Sage Emperor

Chapter 1432: Getting Luck

Chapter 1432: Getting Luck

“There's no problem with that. I have a lot of wealth. Now, you guys tell me about your situation? ”

Yankee will certainly increase his luck for the four ancestors.

“Back to the master, this is the peak where we live, and the master also sees that below is the enclosure of our leadership.” One of the men fingers, boom! As the mist spread, vast plains emerged, countless pools, mountains, rivers, brothers, nations... Space, divine kingdom, palace, world.

Looking at the past, Yankee found that a vast enclosure, centred on this mountain peak, was at least twenty and thirty times the size of the Heavenly Dynasty and stood in it.

“Master, the city we lead is called Yuehua's Land. Our mountain peak, called Mengyue Mountain, I am the Governor of Yuehua Land, and the title is Earl. ”

one of the men said.

“We are also counts of Yuehua," said the other two women, "but I am not the Governor, I am the marshal of the soldier Ma, he is the official who oversees the financial power, and he is the head of the inspector. The status is similar to that of the Governor, but the Governor is in charge, but we also have the power to listen and report to him. ”

“Well, the division of labour is clear. ”

Yankee nodded.

The four ancestors, who jointly manage Yue Hua's land, are the Governor, a Soldier Marshal, a Treasurer and an Inspector General.

It just makes up the whole thing. Monitor each other and help each other. One must not be missing.

Yang Qi looked at the past, this Yuehua land is thirty times the size of the heavenly dynasty, but luck exceeds thirty times the size of the heavenly dynasty, and seems to be well managed.

“How many supreme gods do you belong to?” Yang Qi asked.

“A total of 2,325 persons, which do not contain infinite will, there are 1,863. And in the middle of the Supreme God, there were one hundred and thirty-four of us, the four of us in the late Supreme God. ”

A woman, called Lonely Wen, replied.

“It seems that while luck has tripled thirty times, the Supreme God is not so easy to get out of.” Yang Qi: “This Huayue land of more than 2,000 Supreme Gods is not bad. But it shouldn't be too many invincible doors. ”

“Yes, master.” A man called Lonely Victor said: “The Invincible Gate is actually a giant of the divine realm, and tens of billions of dollars have grown extremely strong. For the divine realm as a whole, it is a central dynasty, a thousand dynasty, the three families that are comparable to the Invincible Gates. Tripod, even the Dragons can't compare. Now the forces of the whole divine kingdom, the Invincible Dynasty, the Central Dynasty, the Great Thousand Dynasties! ”

“What about the arrogant family?” Yang Qiduo.

“The proud family is the central dynasty.” Lonely, "said the royal family of the Central Dynasty. ”

“Yes,” said the lone butterfly: “In addition to the lack of dominion, the biggest thing in the divine realm now is our three dynasties, and then there is a level one force, such as the Dragon Nation, the Linglong Nation, the Machine Nation, the Chaotic Ancient Life, the Demon Nation, all of which are incomparable with us, now belong to all three of our forces. In fact, not long later, the Princess of the Linglong Nation, Linglong Su, will marry us to the lonely cloud sky of the Invincible Dynasty, which is that the Linglong Nation will actually convert to our invincible intentions. ”

Four ancestors, two men and two women.

One of them, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely butterfly.

Together, the four are a small interest group that has no 10,000 to 8,000 across the invincible gates.

“The Central Dynasty, the House of Pride?” At this point, Yang Qi was able to really hear the specific news of the Ao family. With his opponent, as for another great thousand dynasties, he did not know what it was.

The three most powerful forces in the divine kingdom have almost surfaced.

The luck of the Invincible Gate reached the point of a sealed word, worthy of being immense, billions of years of operation are not covered.

However, seeing this, Yang Qi's original idea was to soak up the soup, he was going to put his own people in the invincible gate, gradually infiltrate, but now it seems that with invincible door such vast luck and a tight network of laws, put the people of the Holy King into it, that is self-seeking death path, soon to be assimilated, or in the deep of the civilization, fine cultivation, grow again.

Yourself and the Second Devil will be fine here.

“Cut the crap. How do you get us into this now?” The second demon will hear the introduction, impatiently said: “I have seen that this invincible dynasty is indeed enormous and I can profit from it. Pick up the fruit, but first enter the system and absorb the luck from it. ”

“Now there are two ways, the first is to place an identity in our Huayou land, and we should be able to pass it easily in the newspaper. After all, we have power, but the master and the second demon will lower the status of the adult, treat the same luck as the middle-aged figures of the Supreme God. This is the limit of our authority. Secondly, we fought over another Governor's official like ours in Huayou, and then replaced him with a master and a second demon, so that both of them could be great officials, equal in status with us, and then govern a place where they could flourish and echo us so that they could claim power. ”

The four ancestors seemed to have planned it a long time ago, and they spoke in unison.

“I don't care. Anyway, just help me get it done.” The second demon will say: “This seat is too lazy to worry about these troubling things. In a word, it is fortunate to kill the people you oppose in secret. ”

“Well, Second Demon, don't mess around, this is not your time, the Invincible Gate has grown up, definitely not waiting.” Yang Qi said: “I think your plan is feasible, but now that the system is shaped, all kinds of interest groups are at odds, even if they kill the opponents, they will not be our superiors. How can a governor be so authoritative as to be known as Fengjiang Dawei, how can we get it? In this way, we first slowly mix up in the system of Huayue land, then we expand the luck of Huayue land, the status of the four ancestors, get more, they do more important positions, we will take over Huayue land, this is the right path. ”

Yankee analyzed the buckle.

“Where's so much time coming from.” The second demon will snort coldly: "The King of Immortals is already nervous, and ambitious people are plotting a great conspiracy. ”

“The arrogant conspiracy, I think, is very good! As long as the heavens and the earth are volatile, it is our chance.” Yang Qi doesn't care: “Second Demon General, I know you're not good at management, so why don't you just do nothing? I'll take charge of the big picture. You do your Tai Wang, but when I can't fix things, how about you come out? ”

“Well, it's settled that our magic is chaotic. They don't talk about order, they talk about things, they prove it, they kill enemies, they don't have so many bends. This is the way it is, killing, swallowing, destroying, eradicating if something goes wrong.” The second demon will stand against his will.

“Well, now you listen to my plan. ”

Yankee took out some heavenly divine stones: "This is my concentrated divine stone that transcends the perfect level, believing that there is none in the whole divine world. I am the only one who owns it. You take it and report it to the top. Just say that you found it in the forbidden zone of God. I think it will be greatly appreciated, and I will give you a fortune! Buy more resources, develop power, grow the land of Huayue, and, Second Demon, how about these four men? I think you should go ahead and give them some strength. ”


The second demon will say: "I didn't get any good, so I started paying. After I met you, nothing was easy. ”

That said, but he also understood that this was a critical time, as if doing business to invest, had to invest for the first time.

At the moment, he suddenly rolled all over his body, four fingers in a row, pointing on the body of the four great ancestors. The four great ancestors could not react at all. He hit the body, and then a series of demonic impressions were deeply imprinted on the body of the four great masters.

“This is our magic, the supreme excellence, the sealing of three thousand impressions of demons, infiltration into your bodies, will create a kind of demonic sameness, dark light alternating, powerful, you gradually refine this printing, you will gain the most powerful divinity. This is the tens of billions of years of my enlightenment, under the confinement of the light god lamp, enlightened, the universe is pitch-black, there are lamps in my heart! ”

At this moment, the four ancestors actually repaired it to much more, it is essentially strong and horizontal, as if a cat suddenly became a milk tiger. Although the fighting power of the two people is similar, the milk tiger grew up much more powerful than the cat.

This is essentially different.

“Thank you, Second Demon Commander. ”

The four ancestors were delighted and looked at Yang Qi.

Yankee is also a little bit bright, and teaches the four great ancestors many divine talents: “Go, you will surely be rewarded with your credit. ”


At the moment, the four ancestors just left, and Yang Qi and the second demon would sit in the cave, afraid to move slightly, and now they have not been sealed, unable to enter the system, difficult to absorb the luck in the sky.

After a full day, Yang Qi's heart moved and the four elders returned joyfully. When they reached the cave, all four of them knelt down: “Master, happy! The heavenly Divine Stone we handed over received the above attention. This time, the Emperor actually received us personally! We are also encouraged to do and give lots of things, all kinds of Dan medicine, and we have also received approval for our request to increase the number of official positions in Huayue, and now there are two seats, two of which are patrol envoys of Huayue Land, in a position higher than the first level of our rank, which, if counted, is equivalent to secular capture of the leader of the Fast Gate Gate. ”

“Well, good, take out the paperwork. ”

Yang Qi said.

At the moment, the four ancestors came up with two books to seal civilization, and Yang Qi picked them up.


Suddenly, with a shock of luck, Yankee felt an incredible change.

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