Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 129 Recognition

Balvino held the rifle and poured firepower crazily at the target. With his strong arm strength, even if the fully automatic mode was turned on, the bullets were still very accurate.

But all the bullets were blocked by the shield.

"Shoot! Keep shooting!"

Balvino changed the magazine and continued to pull the trigger on Bob Eagle. They did not transform immediately, but prepared to give him a huge surprise when the lizard man rushed forward despite the hail of bullets.

Whether it was Steve, Hawkeye or Black Widow, they were all experienced warriors who reacted immediately. While looking for cover, he used the weapons in his hands to shoot at Balvino and the others.

Suddenly, the rain of bullets in the sewer tilted toward each other, hitting the ground and walls with rubble flying.

Steve held a shield in one hand and a rifle in the other, firing as he advanced. He suppressed four people by himself.


The arrow fired by Hawkeye exploded in the air, releasing a dazzling light that blinded him instantly.

The Black Widow is like a nimble civet cat, skillfully weaving through the hail of bullets. She wanted to take the opportunity to close the distance and kill Balvino and others through hand-to-hand combat.

With one move of her hands, she threw out two electric shock darts.

Balvino's heart skipped a beat. He realized that the enemy on the opposite side was definitely an ordinary person. Their fighting skills were frighteningly high, and their cooperation with each other was even more wonderful. Although they took the lead in launching a sneak attack, they fell into a disadvantage in an instant and were suppressed to the point where they could not lift their heads.

Facing the flying electric shock darts, he directly waved the sheathed scimitar hanging on his waist and knocked them away.


Bob Eagle let out a roar. Braving the hail of bullets, he jumped in front of Balvino and the others. He was just thinking about tearing them into pieces when his body suddenly froze.

His half-lizard face showed human confusion.



Cade Eagle looked at the lizard man in front of him, and was shocked to find that he looked exactly like himself.

"Ceasefire! Ceasefire!"

Bob Eagle raised his hand, and the scales on his body quickly faded away, returning to his human form. Now the two seemed to be a pair of twins, 90% similar. It's just that Bob needs to be stronger and stronger.

"Bob! You guy, how did you become a lizard?"

CNN's live broadcast was too blurry and Bob Eagle's face was not clearly captured, so Cade didn't know until now that the mutant on the TV was actually his cousin.

"What exactly is going on?"

Steve put away his shield.

"He was Tessa Eagle's father and my cousin who ran a farm in Texas."

Bob explained.

"So what's going on with these three Mexicans? They don't look like cowboys on a ranch."

Black Widow looked at the three Balvinos. She could tell at a glance that the three of them were Mexicans, and judging from their marksmanship and tattoos, they were most likely killers from Mexican drug cartels.

While she was on a mission in Mexico. I often deal with this kind of thing.

"They are bodyguards I paid to bring from Mexico to save my daughter."

Cade almost blinked as if he had a good reason.

Black Widow looked at Balvino with some suspicion. His method of knocking away the electric shock dart just now was not like an ordinary killer. Such clean and neat skills would be difficult for even SHIELD agents to achieve.

"You are too reckless, Cade. That guy Winston is not something you can deal with with three killers."

Bob patted his cousin's shoulder comfortingly. He didn't expect that the soft-tempered Cade could actually do this for his daughter.

"Captain, let them go with us."

In his eyes, Cade wandering around in this dangerous sewer would most likely lose his life before long.

Steve hesitated for a moment and nodded. He was moved by Cade Eagle's sincere fatherly love. He really couldn't bear to see this great father who had lost all his money and wanted to save his daughter at the risk of losing his life to lose his life inexplicably.

Moreover, these three Mexicans' marksmanship is very good, even better than the well-trained agents of SHIELD, and they are a strong support. The situation in the sewer was far more complicated than they expected. The inexplicable appearance of this group of orcs made the situation out of control.

"No our goals are different"

Cade hastily refused.

"Your target should be Colonel Jensen. I just want to rescue my daughter. Now that Colonel Jensen has been entangled, it is the best time for me to rescue Tessa."

Black Widow raised the tablet in her hand.

"Your daughter is temporarily safe now."

The drone captured the temporary laboratory built by the lizardmen. A lizardman fell to the ground, struggling in pain. The scales on his body were disappearing rapidly, and his giant-like body began to shrink, eventually returning to the size of a normal human.

The lizard gene in his body was rapidly destroyed by the antidote. In just tens of seconds, he degenerated into an ordinary person, with only the lizard scales remaining on his face.

Tessa picked up the assault rifle that the lizard man had dropped on the ground, pulled the trigger on the unconscious lizard man, and turned him into a gourd of blood.

"Wise choice."

Hawkeye raised his eyebrows. As a former member of the Navy SEALs, the Lizard Man was definitely not something that these two high school girls could resist. If you don't strike first when he is unconscious, you will get yourself killed instead.

"Now our goals are the same. If you don't get rid of Colonel Jensen, your daughter will still be in great danger, especially after she created the lizard serum antidote. Colonel Jensen can't let her go."

The existence of the antidote almost eliminates the possibility that Colonel Johnson wants to use lizard people to replace humans. If mutants had a similar antidote, then mutants would have disappeared from the earth long ago.

Black Widow stared at Cade with suspicion, observing his microexpressions. She had a feeling that there was a big secret among these four people.

She knew the Mexican gang killers very well. How could these killers suddenly have such professional ethics? With their ethics, Cade Eagle should have been killed long ago.

"Now that we have the serum antidote, can't we just use the antidote to directly transform Colonel Johnson back into a human?"

Steve had an idea.

Peter Parker, who had been listening silently, shook his head.

"The antidote will only be effective on lizardmen who have been injected with serum in the near future, and Colonel Jensen has eaten so many of the same kind, the lizard genes have long been completely integrated into his body. The antidote will not have any effect. "

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