Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 107 Green Goblin Armor (please recommend and subscribe)


After fusing the genes of the mysterious monster, Norman Osborn's originally terminally ill body was now filled with vitality. The family's genetic disease was cured without medicine. He was energetic and quick-thinking. In addition, he became an inhuman existence. , the condition couldn’t be better.

He has an atomic furnace-like organ in his body that can digest radioactive materials. The motor system, nervous system, endocrine system, circulatory system, and digestive system have all undergone radical changes in order to utilize the nearly unlimited atomic energy.

At this moment, Norman Osborn has very little human part left.

He swallowed the entire radioactive source into his belly, and the atomic furnace immediately digested the radioactive source, releasing powerful nuclear energy that was digested and absorbed by the internal organs.

Norman Osborne's skinny body due to being in bed for a long time grew stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his skinny torso began to show signs of muscle. Hard black scales covered the whole body.

The sharp dorsal fins pierced the scales on the spine and broke out, and a long tail swung behind him.

After absorbing the nuclear energy from the radioactive source, his monster transformation started again due to lack of energy. It's a pity that this little nuclear energy is only enough for him to transform himself to this extent. If he wants to have a huge size like that mysterious monster, he needs more radioactive sources!

"I no longer need to obtain energy from these low-grade foods. Nuclear energy. Only nuclear energy can make me stronger!"

He stuck out his tongue and licked his fingers one by one, not letting go of any crumbs that might be left.

Unlike the lizard serum, he did not develop a new consciousness due to the injection of the genes of this mysterious monster. Norman Osborn still retains his independent consciousness, and the genes injected into his body can only affect him subtly.

He even enjoys being changed by his subconscious mind. The personality that was originally a human being is no longer worthy of this powerful and perfect body.

Dr. Radha was startled. When he was looking through the information on the mysterious monster, he had once wondered what such a huge body relied on to maintain its activity.

A creature as big as a blue whale needs to consume about four tons of food a day. Based on its weight, if the mysterious monster's food is similar to that of the blue whale, it will eat about two thousand tons of food a day.

This is simply not realistic, and even if the mysterious monster spends all its time hunting, it will be difficult to replenish the energy needed for a day's activities.

It turns out that this kind of monster actually feeds on radioactive substances. No wonder it can grow to such an exaggerated size.

"Find all the nuclear power plants and ballistic missile bases around New York City."

Norman Osborn said in a greedy tone. He was sure that this body was far from reaching its limit. As long as there was a continuous supply of nuclear energy, it could continue to grow stronger.

Dr. Radha's pupils shrank for a while, and he quickly guessed Norman Osborne's plan. Such a bold plan is simply asking for death. Nuclear power plants would be better, but ballistic missile bases are pretty much the most heavily defended places in the United States.

I'm afraid only a being as powerful as the Green Goblin can break through.

"This is too dangerous, Mr. Osborne. Maybe we can try to acquire it from the world first."

He said carefully.

"Are you doubting my strength, Freddie?"

Norman Osborne's voice immediately became stern.

"No, of course not. Mr. Osborne just adopts the acquisition method to make it more stable."

As one of the weapons manufacturers of the US military, the Osborne Group has legal acquisition qualifications and can acquire nuclear fuel through legal channels.

Weapons-grade uranium is not possible, but ammonium diuranate (commonly known as yellowcake) can still be purchased.

"Are you so stupid that you think the current Osborne Group can still buy these? Or do you think I don't know the situation outside and are trying to deceive me?"

Norman Osborne's body exuded a terrifying evil aura, which frightened Dr. Radha and paralyzed him to the ground.

Although he had been paralyzed before and seemed to have lost all consciousness, he was actually very conscious and understood everything about the outside world through Dr. Radha.

The Osborne Group is finished and it is impossible to buy any more nuclear fuel.

"It's Mr. Osborne. I will investigate and find out that there seems to be relevant information in the Osborne Group's database. We have won several bids for the Pentagon's intercontinental ballistic missile maintenance work."

Dr. Radha quickly showed his worth. He felt that if he hesitated for a moment, Norman Osborn would kill him.

The mysterious monster seems to have a strong sense of territory, and it can clearly sense enemies that have invaded its territory. Norman Osborn, who possesses the genes of the mysterious monster, also possesses this ability.

The moment the Green Goblin sets foot within the confines of New York City, the instincts he inherited from the mysterious monster awaken. This instinct almost crazily urged him to drive the Green Goblin out of his own territory.

The commotion caused by the lizard men and the battle between MK2 and the Green Goblin were all clearly perceived by him.

Especially after the Green Goblin exploded with all his strength, the restless instinct suddenly shrank, as if he was frightened. What followed was a burst of pure rage that set his whole body on fire.

The genes in his body seemed unable to tolerate such a weak self.

Norman Osborne walked to the bookshelf and turned a mechanism. The two rows of bookshelves immediately slid smoothly to both sides, revealing a metal passage that led directly to the ground.

"The preparations I have made go far beyond what is apparent on the surface."

He said with a evil smile and walked into the underground passage.

The underground of Osborne Manor has long been hollowed out, and there is more than one underground laboratory. This basement is one of Norman Osborn's most secret laboratories and is the backup plan for the Lizard Serum.

A ferocious powered armor was erected in the underground laboratory. Different from Tony Stark's MK series, it was full of magical colors, just like the Goblin in European mythology. Next to the power armor is a personal flying device similar to a skateboard. Pumpkin bombs are neatly placed aside.

Norman Osborn broke through the thermal cabinet and took out a potion from inside.

The color of the potion is a gorgeous light green, as crystal clear as emerald.


He crushed the potion with his bare hands and let it flow in his hands. These enhancement potions are all failures. Not only are their enhancements limited, they also have various side effects.

"I am perfect now, I want to become the god of the new world!"

Norman Osborne laughed maniacally.

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