brute force of his palm knocked him to the ground.

Dr. Radha was wearing the Green Goblin armor, looking down at Winston from a high position, with even a trace of pity flashing in his eyes. He was sympathizing with what happened next to Winston Jansen.

"Your food is here."

As he spoke, he threw a yellowfin tuna that was half the length of a man in front of Winston Jensen.

Winston stared at Dr. Radha with hateful eyes, tremblingly grabbed the tuna that was jumping on the ground, bit off a large piece of fish meat, chewed hard, and blood splattered in the big mouth with interlocking teeth.

As the fresh fish meat fell into his stomach, Winston's condition quickly recovered. He stood up straight and looked down at Dr. Radha.

"Where is Lord Norman?"

he said in a hoarse voice.

After regaining his strength, Winston became calmer. After suppressing the alien spirit in his mind, he was no longer so easily controlled by impulsive emotions. Since Dr. Radha appears here, he is obviously Norman Osborn's confidant. If he kills him out of hatred, he will have to face Norman Osborn's anger, which he absolutely cannot bear now.

"Sir? You accepted your change of identity very quickly. Mr. Osborn is resting in the cave next door. Tony Stark slightly injured him."

Dr. Radha did not hide the extent of Norman Osborne's injuries. Norman Osborn was just a flesh wound that wouldn't take long to heal.

Thinking of this, Dr. Radha had a headache. Facing Tony Stark's defeat made Norman Osborn even more hungry for radioactive sources, planning the famous crazy plan, and preparing to attack nuclear power plants and nuclear arsenals.

In the blink of an eye, Winston Jensen ate the entire yellowfin tuna down to its head.

"Have you finished eating? Mr. Osborne wants to see you, come with me."

Dr. Radha said, leading the way.

In the dark and winding tunnel, a miner's lamp will light up at intervals to provide illumination.

"We are not far from New York City. This cave is under the sea and was dug by Mr. Osborn. Those idiots from SHIELD and CIA would never have imagined that we are not far from them. We established Laboratory, as much of the lizard serum you desire is available here."

Dr. Radha said that it took Norman Osborne less than a day to dig out this huge underground cave.

"There you are, Freddie."

At the end of the passage, Norman Osborne's thunderous voice sounded.

"Yes, Mr. Osborne, I brought Winston here too."

Dr. Radha immediately said in a sweet tone.

"Tell me all the details of your fight with that alien species."

Norman Osborn is very interested in Kakarot. The instinct belonging to Godzilla in his body has been urging him to kill these invaders from outer space.

"Okay, Lord Norman."

Winston carefully raised his head and found that Norman Osborn was lying on his back on a huge rock. The wounds on his body that had been bombarded by plasma jets and electromagnetic cannons secreted a layer of viscous liquid, which was slowing down. Slow healing.

He described the fight with Kakarot in detail.

Norman Osborne pondered for a moment.

"It seems that the moves used by these alien species are not much different. The Green Goblin is just a little more powerful. Let's deal with these two alien species first, and then we will collect radioactive sources to increase our strength and seek revenge on Tony Stark."

When he was merging Godzilla's genes, he sensed the Green Goblin's aura from a distance, and thought that his strength was now on par with Godzilla's. However, he would definitely have an overwhelming advantage in physical strength, and it would be easy to kill the Green Goblin.

On the contrary, Tony Stark, who has endless tricks, is even more difficult to deal with.

Just like the battle between Winston and Kakarot, Winston can fail many times, but Kakarot will die if he fails once.

"Freddy, you stay here to make potions and collect information about the nuclear power plant. Winston, you go with me. Since the Green Goblin has a daughter, maybe I can control his daughter so that he can use it for me."

Norman Osborne said confidently. The perceptual atmosphere derived from Godzilla is very wide, and it is not difficult to find the location of the Green Goblin. As soon as he finished speaking, his whole person suddenly froze, and a trace of shock, shame, anger, and fear flashed across his severely beastly face.

He jumped up and quickly dug through the hard rock on the ground. Drill deeper into the ground.

"Quick, follow up quickly."

Dr. Radha and Winston Jensen looked at each other and jumped into the cave dug by Norman Osborne. In just a short breath, Norman Osborne dug down diagonally. One hundred meters deep.

"You should be able to block your perception here."

Huddled in the deep well he dug, Norman Osborne was still a little shaken. How is it possible, how could the Green Goblin be so powerful!

In the sky above them, Broly suddenly stopped flying and scratched his head in confusion.

"Where's the Qi? Where's that huge ball of Qi I just sensed?"

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