[Abnormal Containment – 029 originally caused the investigation of the Abnormal Containment Society because they found a group of fanatical believers in a certain country, and learned after several weeks of investigation. 】

[This group of fanatical believers believes that by simply sacrificing millions of lives to the Daughters of Darkness, the world will come to an end year when they will resurrect the ‘goddesses’ and destroy the world. 】

As the experience of the Daughter of Darkness comes to light.

People all over the world are not calm in an instant.

“Hey, hey, just kidding, destroy the world???”

“Nope! It’s just that the group of fanatics think that sacrificing the lives of millions of people and resurrecting the goddess in their mouths can destroy the world, and in the end, it is uncertain whether the goddess in their mouths exists or not, so the destruction of the world is not necessarily true. ”

“Idiot, is the information about the unusual containment so far fake?”

“That’s right, so far, all the information about abnormal containment is true, which means that this piece of information is also true! Goddesses also really exist! ”

“If our world sacrifices millions of people to the daughter of darkness, our world will be destroyed by the goddess of resurrection!!!

“Damn, this guy is simply too dangerous!”

“What’s more, each of the abnormal containments is enough to destroy this world!”

“Now we can only rely on the Abnormal Containment Society, I hope they can show up as soon as possible and take him away before the Dark Daughter kills a million people!” Otherwise, our world will be destroyed! ”

“Abnormal containment meeting, we must successfully take her in!”

Today, people all over the world pray.

Hopefully, abnormal containment will appear as soon as possible.

Take the Daughter of Darkness in her as soon as possible.

No one wants to see it.

After the Daughter of Darkness killed a million.

Resurrect the goddess and destroy the world!!!


Headquarters of the Navy, Marin Fandor.

“Ruin… Destroy the world??? Sengoku’s face changed drastically.

Anyone in this world.

He said he had the power to destroy the world.

The Warring States are not convinced!!!

Even the whitebeard, who is known as the strongest man in the world.

Give face to Whitebeard and say that he can destroy the world.

Don’t give him face.

Whitebeard has at most the ability of the Devil Fruit, and the damage caused is extremely extensive.

But the introduction of abnormal containment.

Say he can destroy the world.

It was truly the destruction of the world.

It is the people of the whole world, the destruction of the world of all death!

“A million people? This is the number of people in a big country, this guy must not appear in a big country, otherwise with his ability, I am afraid that in less than a day, he can slaughter the entire big country!!! Karp said solemnly.

It can be found through the introduction of the Daughter of Darkness.

When she killed a million.

The world will come to an end year.

The so-called ‘goddess’ will be resurrected and destroy the world.

A million people, for them is a boundary.

At all costs.

The Daughter of Darkness must not be allowed to slaughter millions of people in this world.

No, it’s hard to imagine!

“Actually, I have a sentence now, I don’t know if there is a sentence, I should not say it.” The tea dolphin suddenly said.

“What words?” Chi Inu asked with a slight raised eyebrow.

“You say that abnormal containment items are deliberately released by abnormal containment, and then contained, so as to win people’s hearts and minds around the world.”

“Or is it that the abnormal containment is scattered all over the world, but recently suddenly woke up, and the abnormal containment association began to recover it after learning the news.” Chagu voiced his opinion.

It doesn’t take long for the abnormal containment to appear each time.

Abnormal containment will appear and it will be recycled.

Up to now.

The Abnormal Containment Society has already taken in four anomalies.

All over the world, it can be said that it has won the hearts of countless people.

There are countless people around the world today.

I can’t wait to join the Abnormal Asylum Association.

Fight alongside them.

The prestige of the Unusual Asylum Society.

It can be said that it is rising all over the world!

So he was curious about whether the abnormal containment was released by them on their own initiative.

Or is it that abnormal containment is due to some factor and scattered around the world?

If it’s the former.

Then it is conceivable that the abnormal containment will have a huge conspiracy!

If the latter.

Then it means that the abnormal containment association is a good organization.

Their purpose is really to protect the world!

Hearing the words of the tea dolphin, the entire conference room suddenly fell into deep thought.


It is precisely because of the existence of abnormal containment associations.

Therefore, those extremely dangerous containments did not continue to endanger this sea.

But as for these anomalous containments.

In the end, is it abnormal containment will be released.

No one can give a positive answer.

“Do you still need to think about it? The abnormal containment must be released by the hateful abnormal containment, haven’t you noticed? ”

“Every time there is an inventory on the screen, the abnormal containment appears.”

“This is not what they voluntarily released, what else can it be?” Chi Inu snorted coldly.

Each inventory occurs.

are accompanied by the appearance of abnormal containments.

That made him sure.

Abnormal containment is what will be released by abnormal containment.

As for the purpose, it must be to win people’s hearts and minds all over the world!


Kneel for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly passes.

The data hasn’t moved for a day.

Readers should give some free data.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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