Sage Emperor

Chapter 1476: Mastering the Dragon Nest

Chapter 1476 Mastering the Dragon's Nest

Yankee is now going to refine the Book of Dragons, which is already an easy thing, because he has peered into the many mysteries of the Book of Dragons, which are actually the process by which the whole divine realm was born, and the crisis of the divine realm, which expands every day, swallowing up, breathing, being born, dying.

Each too ancient power, in the divine realm, belongs to a parasite.

The more powerful the ancient power, the bigger the parasite, the more definitely it will be eliminated by the divine realm.

Think of that.

Yang Qi suddenly understood why the Lord wanted to destroy the entire divine realm. The divine realm itself was also a practitioner. The Lord was powerful to a certain extent. The divine realm also wanted to destroy him. Naturally, he wanted to destroy the divine realm.

Between moments, the communication between the birth, development, expansion, and ancient chaos of the divine world flowed deep into Yankee heart, and finally he touched the heart of the Book of Dragons.

The Book of Dragons itself is unwilling, it is just a magical treasure, but it has a kind of innate instinct, it is not controlled by people. Anyone who wants to control it will encounter its backphage. Now Yang Qi infiltrates the text of his own book, and watching it change in life and destruction has profoundly desecrated it.

So, the Book of Dragons itself, angry, this is the rage of instinct, like a person playing with fire and burning himself, the fire itself does not have its own will, but if that person plays with fire too much, sooner or later it will burn to itself and turn to ash.

Yang Qi is now in a state of playing with fire and burning himself. The Book of Dragons itself was suddenly born with a strong will shock. A dragon-shaped spirit burst into his spirit. A giant tiger tsunami dragon bark appeared deep in his spiritual world. A great shore dragon occupied all his sea of knowledge.

This Great Shore Dragon, the free will of the Book of Dragons, will not be desecrated by anyone and will always be independent.

Yet Yankee cared nothing, and he had confidence to suppress everything.

“Ancient paradise, appear!” At the depths of his knowledge of the sea, in the spiritual world, countless ways of heaven are crumbling, the gods are falling, ancient heaven has appeared with the falling of the gods, the ship type of heaven itself, death repressed to the dragon, as long as the will of this dragon is subjugated, you can obtain the origin of the Book of Dragons, as if it were the original refining of the Immortal King Fu.

The dragon was unwilling, roaring, and changed in various forms. In the depths of the void, the fonts and martial arts were deduced one after the other. The power of the innate dragon, it countered the gods, it countered all the magic treasures.

“The avenue is empty, innate!” Yang Qi is a change, the sea of spiritual awareness has expanded again, and a divine beast has emerged. This beast is not the king of the gods, but a grunt beast.

As soon as the Grumpy Beast appeared, the opening mouth ejected a lot of bubbles, wrapped directly in the dragon, and the group spun, making the dragon a bubble dragon.

Woo woo woo, the strongest breath everywhere, countless explosions shook everywhere, this is the battle in Yang Qi's spiritual awareness sea, Yang Qi's spiritual world, now more fierce.

“This book of dragons is too difficult to surrender. I concentrate on the jade of the wise, the two great seals of the gods. Fairbell, can't you surrender?” Yankee raised her strength again, a vertical eye opened deep in her eyebrows, the light lasered, the whole person suddenly changed into a beam of light, actually merged with the Book of Dragons.

“Marlboro is one, the divine realm is one, ancient chaos, born for me!” Between his roars, many of the breaths in the ancient chaos were absorbed by him and transformed into something identical to the Book of Dragons. He was actually imitating the process of making the Book of Dragons, creating a book of dragons identical to the Book of Dragons in the body and deep within the sea of spiritual knowledge.

This is his unique gateway to civilization, civilization of the Dragon Nation, and he can totally rebuild one.

This level of mending is already close to the Creator, absolutely not the ordinary Lord God can do it, he is the mysterious power of creation in chaos, he seems to have figured out, what is the power that caused the birth of the divine world.

The divine realm, which cannot be born for no reason, must be in ancient chaos. Many forces are driving the birth of this miracle before the divine realm is finally born.

This power, the ultimate power, he grasped a hint and finally clicked, and deep in his mind, he created the prototype of a book of dragons.

As soon as the book of dragons was born, the dragon seemed to feel it. It immediately calmed down. Instead, it revolved around the group of dragon books. The book of dragons expanded and suddenly wrapped dragons into it.

Yang Qi shook his whole body, felt his spiritual will, finally infiltrated the true Book of Dragons deep, every corner, everything of this Pharaoh belonged to him, his mind, spiritual will again infinitely expanded, expanded, between moments, thought passed to the entire Banlong's nest.

The Book of Dragons was finally refined by him.

All this depends on the creation of his civilization, subtle, clever subjugation, refinement. The Book of Dragons is the key to the Nest of the Million Dragons, which is equivalent to the relationship between the Immortal King Fu and the Wan Wan Wan Dian.

Now the Book of Dragons is refined by Yang Qi, and the Nest of Wanlong is also held by Yang Qi in his own hands. This is the true power, the true invincibility.

At this time, the Banlong's nest condensed many subtle changes, outside the flesh junction, between moments stretched countless times stronger, and then disappeared into a huge, chaotic time and space storm.

Just like the King of the Worlds, it is integrated into the world of unthinkable and unthinkable, and now the nest of the dragon is not flesh, but thought, not thought. A subtle state, which can change into material, can change into thought, is entering a state that cannot be understood by God, as if man had entered a flat universe, and both man and mind were flat.

By this time, the window outside the Banlong's nest had closed the door, and all the old antiques deep in the Banlong's nest, the vast Empire, could not go out. The mightless outside can't know where the Banlong's nest is, just as countless people didn't know where the King of the Worlds map was.

Yang Qi was the initial master of Wanlong's nest, and then his big plan began to surrender all the antiques deep in Wanlong's nest, all the empires, now those people are really the birds in the cage, the fish on the chopping board, let the slaughter begin, the whole world is Yang Qi's.

A huge empire, about to form, the whole dragon race, is in the grasp of Yankee.

If we truly master the empire of billions of dragons deep in the Banlong's nest, and merge it together, the luck of the Empire of the Great Saint Dragon of Yang Qi is not as good as the invincible gate, the Great Thousand Gates, or even less than the central dynasty, but we also have about one-third of them, so that the enormous luck will be concentrated on him alone, and in the future his cultivation, it may cost hundreds of billions!

Breaking through to the boundaries of half a step is no surprise.

Moreover, he will carry out a series of changes to disintegrate the luck of sucking the three kingdoms, while subjugating other races in the divine world, such as the vast demonic race, the scattered demonic empire, the empire of the Machine Clan, the empire of the Linglong Nation, the empire of the ancient Witch Nation….. the millions of races in the divine world, are actually not weak. All three dynasties and Yankee subjects to surrender.

However, when he harvests the Banlong's nest, it will certainly attract the attention of the three dynasties. Such a powerful power and luck of the Dragon Nation is the fat in the mouth of the three dynasties. Everyone wants to swallow it. Everyone is holding each other back. The Dragon Nation survives in the crack, but now it is swallowed by Yang Qi, many people will hate it into the bone, and at the same time find the whereabouts of the Banlong's nest, find it, and deal with Yang Qi.

Of course, they may not be able to find it, but countless high people among the three dynasties, their strength is also extremely powerful, cannot be underestimated, Yang Qi will never be taken lightly, Yang Qi already thought about it, external legend says that the second demon, the third demon will be born, jointly gained control of Wanlong's lair, and established the fourth great empire.

The name of the Empire of the Great Saint Dragon will gradually be passed on.

Waiting for the depths of Banlong's nest, the surrender of all dragon empires, Yang Qi prompted the consul of the Holy King to unify the empire, and the moment the great kingdom was established, the fourth dynasty and the fourth empire were born.

Central dynasty, great thousand dynasty, invincible dynasty, holy empire.

In the future, the divine kingdom was destined to be the masculine name of the four empires. However, it was not easy to integrate the interior of the Dragon Nation. Although it gained control of Wanlong's nest, which was like an emperor, it was not that easy for the emperor to control the entire empire without causing artificial rebellion, and the officials to follow his orders.


When the Book of Dragons shrunk and integrated into his body, the third demon would soon feel that the whole man was desperate, Yang Qi's strength greatly increased, and the power of the tomb strengthened. Straight away, with the power of the Book of Dragons, she could not resist.

“Oh, woe, woe! Why is it so tragic that I have been imprisoned for tens of billions of years, I have just been born, I have not yet gone out to see what the divine realm has become, I will be imprisoned, to be an eternal slave, I am unwilling, I am unwilling!” The resentment of the third demon, laying the heavens and the earth, can even instantly form a hell of a million resentments.

But even if he is stronger resentment, it won't help. That resentment was completely defeated by Yang Qi's thoughts. Then Yang Qi's divine thoughts mixed with the Gods' imprints, infiltrated the spirit of the Third Demon into the depths of the sea, and began the strongest degree of subjugation. The Third Demon will be the Dragon. Yang Qi surrendered to the Book of Dragons, and she was destined to be subjugated. Her mother's nest was occupied by people. What else could it do?


After a wave of spiritual ripples, the third demon gradually calmed down the divine color, and once again changed from a vast dragon body to a delicate woman, a witch.

However, her body is now soft, can not lift a little strength, so that Yang Ma can see the fire in her mind, can't wait to go up and brutally ravage her. It has to be said that the third demon will indeed be a witch who can seduce all male creatures.

Yang Ma can't stand such cultivation.

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