“Are you the only one?”

Agents of the Abnormal Asylum Society.

Carry your hands on your back.

Staring at the figure that appeared in front of him.

Slow down.

He said contemptuously.

“That’s right, I’m the only one, but the abnormal containments that descended on this sea, including the evil god giant snake that appeared, were all guided by me to this universe~evil!”

The man said lightly.

What about the people in the Asylum Society?

“Then there is no need for nonsense, you can start a war! -!! ”

Agents of the Abnormal Asylum Society.

Said with a cold snort.

Since the people in front of you.

Already admitted.

It is the person of the Supreme Divine Thousand Finger Star.


Agents of the Abnormal Asylum Society. 、

After all.


Abnormal containment.


But that’s because of it.

The sake of the Thousand Finger Star of the Supreme Divinity.

Let those.

They should have taken it in.

Abnormal containment.

And the people who did all this.

Now stand in front of them.

How could they not be angry!!!

They are supreme divinity.

Thousand finger star.

Of course! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The reason why they.

Not the overlord of this universe.

This universe is too weak.

Let them be completely uninterested.

Dominate it!

Everything in this universe.

In their opinion.

It’s all incredibly small.

Whatever it is.

Or maybe it’s a divine anomaly.

Even said.

Supreme Divinity.

Also noticed by them.

They had intended to.

Once the Devourer of the Heavens is released.

They are not like directly destroying the sea.

Just want to make the sea of people.

It’s just a return to the Thousand Finger Star.

…….. Scholar..

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