After the night book, I headed to the dragon house with the sharazard.

"We're going out."


I'm already dressed in black. And I spoke in a whisper, so Sharazard immediately guessed at me.

Jumping on gently, Sharazard flew without making a sound.

Me and Shalazad's black body, which rose in the sky, became inconspicuous in no way in the darkness of night.

"Keep flying west."

"Aye, okay."

The order I received - the assassination of the Demon King.

You can't just go right in front of me and say "you're alive".

There are twofold soldiers and wizards who defend the king.

We have to think of a way to do that.

"All we need is information, but after we're on the battlefield, it's tough to get extra."

There was contact with me from the town of Saul. [M]

I've seen him several times, too.

He said it was information in the town of Horris that was given to him.

I asked him how he got the information on the closed town, and he told me it was a secret.

Only that I used a black arrow, and they told me.

I guess he released an arrow painted in pitch black from inside the walls toward the outside.

I think it was predetermined from which place to shoot in case the town was occupied.

If it was done in the night, I would never find it, and I thought it was a good means.

"I don't know much about it, but I'll check with you locally."

The information I got.

First, about the Demon King.

The Demon King was out of town with the army. That's for sure, he said.

And the formation of the Devil's Army, but they're bringing the equipment for the Moon Warcraft as it is.

In addition to the general soldiers, there are heavy loaded soldiers, cavalry soldiers and demon soldiers.

We also found that there was a siege weapon in the heavy.

Pretty heavy gear.

It follows from this that the Demon King is seriously coming to drop the town of Saul.

"Well, I wonder what it's like down there"

After flying a little, I could see the dragon national army leaving today under my eyes.

I'm camping on high ground.

Cook a lot of fireworks and look ready for a night raid.

Beautiful circular formation.

Further, I saw the Demon Army.

"Surprisingly close."

Tomorrow the two armies are getting close to bumping into each other.

"The Devil's Army is... a half-yen formation"

They build formations so that the town of Saul only circles on one side.

The other side is nothing like a spat cut.

Determined that there was no raid from behind, it was a form of concentrating the force forward.

"... while I guess the rear emits a lot of scouts"

The land is in Dragon Nation.

The Devil's Army may be daring to invite a night raid.

Well, I want to go down away from the camp in the Devil's Country, but where would you like it?

Normally I infiltrate from the rear, or west, of the Demon Nation Army, but I have a bad feeling.

Trouble, but let's go from the vigilant east side.

"Charazard. I'm gonna jump like this, so you are... just stay over that mountain."

"Hmm. Quite a distance, though."

"I think if we're any closer, we'll find ourselves in enemy scouts. You don't have to pick me up when I get home. [M] I mean, it's troublesome when you find them, so don't come."

'Aye, all right, Lord. I'll rest there. "

"Be sure to come back before the sun rises"


"... then I'm coming"

I slowly fell off the back of Shalazad. [M]

Dragon National Army camp, on the other hand.

"General Iliel, all enemies in the vicinity are over. No problem."

"All right, Derez, the squad continues with the opponent as it is. The Libros and Goes are working to create a fence against assault."


The camp rushes out.

As spies may be entering Saul's town, General Iliel has so far failed to take any specific action.

This camp, far enough from town, finally allows us to take operational action.

The Derez squad has just confirmed that there are no enemies around, of course.

"Tomorrow's showdown will be here"

The place General Iliel showed us was on a street with no strange philosophy of any kind.

However, there are mountains on both sides where trees grow without gaps. Not a single person can climb a mountain so dense a tree.

Dragon National Army lays formation at its exit.

The Devil's Army will come out of the streets passing through the gap between the mountains.

So beat the Demon Nation Army.

If the intercepting formation is wrong, it is a place where we can expect results.

But General Iliel had ordered Libros and Goes to create a fence.

When it comes to what this is, it is to trap the Demon Nation Army.

In other words, lay a formation on favorable terrain and stretch it even further into a trap.

This is a street sandwiched between the left and right by a woody mountain.

There is no escape route anywhere.

The Devil's Army has no choice but to storm and try to make a central breakthrough.

The general dared to make it a success.

However, after a central breakthrough, a deep fence with the shape of a co appears.

The Devil's Army has no choice but to proceed inside a long, deep anti-assault fence, as if it were a bunk of eels.

But it's closed. Exactly a bag of rats.

On the other hand, we plan to place many troops in the rear so that we can rinse and crush the Demon Nation Army, making it easier to thin the center and break through.

But it doesn't make sense if they see through this.

It is also not possible to change the operation while watching the enemy's movements because the fence needs to be positioned beforehand.

Therefore, until now, when secrets are absolutely kept, no action has been taken.

This is a possible measure because it is the Dragon National Army, which has well understood and prepared the surrounding geography.

"Make sure you complete the fence by morning. Tomorrow's the showdown."

General Iliel has no doubt about the success of this operation.

However, there are a number of concerns.

"General, a decree has arrived. Tomorrow, a carriage with food will arrive."

"Right. Will we make it by breakfast?

"No, they say it's due before noon to arrive"

"Uhm. Okay."

Some of the nearby towns, including the town of Saul, could have been watched.

So General Iliel asked for food to be brought in from a town a little further away.

Still, it takes days to arrive.

"Can we handle it in time for noon? It's tough, though, to deceive the enemy's eyes."

One of the General's concerns is the issue of food.

The carriage departing from the town of Saul was loaded with tools, tools, fittings and nails to build a fence instead of food.

Also, wooden products that took time to create were loaded in the carriage in advance.

I mean, I couldn't load much food.

There will be food until tomorrow, but not for the day after tomorrow.

It is scheduled to be brought in urgently from the worst town in Saul, but the movement of the streets can be dangerous in wartime.

Taking that into account, the general decided to reconsider that it would be better if he arrived around noon tomorrow.

"The other one is Saul's town defense."

The town of Saul falls easily when attacked by a large army.

There are nearly ten dragons permanently stationed, but that's not the only way you can deal with a thousand or two thousand soldiers.

The dragon can be called invincible, but because the dragon manipulator is manipulating it, it is the end if it is targeted with bows and arrows.

or so the town is large and the number of defensemen is insufficient.

Because it is a normal town that is not a fortified city, it is quite dangerous at the time of the siege.

Other dragon kingdoms and dragon jockeys are alert to the demon kingdom's separate squads, so they are reassuring for once, but there is also a slight chance that they will spoil their eyes.

When Saul's town falls, there is no longer any point in General Iliel fighting here.

"There are mountains and woods, especially with the town of Horris, and even the Heralds can't travel freely."

Delays in communicating information may also make it too late.

General Iliel's troubles were endless.

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