"… so this is the reward"

Gaston receives a bag of coins from the receptionist.

The sound of Gaston swallowing his spit came to me.

Gaston puts his hand in the bag and picks a single piece of gold coin.

Gordon was staring at me, tongue-beating me and putting me back in the bag.

Gaston stares back at the suspicious wild horses and walks outside the facility on a large strand.

Mordon walking next to Gaston was looking at me.

Sounds like I should follow you, too.

As Gaston was thinking of chasing after him after he left the facility, he noticed that the number of Gaston's seemingly surrounding people was beginning to increase.

One, two, three... one woman also jumps out of a herd of wild horses late. I quickly became seven.

"Sarasu Gaston, it's amazing!

"Brother Gaston, do it!

"Naturally! It's our Mr. Gaston!

I'm in a good mood for Gaston.

Maybe it's surprisingly usually popular.

In fact, Gaston's tyranny is powerful if on his side.

I guess they'll be relieved to have Gaston standing on top, too.

"So, Mr. Gaston. In the meantime, I've been talking to Osama at the Drunk Fall Pavilion, and I was wondering if there'd be any noise since daylight anyway! Osama was delighted to hear that Mr. Gaston was active."

Gaston's complexion changes slightly.

Gordon sees what's going on, breaks in between Gaston and the surrounding area.

"Oh, hey you guys. Without his consent..."

"Ahem? If you think of someone, it's Gordon, the idiot brother. It's not just baggage. You know, Brother Gaston is not a tiny man with a bowl like you. Do you want to skip such an asshole? Hey, Gaston, brother? Let's make some noise, huh? You make a scene, don't you?

The gaze of the surrounding people gathers in Gaston at the same time.

"Ah, ah... of course! Hey, let's go, you guys!

"Sassaru! Oh, you got it, Gordon!

Oh, this is no good.

Gaston also worried for a moment, but it was really a moment.

You wanted to keep majesty in front of the people around you.

I gave you my word.

I knew it was starting to feel impossible to use Gaston.

"Hey, hey! Hey! Hey! Wait, this... we need to talk..."

Gordon screams and grabs Gaston's shoulder as he tries to leave with his surroundings.

"Shut up! Don't give me orders!

Gaston shakes off, grabs Gordon's back and pulls him down to the floor.

"Wait, this..."

Gordon stands up with a shoulder to Mordon and looks back at me.

He told me 'I'll do something about it' with his eyes, mouth movements and hand gestures, turning his face bright blue.

You felt responsible, you remembered when you fought me, you had the look on your mind.

Gordon and Mordon ran in a hurry and followed after Gaston.

It was the shape of a ghost.

I'll take care of it... Is that it?

I can only see the future being used as it is.

"Isn't that a bad idea? What do you want to do?

"What are we going to do..."

Honestly, there's nothing I can do if I get in.

Nominally, the money Gaston grabbed on his own.

We can bump Gaston later, but by then, the money will have fallen off the hook.

Besides, I don't have the guts to walk into a tavern and smash a banquet.

Something's really creepy. I'm scared to blast you with all these confused people.

"... you'll be fine. Look, I was looking at Gordon when he asked me to take care of him."

"Ho, are you sure you're okay? Meir, I'm very anxious."

"Gordon would be used to this kind of rubbing."

Use poison to control poison.

It's quick to set up a rough man for a rough man, it should be.

Let's go with the right materials.

"I knew it was nice to keep Gordon in, yeah. Besides, I think we can afford a lot of living money once we can collect the rewards. Because of this, you want to buy a lot of things in the city..."

"Abel, haven't you escaped the reality a bit!? If you fail to collect it, the inn will be gone!?

Eventually, in case it moves, I decided to do the shopping again.

He decided to take a trip to the Church of Kudorism in the centre of the city and kill time in the library installed inside it.

There is no restriction on the use of the Church Library in Kudorism and it takes an open attitude.

There's nothing I can do if I go after the Gastons right now.

Let's do some research today and get some rest at the inn.

I'm sure Gordon will be collecting Balm Bird rewards tomorrow.

Kudr is the national religion here in the Kingdom of Dinlat, a temperate religion with no one to turn a discriminatory eye on the followers of other religions except a very few extremists.

There were a lot of myths that were just enough, and a lot of stories about how believers could forgive God for eating and killing sinners in anger.

I thought the Bible and hymns and other books were the lord because it is a church library, but they were placed extensively, from magic guidebooks to adventures and, at the end of the day, romance novels.

Instead, the Bible and academic books were being driven to the corner, and the novel-smelling stuff for the masses was up front.

There seems to be a lot of users there with its achievements, but is this really enough for this church?

I saw a woman in a monastic dress in the hall, but she was lying on her desk and bursting asleep.

The thick book laid under my cheeks is drooling with covetousness. It was the Bible of the Church of Kudr.

Is this okay, Kudr Church? God here, I've heard you're short-tempered and insidious.

In the meantime, I had Mere carry the alchemy and biomagic related books I wanted to examine from one end to the other.

There are a little over thirty books in all.

I have trouble with this area because it is deep and I can't see the bottom whether I look it up or not.

I thought I'd stand and read if I thought about the hassle of carrying it, but if I was reading too thick, my arm would lose.

"Sorry, Meir, let me carry you"

"Yes, no... this much..."

Meir was out of breath about just how tough it was to go back and forth so many times.

"Um... can you really read this by the end of the day?

When I saw the pile of books on my desk, Meir was pulling a little.

My gaze from other users in the building also hurts. Was it a little bad manners?

"No, because books like this are basically read with a light flush of what they are wearing. Exactly. He said he wouldn't read it all."

"Oh, really? I'm not sure about Meir anymore..."

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