Rumors were circulating in the town of Saul that the demonic kingdom had come to the merchant military gates.

However, there were many things that did not get much guidelines, such as further hearsay of hearsay.

This place is close to the demon kingdom.

Moreover, the Devil Nation has recently relocated its capital to the south.

Sometimes rumors of the demonic kingdom come in faster than anywhere else.

So the rumors are credible, but the information is complicated.

"And more importantly, a merchant country."

Merchant countries that do not have the force as a country have aligned their forces with mercenaries, including spellmen.

We know that there are quite a few of them because there is also the job of escorting merchants during normal times.

Still, without any warning, would the demonic kingdom come to the military gate?

"What happened to the peace negotiations with Dragon Nation?

Even then the story should have gone on.

I care a lot, I don't feel like flying out of here.

I showed my father my face at home to confirm the veracity of the rumor.

"Oh, rare."

There was Linda.

"Why is Linda here?

I drink tea at home to swallow.

"Hear from your fellow merchants what you shouldn't hear. I've come this far."

"Is that about the merchant and demonic kingdoms?

"Sounds like it. Looks like it's already been rumored in this town."

In Linda's case, by a network of merchants, they found out a few days early.

So he hastily came to this town because it's the closest big city to the demon kingdom.

"I just found out, too. What is. How far does Linda know?

"I don't know what's going on. Still, I wonder if the merchant countries have been after it for a long time."

So around "huffing" my nose, it sounds like Linda.

Apparently the merchants have more information.

"Well, can you tell me as far as I can tell?

I decided to hear from Linda about the incident.

"Right. It was very quiet at first."

Merchants facilitate supplies when the demon kingdom engages in wartime activities.

Of course that will be settled later.

When we're going to war, we can't trade cash whenever supplies are brought in.

Accepting money can be cumbersome when your forehead gets bigger.

Therefore, the relationship continued to accommodate supplies first and to settle them slowly after the soldiers left.

"Even when it's damaged by the Moon Warcraft. Merchants from the Devil's Country and the Merchant's Country will be able to facilitate their support supplies first."

"I know that. When it comes to what's most important, can we have the supplies we need when we need them?"

"But in time, the actuaries took the form of putting it together later, or once at the end of the year. I mean, tsuke pay. It's a credit deal."

The flow that happens is natural and there's nothing strange about it, Linda said.

"But this time... something happened, right?

"Yeah, it's caused by the collapse of the Devil's Capital. I don't know when... but I think the destruction of the capital has set a target for the demonic domination of the merchant nation."

There are also the bumps that have accumulated so far.

Not only that, the Demon Nation had moved a lot of flashy lately. It comes in.

It is not hard to imagine that if we had traded all of that credit, the amount we would have paid at the end of the year would have been considerable.

Linda says it would be a split because it's difficult in bulk.

"Oh, well, that's the devastation of the capital, and you can't pay anymore"

There are collections of things and gold in the capital.

Currently, the place the Devil Nation makes its capital was originally a small town - a regional city.

Moreover, it was also a despicable place, so much so that it was said that the anti-Kings were the place where the islands were displaced.

The damage caused by the major metastasis was less because of it, but in terms of economic activity, third class...... no, I can say fourth class.

And the merchants have a deed of credit to date.

It is, of course, from the days of the previous demonic kings.

If the capital is alive, after paying the possible portion, the rest can also adopt the means of division.

But there is no capital anymore, and we are still in the middle of a major metastasis.

Demon kingdom has no money to swing upside down.

On the contrary, the money that goes out throughout the city should be decreasing.

"The merchants have been asking you to pay for the expired amount. The demon kingdom rejected it."

"Well, naturally, right? I can't pay for it."

It is the merchants of the merchant and dragon kingdoms, including the demonic kingdom, who have claims.

If you pay only the merchants of the demonic kingdom, for example, the recipient could be attacked by force.

Unless creditors are treated equally, their grievances are directed at both lenders and borrowers.

And the easiest hand is the merchant who received the gold.

The merchants of the demon kingdom also know about it, so we cannot come up with a proposal to have it returned to us alone.

"The next thing I know is a declaration of default. But if you do this, the credibility of the demon kingdom will fall to the ground."

If it materializes, the demon kingdom will not repay any debt.

No matter how much the Chamber of Commerce crumbles, only the Devil Nation will survive.

However, since then, there has been no single commodity that the Demon Nation wants, and no credit deal can be made.

Anyway, I got zero credit from the country.

"So far we'll be charging you with debt. So lend me your money again."

That's what I said, nobody moves on and tries to get involved.

The fact is, the Devil's Nation has had a rough rebellion when it hits the top of the Chamber of Commerce with such stories.

So when it comes to daring to execute, the Demon King is not that hectic right now.

It is a character that puts cohesion policy with other countries first.

They can't change to such a radical route.

"Wait a minute....... Does that mean the Demon Nation is now feeling financially bankrupt?

"Absolutely right. Take this to my chamber of commerce - the Luckena Chamber of Commerce, for example, after a huge debt to expand the business, not only the shops in the capital, but also the top five sales stores are close to disappearing neglectfully."

No matter how much you increase your sales in the rest of the store, there's no Ate to pay off because some debt has clasped your legs from the beginning and even better stores have disappeared. The situation is that the sales may be less than the previous half and negative to the profit.

"It's also..."

Then the demon kingdom is over.

"The merchant country has followed it well."

Looks like we're finally talking about the merchant country from here on out.

"I think if you give me over the sovereignty of the demonic kingdom, I put out a single debt and said I'd approve a long-term repayment plan"

I give up my sovereignty - Linda explained it plainly to me, not knowledgeable about the economy.

Right now, various merchants are lending money to the demon kingdom itself.

And the merchants are in trouble without Ate to return.

The merchant country says it will give money to such merchants and buy up the deeds that the demon country trades in credit.

Now the only debt the Devil Nation owes will be the Merchant Nation.

Instead, the merchant countries must determine whether the Devil Nation can "engage in economic activities that will enable it to pay its debts properly" and "take political action to pay off its debts".

Therefore, let those dispatched by the merchant nations be involved in the politics and economy of the demonic kingdom as decision-making bodies.

Admit it, the immediate crisis can be averted. He whispered that I would get on with the story.

"Has the Devil Nation ridden?

"As it turns out, you must have got on. I have no idea how many men have been sent to the Demon Nation or what the Demon Nation will steer ahead."

Linda says something like the Dragon Nation Congress will be opened in Demon Nation in the future.

The King has the right of approval, but the new Parliament, which makes the drafting, implementation, etc. of the basic policy, holds it.

And what we now know was that more than half of those in that parliament were accounted for by those sent by the merchant countries.

"That's true. He said he was at the merchant military gate."

I only have the last veto, but I can tell you that everything else has been gripped by the merchant countries.

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