RWBY: Path of Blood

98 Crossover Special: The Lesser Keys Path of Blood X The Art of Magic

The world of Remnants for the moment, was at peace. It was a few weeks after the sins came knocking on Vale's doors.

The forest of Forever fall was silent only the constant noises of the Animals and Grimm roaming about echoed. The red leaves of this beautiful forest swayed as the winds blew past them. Haruki was training in this place, eliminating the Grimm. He was training even harder than before to prepare for the upcoming war.

He was brandishing his blade Kusanagi, Slicing off the Grimm he finds, as he sparred with both Yushu and Kurenai.

On the far side of the forest, away from Haruki's training. A Purple vortex suddenly appeared out of nowhere. A woman with black hair and purple highlights, and was wearing a white jean jacket, with dark purple highlights and a Grey shirt with a Gold Dragon insignia underneath. Along with black Jeans and black sneakers to complete her aesthetic. She had metal armor strapped on her shoulder and knees.

(AN: A fair Bit of color swapping and imagination would do the trick but her outfit looks a little like this.

She looked straight out of a cyberpunk novel. Her entire bearing and aura felt like she didn't belong here. The mysterious beauty scratched her head as she looked around. She felt around her jacket and brought out sunglasses as if to protect her from the glaring Ray's of the sun that peaked over the leaves of the forest trees.

She kept looking around as if mesmerized by the sheer beauty of the forest. After looking around she finally spoke. "You know, If I didn't know better I would honestly make this world my vacation home."

She breathed deeply as she appreciated the sight she was seeing right now. Suddenly an eel-like shadow, it had black scales seemingly from the dark pools of the abyss itself. Sharp teeth that could tear through anything and Glaring Orange eyes that could Pierce the soul of anything it sees, came out of the tattoo on her left arm. It swirled around her body and spoke to her,

[[I wouldn't do that Nex, it feels like powerful beings from other dimensions are here. If I were you I'd quickly get out of here before I get discovered. Hahahahahaha! Although, duking it out with those godlike beings wouldn't be such a bad idea!!]]

Nex glared at her companion and clicked her tongue, "Fuck you Nova! You're the one who adjusted the magic formula and sent us here! And don't even start by saying this is training, I swear I will grill you and hand you over to the locals!"

The eel-like shadow named Nova laughed out loud with an eerie and gravely voice.

[[Hahahahahaha!! Don't be such a stuck-up, I made some last minute adjustments. I felt something familiar in this dimension. It felt like it was calling to me.]]

Nova kept pacing back and forth, looking around as if searching for something. Nex on the other hand was smirking, "It can't be an ex-girlfriend now can it?"

[[Hahahaha! You know I'd never cheat on you Nex!]] Nova said as he picked up the direction of where the familiar feeling was coming from.

Nex followed her companion as she spat on the ground, "Keh, Don't get ahead of yourself punk. You're a hundred years early to take me out for dinner."

Nova on the other hand was becoming more and more silent. As they inched closer, Nova moved faster, Nex could only reluctantly follow her companion. After a few minutes of sprinting both Nex and Nova came to a grinding halt. The two otherworlders stopped in their tracks as they saw three figures fight in the air. It was two women against a masked man. Their clash released minimum amounts of aura, but Both Nex and Nova felt it.

Nex couldn't help but get excited, She wanted to know if the three were at the Apex of this world. Nova on the other hand was laughing jovially.

[[Hahahahahahahaha!!! I have finally found you!!!]]

Haruki on the other hand was busy clashing with both Yushu and Kurenai as he killed any Grimm that he sees. Suddenly the robotic voice of Ars Magus resounded on Haruki's mind.

[ Hold on. I sense a familiar aura around us.]

Haruki halted and signalled both Yushu and Kurenai to stop and stand behind him. He landed on the ground and saw a figure standing a good distance from them.

He widened his eyes at the familiar sight. His heart pumped, thinking that this was merely an illusion. But, if Ars Magus could sense this...

Then that means, She's real, or just a cosplayer. Her outfit looked eeriely similar to his original universe.

His steps were steady, They couldn't see his Expression, but in the eye sockets of the mask you could faintly see hope and worry in his eyes.

Haruki was about to speak, suddenly Nex moved from her original position and stood on top of a large pile of rocks, she sat cross legged as she sniffed the air. After doing it, she showed Haruki a crazy smile.

"You smell like me... Do you also live in the battlefield?" She asked him innocently like a child asking for candy.

Haruki was taken aback, but he quickly regained his composure as he stared at the mysterious woman in front of him. He breathed deeply, "I've long thrown that life away."

She tilted her her head and smiled widely, "Thrown? Hahahahahaha! What kind of fucking joke is that?" She quickly stood up and dusted her pants.

"Where are my manners! I'm Nex by the way."

Haruki removed his mask, "Where are you from?" He asked her, but suddenly an eel-like shadow came out of her tattoo.

[[ I'm Nova! I see... so you're the other wielder.]]

Haruki furrowed his brows, but before he could ask Nova what he meant. Nex interrupted them again, "Hey! You look very familiar! Have we met before?"

Nova laughed, [[How would that be possible? This is an another dimension you know?]]

Haruki gripped the handle of Kusanagi in his hand. He introduced himself, "I'm Kazama Haruki..."

Nex's eyes opened wide and she laughed heartily, "Hahahahahahahaha!! Of course! I remember now! The Butcher of Ganymede! The Wolf himself!! The New Leader of Ragnarök... One of the greatest Mercenaries in 35 systems! Wanted by every quadrant in the Galaxy!

I thought you were dead? After the stunt you pulled in Tartarus prison, you were declared as the Universe's Greatest criminal. You have a nice bounty in your head.

Even after 6 years, The higher ups still think you're alive. People didn't believe them, but I guess even those old fogies still have some good bones in them."

She grinned widely as she created a purple magic circle on an empty space beside her, then a violet vortex appeared and suddenly a Purple Katana came out of it. It had a black handle, and red inscriptions in the blade.

"But I'm not here for that..."

Haruki on the other hand was now sure of who this woman was. He appeared calm on the outside but inside he was panicking,

"I see...I remember now, You're a part of project A.L.I.C.E aren't you? What happened to Proxima-9 for you to become a Bounty Hunter..."

Nex furrowed her brows, "Do You know about the inhuman things they did to us? Your group delivered us straight into the devil's den! I had to put an end to their madness...

Now I'm a free pretty girl! Bounty Hunter Supreme! I'm actually in-between jobs right now. From Jack of all trades to assassin."

Haruki looked down, Another one of his past mistakes showed up in his doorstep. The biggest question was how did she get here? Wait if he went back a little, he remembered the Eel-like creature beside her say something along the lines of, 'I see... You're the other wielder.'

He stared straight into the orange eyes of the shadow creature, "How in the hell did you get here?"

Nova laughed out loud, [[What? you angry we interrupted your dream? Relax kid. I'm only here to say Hi.]]

Haruki raised his eyebrow, "What?" He was puzzled, who else was here except for him. Suddenly The Ars Magus glowed and it broadcasted it's mechanical voice.

[What are you doing here Notoria?] Ars Magus asked. Which earned him a chuckle from Nova.

[I don't know, were supposed to just do a quick dimension hop to get to our destination quickly, but I sensed a familiar presence so I dropped by to say hello.

C'mon! can't I check on my little brother?]

Haruki and Nex both had their eyes wide open. It seems that they weren't the only ones that were acquaintances.

"Ars... He's your brother? that scaly and slimy boi?"

[Unfortunately Yes...]

[[Hey! Don't be Rude Magus! *Ahem* Let me introduce myself properly this time.

I am one of the most powerful weapons in Existence! One of The Six! The Great Ars Nova!

Or Mostly known as The Grimoire Ars Notoria!!!

Well? Mortals!? Kneel!]]

Haruki just scratched his cheeks as he watched Nova spin around in the air. Honestly it creeped him out. Nex on the other hand grabbed the eel-like creepy smol boi and slammed him on the ground.

"Shut the fuck up! What the hell are you? An eighth grader!? you're embarrassing me here!

I finally get to see my idol and you go and ruin it by making an ass of yourself."

She kept stomping on Nova until he turned in to smoke and reformed his body a good distance away from Nex.


Nex straightened her jacket and smiled towards Haruki. Nova on the other hand Swirled on Nex's arm. Then Ars Magus Glowed once more as it spoke,

[[I suppose it's only fair to introduce myself as well.

I am One of The Six. One of the most powerfulweapon. Also known as the Great Library. Ars Magus.]]

Nex furrowed her brows, "Huh? I thought that there were only 5 Lesser Keys?" She scratched her head as she stared at the watch strapped to Haruki's arm.

[[Well technically Magus is not a Grimoire nor a lesser key. He's more of a lock, and once the five keys have gathered, He shall be called upon to unlock and open the gate of Truth. By "His" Name.

For it has always been six and forever remain as is. Maintaining the Balance in the universe, Good nor Evil, doesn't matter.]]

Haruki was frowning, "I never knew that there was more than what you told me..."

Gluttony's laughter echoed in the watch, [Hahahaha! Sorry kid! Ars won't let me say anything. I figured he would tell you soon, but a lot of crap happened one after another. We never really found the chance to tell you.]

He sighed, "I remember you telling me there were six keys, how come there's only 5 and one lock?"

[Bah! Potato, Tomato... It's the same fucking thing. I wasn't the one who made these weapons. How the fuck would I understand how they work?]

Haruki shrugged his shoulders and looked towards Nova, but he was slack jawed.

[[Y-Y-yyyou!! You devoured the essence of sin!? Hahahahahahahaha!!! It seems that this trip will be worth it after all Nex!]]

Nova bellowed, but when he looked towards Nex she was twiddling with her phone, waving it around like an idiot.

"Ughh... There's no fucking signal." She checked the reception on her phone.

[[Nex! What the fuck! Of course there wouldn't be any signal, have you seen a cell tower around!?]]

Haruki facepalmed, "That's why you're angry?"

Nex stood up swinging her blade in the air, "I know, I know... Geez. The Great Wolfgang, May I interest you with a friendly bout? As fellow wielders?"

Haruki stared at her and pondered her offer, 'I really need to fight someone strong. Perhaps someone that wields the Ars Notoria could put up a fight.'

"I agree." He grinned madly. He brought out Mournful Vengeance and Kusanagi and wielded them with both Hands. He signalled the twins to stay back and not interfere.

Nex returned a nasty grin as she steadied her stance, "Finally! Let's see what you're made of Wolf!"

She sent a slash on Haruki's direction, and several blade lights instantly appeared in front of him. He blocked it all with Mournful Vengeance and countered with Kusanagi.

Sword slashes clashed in the air, creating massive shockwaves that uprooted the trees around them. The two created a Massive circle devoid of life. Where nothing but the two of them stood apart from each other.

Yushu and Kurenai were standing in the sidelines, observing the battle. Kurenai was frowning, "How come I don't get to fight?"

Yushu stared at her sister as if she was an idiot, "Because you'd be dead in three seconds?"

Kurenai shrugged her shoulders, "Well whatever, but her swordsmanship seems clumsy. I feel like it was self taught with a mix of Our Masters previous worlds military swordstyle."

Suddenly Nova spoke besides them, [[That's cause she's not a swordsman. She's a mage.]]

Yushu winced at the sight of Nova, she moved away a few steps, she was creeped out by Nova's appearance. Kurenai on the other hand got her interest peaked.

"Really? Then why does she have that sword for?" She observed the purple katana with red runes inscribed in it.

[[Because it's also a wand.]]

Kurenai's eyes turned into dots, "I'm sorry what?"

Nova laughed heartily as he put his focus back on their fight.

Haruki spun his two blades, "This is going nowhere. Are you even taking this seriously? Your moves are like a child struggling to walk."

Nex smiled happily, "Well I'm not a swordswoman... I'm a mage." She said confidently. Haruki opened his eyes wide. He then laughed, "Of course! But there's no Mana in this world. How would you survive?"

She laughed, "Nova, never needed Mana in the first place. We use something a little different."

Haruki tilted his head, "What does she mean Ars? Ars?" He tried calling out to him twice but he didn't respond. But as he was about to charge in Ars spoke.

[Nova uses life force. It's different from blood essence. As long as life exist, she will have infinite amount of resources.]

He opened his eyes wide and looked around, "Shit!" The plants have all withered and the animals were weakening.

Nex created a magic circle below her.

::Physical Enhancement::

A mechanical voice resounded in the area. Her entire body was covered in slightly red aura. She cracked her knuckles, "Well? Can you fight a fine damsel such as myself?"

Haruki stretched and cracked his neck, "I believe in equal opportunity for everyone."

Nex extended her hands and multiple Violet magic circles appeared on the ground. Suddenly spikes came out and shot forth towards Haruki.

He instantly used eyes of Takemikazutchi and Observed the trajectories of the spikes. He parried the ones that were aimed at his vitals while he dodged the others. Suddenly a purple vortex appeared behind him, A Hand shot forth and held his arm in place.

He saw Nex smiling as one of her hand was inside a portal. He smirked and activated lightning form to dodge the incoming attacks. This sent electric currents towards her, electrifying her entire body.

"Kahahahahahaha!!!! This is it!" She channeled the lightning and turned it into a large snake and it shot forth towards Haruki.

Haruki brought out warmonger and devoured it. As he was floating in the air he saw that the vorpal blades that Nex summoned were tracing him. Wherever he went, even if he used his lightning form it would always track him.

He then brandished warmonger to devour all of the spikes that were coming for him. Both He and Nex were smiling like madmen. He slammed down with Fenrir Fangs swiping at her.

She was dodging his attacks like she could predict where the attacks were coming from. Suddenly Jet-black Dire wolves shot forth towards Nex and tried to bite her down.

Nova rushed to her direction, then suddenly, She was covered in a purple sphere with lots of magic circle layers and runes. She stopped the wolves from advancing as she chanted.

"From nowhere I cometh.

Across the unforgiving cosmos, dyed red with blood.

Violent winds I bring.

The Power of the seemingly endless void, I Am Destruction and Creation combined.

I am the uncertainty...

Regina Enim Vacui!"

Blinding purple light covered the sky, She was slowly covered in Black armor, that glowed purple on it's spaces. A purple ponytail extended from her metallic helmet.

( A.N. :This is what she would look like, this was from overhit. I based the look on her armor on that mobile game.

Nex stood in front of him, wielding two swords made of pure energy.

"Well? Awesome right?" She said in a slightly metallic voice.

Haruki smiled, "Well, you're not really the only one who could transform you know." He said as he transformed into a jet-black werewolf who stood imposingly in front of her.

"Hehehehehe! It fits you, Wolf!!" She lifted her swords and directly clashed with Haruki's warmonger.

They clashed at unmatched speeds, but Haruki's strength was more than what Next has anticipated sho she tripled her Enhancements. Creating cracks on the ground as their powers surged.

"Hahahahahaha!!! This is it! Well? how is it?" She asked him. But Haruki was silent as they clashed.

"Does this entertain you wolf? Does this make you proud?" She kept pestering him as they both clashed.

He then asked her as they exchanged blows, "Don't you hate me? I sent you to that facility to be experimented on."

"Hah? What are you talking about? If you didn't, I wouldn't have this chance!" She said as she created multiple magic circles around her two blades, covering them in void fire.

Warmonger Devoured the Voidfire, After a few clashes Warmonger was covered in the flames that was pulled from the recesses of the abyss itself.

"I knew what I was doing! I know what Project A.L.I.C.E stood for! Don't you resent me?" He asked her.

She smiled, "Trust me, me and those orphans were much better of living inside the facility rather than the streets atleast we would sleep with our bellies full. Shame that a lot of us died in the process." She said in a melancholic tone.

"Why? is your guilt eating you up!? Fuck! Since when did you get so soft!? You're the goddamn Wolf! Has this world dulled your fangs? Where's the Shura? The man who would erase an entire continent just because he's fucking pissed." She stepped on warmonger as she jumped up in the air.

Beneath her armor her expression twisted, to one of anger. She slashed towards Haruki multiple times, "Is this what happens to a general when he loses his army? Fucking pathetic."

The two monstrous beings clashed and butted heads. She kicked him in the stomach, but she was hit in the face as well, even if she had her armor she was still sent flying. While Haruki stood his ground.

"I manage because I have to, Because I have no other way out. This is the life I chose. I could've ran away back then. I didn't, It's as simple as that. Because I know that I would die if I chose to run.

I never blamed anyone for being able to survive, I have put my past behind me, but I don't cross them out of my life not my memory. It is a large part of me.

But I'm sure as hell I won't let it chain me any longer..."

Haruki was silent as he watched Nex struggling to stand. He was gripping warmonger as it was covered in Voidfire.

A purple magic circle appeared beneath her feet. She dashed towards Haruki with increased speed, but Haruki was still faster. He intercepted her blades as they both clashed.

"Enough talk... I'd rather fight." She said as she twirled her blades. She hopped all over the place slashing towards Haruki, he parried everything and held her hand as he slammed her on the ground.

She rolled on the side to regain her footing, Her blade glowed a shade of purple and she leapt up in the air and raised her blade towards the sky.

Her purple sword grew larger and larger, until finally it turned into a colossal blade that came barrelling towards Haruki's direction.

Haruki opened his eyes wide as he used warmonger to block the attack. He channeled his aura into his arms and feet.


A huge crater formed where Haruki stood. In the middle of it all was him taking the blade head on. His muscles bulged as he took on the entire weight of the attack and the blade. He grit his teeth, lightning surged all over his body. He freed his other arm and gripped the side of the blade.

Little by little, he managed to lift the massive blade, finally tossing it towards the air. He lowered his center of gravity and did a throw.

He leapt upwards Multiple lightning Spears formed behind him that shot towards Nex who was thrown with the massive blade.

She laughed as Haruki neared her, "Hahahahahahaha!!! This is it! This is what I have been looking for!" She let go of the large sword.

The both stepped on it as it flew in the air. Nex controlled the sword for it to hover in the air. She grinned like a madwoman. She created a massive barrier that absorbed the lightning Spears that came at her.

She used the energy she has absorbed to create two massive lightning whips. She waved it around trying to hit Haruki. But he just stood there, unflinching.

She then covered the whips with void fire but Haruki just used Warmonger to devour anything.

Nex touched the surface of the massive blade, from it she created a spear that emitted Voidfire. The two clashed Sparks and void fire swallowed their immediate area. They danced around the massive blade, eventually destroying their footing. It was minced into pieces until it turned back into it's original state.

It sheathed itself in Nex's side. She twirled her spear and pointed at Haruki's throat. They exchanged blows in the air, Haruki noticed that her movements were getting a little better each time they clashed. This surprised him, it felt like he's fighting a weaker version of himself. However it slowly improved.

Nex excitedly charged at him, with all her newfound techniques. She weaved her blade dance in the air as they were falling. In the middle of their exchange, Nex caught him in the arm and flipped him towards the ground when they landed.

"That's payback." She said as she rested her spear on her shoulders. Haruki quickly stood from the rubble.

He smiled towards Nex, "You're quite strong, this magic of yours... It's different fromt he one I'm used to."

Nova chuckled, [[Of course, unlike the magic here, what she's using is True Magic. This is nothing more than a cheap imitation of the Art.]]

Haruki stared at Nova as he spoke, "True Magic? What's the difference?"

[[ What's the differe- -, Oh my goodness! There is a huge difference! This world's magic is like a Child's scribble. While True Magic is Like a Renaissance painting. Not everyone gets it.]]

Haruki nodded his head, "So What this is, is this True Magic as well?" He manipulated lightning emperor to make lightning swirl around his body.

[[ Well, in a sense yeah. Me and Magus are not just weapons, nor magic formulas jumbled together We are more than that. We hold the key to Truth itself. Perhaps when you two reach a certain threshold, I might indulge you kids with the truth.]]

Nex clicked her tongue because she felt like Nova would once more drone on about the boring stuff, "Tch, Fight now, talk later!"

Haruki refocused and stared at Nex, "Alright, He covered his fist with lightning, and the intensity of it increased with each passing second."

Nex made her hands glow in a deep shade of purple as she channeled the power of the abyss.

The two battled it out once more, but as time passed instead of a battle of skill and wit it was slowly turning into a battle of attrition. When the battle had no end in sight, Haruki was observing her the whole time. She has improved her sword skills by a lot.

His expression however remained Grimm. Nex felt that he was distracted, "Are you really this weak? That you freeze up when you're confronted with the past?"

She said to him in scathing anger. She managed to get a hit in as he was distracted, creating a gash from his shoulder towards his stomach.

"I idolized you, not because of the power you've demonstrated back home. But what you have accomplished with it. Are you seriously going to flinch Everytime you see the consequence of your actions?"

Haruki lowered his head, "It's not that, if I wasn't so consumed by revenge none of this would have could've lived a better life."

Nex covered her face and laughed maniacally, "Hahahahahahahaha!! A better life? Who the fuck do you think you are! You don't get to sum my life in to just one fucking phrase.

I know what I signed up for, deep down I always knew it wasn't just some military training BS.

Yes, it was Harsh but, I fucking struggled so I could have a better life. You don't get to fucking wallow in self pity and expect that everything would get better.

I'm fine with what I am. I answer to my own life!"

She bellowed at him finally screaming out the words she kept inside her.

"Do you remember what you said to me back then? I bet you don't...

Some are born great, some achieve greatness, some have greatness thrust upon them.

Those words stuck to me as a child, Even if you didn't believe in it, I Did. That's why I fought. Even if I felt that my body would fall apart at any moment...

I kept Fighting.

Now I realize how childish that was. How fake your words were, because they're not even yours...

But I still survived! I'm fucking here now! I now know my purpose of being here. I feel like it's my duty to return the favor you did me as a child.

But you can't save someone who doesn't even know that they're lost."

She gathered massive amounts of life energy towards Her hands, "Even if that belief was built upon a lie. I still chose to uphold it. It's a brittle bridge I know, but I'd still gladly cross it."

Haruki laughed, a genuine laugh this time. He hadn't even smiled genuinely since he took that loss from pride.

"Hehehehehe...Hahahahahahahaha!!" After laughing heartily he punched himself in the face.

"Thank you, Nex. I now know what I must do. I can't keep running away forever." He gripped his blade, a multitude of thoughts races inside his mind.

Nex on the other hand waited, Patiently she could feel Haruki's dense aura turn into something sharper.

"But, before I go on a tangent and finish my character arc. How about we finish this fight first?"

Nex grinned, "Finally, we're speaking the same language!"

In a single instant they moved from their previous position into the air and resumed their clash.

He crossed Blades with Nex, As he avoided the Vorpal Spikes that came through his way. Haruki twirled his blade around. Nex observed his movements like a hawk.

She was slowly integrating Haruki's style with hers. Supplementing her own, Haruki on the other hand was observing her magic. If he used absolute domain he could probably use these spells as well.

Haruki smiled inwardly, 'We all must atone for our sins, we cannot pass them to the next generation. I'll just teach her all I know, then after all this I will face them. As a different man... Not the old me. I'll try to change this time for real.'

They kept on exchanging blows, not letting the other gain an advantage.

Nex created a massive fist created from Void Mana, It was covered in multiple magic circles and she aimed it at Haruki.

Haruki Went all out and used absolute Domain. He intercepted it with his own fist.


A massive shockwave assaulted the forest, The epicenter of it were the two who stood there, smiling as they battled.

The battle went on for hours, The two lay sprawled on the ground exhausted. Staring at the sky.

Nova undid Nex's armor and hovered in the air, [[ I haven't seen a battle like that in ages! What a great day! Well, sadly this is where we part ways with you guys! We still have a job to do. Get up Nex.]]

Nex slowly sat up from the ground. She stared straight at Haruki, "Haha! That was a great battle wolf!"

Haruki smiled, "Pleasure's all mine."

[ It was nice to see you again Nova. And thank you.] Ars Magus suddenly broadcasted his mechanical voice towards everyone.

Nova's jaw dropped as he stared at the watch strapped on Haruki's wrist.

[Did Magus... Just... Nex hit me!] He couldn't believe what just happened so he asked his partner to hit him.

She grabbed Nova and slammed him on the ground.

[Ow! Jeez!]

"Thank you." Haruki said as he stared at Nex's departing back.

"No, Thank you wolf. We both have great troubles to face after this. You also helped me affirm something."

She said as she created a magic Circle. She gave him a beautiful smile. She wore her staple sunglasses and entered the portal. Just like that their noisy fight was slowly replaced by a strange calm.

Haruki stood up, stared at the direction of the setting sun. With a warm smile plastered on his face.

Yushu and Kurenai appeared beside him, "Master? You... Okay?"

Haruki changed back into his Beacon Uniform and nodded towards them, "Yeah. I'm still not sure how, but I'm going to get there..."

He said as he made his way back to beacon. No, to make his way back 'Home'.


Hey guys, It's me again...

I have failed you guysonce more, after attending RTX at Austin and just vacationing in general. I have decided to take a creative break from this book. Don't worry I'm not dropping this, I just want the Next Volume to be of a certain quality. For me, I want to be satisfied with how the entire volume plays out. It will probably be a month or less, until I've made a draft I'm satisfied with.

Also As you might have seen, I'm also writing a new book. Called The Art of Magic. It's set in Haruki's previous dimension, but with a different cast. And is set 3 years after Haruki's disappearance. But the Protag On this crossover is from 2 years later from the beginning of The Art of Magic. Kinda like a glimpse on what she could do and some extra lore tid bit.

I want to focus on this book first before I go back to Path of Blood. So that this Novel would have a stable foothold, before I juggle the two books.

It's also a book I have planned on writing since the beginning of Volume 2. I hope you guys would check it out, drop a review on your thoughts. Thank you, and stay awesome.

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