Sage Emperor

Chapter 1428 Go to Invincible Gate

Chapter 1428: Into the Invincible Gate

When people float, their luck is reduced and they are scattered.

When people are calm, luck gathers and rises.

This is the same truth.

It is not surprising that Yang Qi dispatched the Consul of the Holy King of 100,000 Supreme Gods to manage the immigration of the three great dynasties and settled the situation in an instant. The functions of the Consul of the Holy King were originally used to manage it.

From now on, the whole affairs of the Holy King's Party will be managed by the Holy King's Consul, headed by various officials and key departments. In that case, there is no embezzlement, there is no selfishness, there is no conspiracy of all kinds, everything is done according to procedure.

The whole Holy King's Party will remain clear, up and down the field, clean as ever.

Naturally, luck will increase unprecedented.

The reason why the Holy King's consul, called the consul, is that they can govern, they can be officials, their essence is that the officials, gathered into a huge dynasty, formed a constitution, in which every consul of the Holy King can absorb the luck of his constitution and divide again, while at the same time maintaining the growth of their entire constitution, eventually becoming larger and larger, form a virtuous circle.

Corruption occurs in any dynasty. The heavenly dynasty, the temple, and the Kowloon dynasty are all very serious, because an individual official is selfish, desperate to accumulate resources for himself, cultivate kinship, and suppress dissent, thus seriously damaging the luck of the dynasty, leading to a decline in the ability of the whole dynasty to operate, which is the most desperate.

And as an ancient ancestor among them, there is no way for the pioneer.

Old Ancestor also has no way to innovate his destiny.

And now, with the advent of the Holy King's consul, everything has been perfectly reversed, and in fact, every consul of the Holy King is a skinhead. Perfect calculation, handling all kinds of things, head of the way, strictly following all kinds of systems, never wronging a good person, never letting go of a bad person, can establish a strong order.

This, even too ancient an angel, can't do it.

For the consul of the Holy King is Yang Qi who combines the imprint of the gods with the essence of the jade of the virtuous.

So, deep down in the entire civilizational disc, there was a huge campaign going on. All kinds of forces, integrating with each other, the roots of the disjointed, could not be cleaned up. Some interest groups, even their own ancestors, could not be cured, but Yang Qi quickly cut the hemp and cut all interest groups directly into pieces.

Because, in the past, any dynasty had to have officials and administrators.

Corruption is inevitable as long as any manager is in charge, which is simply not a problem that can be solved, so the ancestors can only turn a blind eye, because the great cleansing not only fails to create political clarity, but the powerful cleaners, on the other hand, publicize private revenge and create more resentment.

As a result, growing resentment can have a serious impact on luck.

But this time, Yankee is not like this, because the consul of the Holy King, who works for him, has no selfishness at all, strictly enforces the law, will not be pulled together by anything, nor will he talk to anyone, one, two or two.

Such rigorous enforcement of the law continued, and months later, deep in the vast disk of civilization, a huge dynasty began to congeal itself.

And it was only a few hours outside.

Because Yankee can adjust the passage of time in the disk of civilization, so that in a short time or so, all the dynasties can be integrated, causing luck to gather.

A few months later, basically all the forces, divided by rank, class, were divided, and began to gather into administrative bodies.

Saint King's Party, the only executive body.

The consul of the Holy King, who is the official of this institution, has no authority other than the consul of the Holy King and enjoys only the services of officials.

Over the past few months, all of us have discovered the fact that, as long as a person has the ability to do so without nepotism at all, he can stand out, be appreciated by the consul of the Holy King, without bribery, and benefit from contributing to the system as a whole.

In this way, everyone knows that this integration is quite different.

Even the original disciples of the Holy King's Party, in this case, are not interest groups, completely equal with the heavenly dynasty, to the temple and other places, some large interest groups, all disintegrated.

This is something that there is no way to do, because they have no power, no power for all.

There can be no corruption at all! Once the cure is clear, the resentment will be less, the resentment will be less, and luck will increase. The so-called time of popular resentment is the time of the demise of a dynasty.

Whereas popular resentment does not boil, it does not depend on how many resources and how much savings the entire dynasty has, but rather on justice and injustice.

This is the most important thing.

It is an ancient paradise, rich in materials, but still a group of males rebel, the gods havoc. It's called not being widowed but being uneven. Now Yang Qi is completely average, even if some of the broken interest groups, there is resentment in their hearts, but when they see that the consul of the Holy King himself is not greedy, they do not take a penny, and their hearts are balanced.

An aura of clarity, deep in the entire disc of civilization, in the brewing, in the rising, all around is the luck of clear water.

“This luck…”

The celestial master was shocked: “This kind of luck, clear as water, is like a clear spring, no impurities, this is the lucid luck of dreams. Rumor has it, when the country is governed by sage, everyone is saintly, this luck will occur. Although there are still impurities in this luck, I can feel it, the impurities are gradually disappearing! ”

“Luck, this luck, is as clear as water, but the quality is very high, so that the whole luck is sure to boil again to an extreme point. ”

“Our previous luck, the rolling flood, was very cloudy, which represented some resentment and a mixed atmosphere of corruption. Now, otherwise, the corruption of this luck is gradually diminishing... ”

Many of the ancestors were amazed, and they felt the difference in luck.

A dynasty, of course, the bigger the luck, the better the prosperity, but there are also disadvantages, too much luck, which is filled with resentment, corruption, over time, will pollute the luck, causing the luck to reverse, counterphage the master. ‘

This is true of any one dynasty.

The great dynasty, all of a sudden, the earth collapses, such as the collapse of the mountains, the presence of wolf smoke everywhere, the flames everywhere, the world is reversed, that is, the corruption in luck is serious, suddenly between conversions, people's hearts are reversed, then it is over, the dominion is like this.

And now the luck of the Saint King Yankee Party is quite different, as clear as water. With the increase of his Saint King's consul, those officials can manage to get to the depth of details, making corruption less, judgment more just, everyone is not angry and mindful.

Such luck is the true Holy King.

Saint King!

However, to go further, to transform the Qingquan-like luck into pure green without impurities of fire luck, there is still a need for a growing number of consuls of the Holy King.

The so-called fire is pure green, and Yankee has not arrived yet.

However, the quality of his luck now transcends many dynasties.

A fierce and fierce migration has been successful. In addition to every interest group, everyone, has settled in the deep of the disc of civilization, Yang Qi has set up transmission arrays so that the ancient heavenly gods can jump at any time into the deep of the disc of civilization, condense into higher order “heavenly grade divine stones” than the perfect divine stones, which give the most powerful power to the disc of civilization, and all kinds of materials can even be manufactured directly with the help of Heaven and Earth's natural energy, chaotic ancient gas.

The disc of civilization is now able to extract from the depths of the void the chaos and antiquity that the divine realm has not yet succeeded in condensing, condensing everything.

In those days, all kinds of things in the divine world were successfully condensed by the ancient atmosphere of chaos. If you get the ancient gas of chaos, you can condense it into countless treasures of genius and earth. But you need powerful divine energy, and no Supreme God can do this because they did not exceed the perfect level of divine stone, and now Yang Qi has it.

in other words.

Even if all of us don't go out now, we can guarantee food and clothing, because the disk fragments of civilization absorb the ancient chaos and create all kinds of genius and earth treasures.

In the light brain deep in the disc of civilization, there is a record of how many ancient wonders are made.

That is, theoretically, with enough energy, enough chaotic antiquity, enough computational thinking, even the divine realm can make it.

However, if the disc of civilization wants to make the divine realm, that's impossible, even if it's a trillion trillion trillion times bigger, at least, the astronomical computing system in it is simply not enough to compute all kinds of data that make the divine realm.

Mind can't keep up.

Everything is done, Yankee invited the second demon to enter the disc of civilization: “The second demon will go to the invincible gate now, lurk into the invincible door, I hope you don't make a lot of noise, do it in secret, if you want to regain strength, I can assist you, secretly devour a few invincible door ancestors is not impossible. ”

“Gentlemen, don't worry, the strength of this seat is not enough to fight the ancestors of the invincible gate, those ancestors, the lonely defeated heavens and others, in the ancient times, although less than me, but to do the shrinking head turtle to do today, and I was sealed, which eliminated under each other, had to guard against. This seat also needs to be mixed deep into the body for the benefit. ”

The second demon will be aware of time affairs, and there will be a lot of reflection on his face: “Gentlemen, if your strength is not too weak, this seat will be able to work with you to do a great cause. You are a man destined to succeed, but the ancestors of the Invincible Gate may have pieces of the jade of the wise in their hands, because they also entered the forbidden zone of God and searched for many treasures besides not daring to go near ancient heaven. When did those disciples find me? That's because they knew I was sealed deep. ”

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