Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 123 Hurricane Rescue

In the early morning, the sun just rose from the east, and a bus was driving on the interstate highway.

Cade Eagle was so worried that he stepped on the accelerator of the bus to the limit. Three hours ago, he received calls from the New York City Police Department and Midtown High School, respectively, that his daughter Tessa had been kidnapped by the Lizardmen.

Because of the chaos caused by the Lizardmen, the police and the school didn't even think of notifying him until twelve hours after Tessa was kidnapped.

When he received the call, Cade felt as if the sky was about to collapse. He was so distraught that his hands were shaking so much that he couldn't even hold the phone. As a single father, he devoted all his energy to his daughter. Now that his daughter is lost, it is a sign of his strong will that he did not collapse immediately.

"Cade, calm down. The lizard people will not harm Tessa. They also need Tessa to make the lizard serum. Tessa is very smart. She knows how to protect herself."

Professor Connors is also in great pain. Only now does he know that Tessa Eagle is Cade's daughter. It was the lizard serum he invented that killed Tessa.

To this day, he still regrets letting Tessa and Gwen learn the art of making the serum.

"Let me drive, Cade, so we can easily attract the attention of those state troopers patrolling the highway."

Eclipse looked at Cade who was in a very bad mental state and said.

They couldn't withstand the police's search now. The bus was full of stern-looking Latino men who looked like they were not good people. The luggage compartment of the bus was filled with guns and all kinds of crude weapons.

Cade is very popular on the farm. When the killers were first captured on the farm, he did not exploit them as slaves. Instead, he suggested Broly to improve everyone's treatment and taught them step by step about the farm. work on. After learning about Tessa's kidnapping, everyone stood up and were willing to help Cade.

Cade nodded bitterly. He understood the principle of haste but not speed. He found a place to park and gave the steering wheel to Eclipse.

Kakarot was gnawing sleepily on a large piece of braised beef, her head biting and almost falling into the dinner plate. She was still young, and it was the time when she was sleepy.

"Is BOSS's phone still unreachable?"

Cade sat in the passenger seat. Before they left for New York, they tried to contact Broly, but the phone couldn't be reached.

"We can't get through, but our people staying on the farm will inform Mr. Broly of the situation, so you don't have to worry all the time."

Professor Connors said. There are still some killers on the farm who have not been injected with animal serum, and they remain on the farm.

Cade is still a little worried. In the videos circulating on the Internet, the lizard man is obviously very different from other lizard men. He seems to have undergone a mutation and is much stronger than others of his kind.

Kakarot immediately became energetic after hearing Broly's name. She wiped her oily mouth with her little hand and looked around intently with her big eyes.

"Broly! Is Broly back?"

Cade's mouth twitched and he shook his head. Kakarot sighed in disappointment and continued to nibble on the beef on the plate half asleep.

If it weren't for the fact that Kakarot was the strongest person on the farm after Broly left, Cade would never have brought Kakarot with him under any circumstances. In his eyes, Kakarot is just a child and should not appear on the battlefield.

It's a pity that the other lizard killers can be easily eliminated, but the so-called Colonel Johnson is too powerful, and only Kakarot is sure to defeat him.

After driving for an unknown amount of time, they were finally approaching New York. Most of the traffic they encountered along the way was traffic leaving New York City, with only a few traveling in the same direction as them.

Both the army and the police are helpless against the lizard people hiding in the sewers.

A killer who was fused with the golden eagle gene grew golden brown feathers on his body, and in a few breaths he turned into a huge golden eagle. He hung a mobile phone around his neck with a lanyard, quietly flew out of the window, and soared up into the sky like an arrow.

The New York City police and the military are secretly increasing the blockade of New York City. After flying into the air, he can use the extraordinary eyesight of an eagle to spot patrolling police cars in advance and provide early warning.

The solar eclipse bypassed the police cars on constant patrol and entered New York City under early warning. These police officers never expected that the eagle in the sky had completely exposed their whereabouts.

The car stopped in a remote slum area and everyone took out the weapons in the trunk. There was a sound of the charging handle of a firearm being pulled, and the killers inserted the magazine and opened the safety.

Some killers carry heavy cold weapons weighing tens of kilograms or even hundreds of kilograms on their shoulders. After being injected with animal serum, some killers can easily swing these heavy cold weapons with one hand, and the power they can explode with one arm in beast form exceeds three tons.

Ordinary people may be able to barely lift a weapon of this weight with both hands, but trying to dance it is simply impossible.

The weight of practical cold weapons is not too exaggerated. Long swords and single swords usually weigh around one kilogram, and even iron maces used for breaking armor only weigh three or four kilograms.

Cade used a lathe to machine these heavy cold weapons for the killers. Unexpectedly, the first time he saw blood was to save his daughter.

"Set off!"

Eclipse said. All the killers have turned into animal forms. At first glance, they look like a group of monsters with fur and horns.

A killer who was fused with a North American gray wolf jumped into the sewer first with a wolf head on his head. He had the keenest sense of smell and could distinguish the scent of lizard people from the air. Others followed, even Cade carrying an automatic rifle. Only the killer who turned into a golden eagle hovered in the air, monitoring the situation on the ground.

"How about it?"

The serum injected by Eclipse was a saltwater crocodile. His body was covered in scales and he was looking at the situation in the sewer.

"I don't smell Miss Tessa, but there is a very faint smell of lizard people. They have appeared nearby."

The werewolf twitched his nose and said that after the fusion of heterogeneous genes, the host usually shows abilities that far exceed those of the original owner of the genes. His sense of smell is thousands of times stronger than that of the North American gray wolf. The lizard man has the unique smell of a mixture of humans and lizards. It couldn't be hidden from his nose, especially with Professor Connors as a reference.

"This way."

He quickly pursued in the direction of the smell, his light feet landing silently. Others followed, and Professor Connors directly carried the weak Cade on his back.

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