RWBY: Path of Blood

37 Chapter 30: Risk equals Reward

When they arrived at Beacon, Ozpin immediately told them to go straight to the office.

Neo stopped Ozpin.

(With all due respect, headmaster... they're injured.)

Ozpin was surprised by Neo's sudden outburst.

"Very well then, let's go to the nurse's office."

He led them to the Nurse's Office.

He sealed the doors and the only people left besides Haruki were Ozpin, Neo, Cinder and Emerald.

He sped up Haruki's recovery by creating a magic circle below Haruki.

Haruki was the only one who felt this.

Gluttony laughed,

[Hahahahahaha, the great Ozma himself... The man responsible for Humanity's downfall.

But is it just me or his magic is dwindling... unlike Salem, her powers just gets stronger each day...]

Haruki confirmed, 'Yeah, it's probably because of multiple reincarnations and he uses the magic less and less...'

Haruki opened his eyes, he looked at Ozpin.

Ozpin nodded.

"Mr. Haruki you have done well once again, but I am amazed at your semblance...

the power to attract trouble... you're just like a non-alcoholic Qrow...

Do tell who were those people you fought."

Haruki looked at the window as he spoke.

"They call themselves 'Sinners' they are the 'Sins' representative on this world... they are strong and almost immortal..."

Ozpin narrowed his eyes.

"Did they tell you any names?"

Haruki nodded.

"The girl was named Eris that's the only thing I know about her.

The other one, well he told me a lot... He calls himself Corvus, The Raven King.

Oh and he could use magic..."

Ozpin widened his eyes. He thought to himself.

'Could it be?? Could it be the corvus I know? but I thought he died, and the Raven king Corvus was a greedy monster, that's why Salem had to destroy his empire...

But what if they're the same person?'

Ozpin spiraled in his own thoughts.

Haruki just stared at Ozpin...

Ozpin regaining his bearings, he asked Haruki, "How? How did you defeat him?"

Haruki told him about the Mark of Sin, he also told him how to destroy it.

but gluttony interrupted Haruki.

[Haruki... you are probably the only one who could kill a sinner... no one else, because the power of warmonger is not just simply eating your enemy... it's more than that.

I'll tell you more once you're strong enough to face pride.]

Ozpin was silent, he stared at his cane.

He then created a magic circle, he showed images of him and Qrow fighting the Followers of sin.

"As you can see, we've dealt with and fought with these people for a long time... at first I thought it was Salem's doing.

But as we clashed, I noticed something... something different with their aura, it wasn't black, it was blood red... and before those followers died a magic circle would appear turning them into Grimm."

Gluttony then spoke explaining what it was.

[Ahh those... right, that is the doing of Sloth and His 'sinner' Aergia, both of them are extraordinarily smart... they maybe the weakest, but they're cunning.]

Haruki turned serious, "If that was the case then how do you propose we fight then?"

Ozpin chuckled.

"Fight? we let them come to us... it's easier that way."

Harukis expression changed...

"you're going to risk the lives of your students!?"

Ozpin sighed.

"Don't misunderstand Mr. Haruki, I'm not willing to let any of my students get hurt. Including you..."

Haruki looked away, and asked what Ozpin was planning.

Ozpin just smiled.

"I'll tell you when the time comes."

Ozpin continued...

"Although the fight with the sins is still not over, we still have a lot to talk about.

you have done this school a great service by defeating gluttony and Killing the sinner of Greed.

I have been thinking, I'm sending you and 4 more companions to a beach resort, consider it a down payment for your services so far..."

Ozpin smiled at Haruki and winked at him.

Haruki thought to himself... 'This bastard knows! How!?

Keh, he's good... no matter, I feel like he's just keeping me away, so he could lure out the problems...

I'm not your fucking pawn Ozpin, but I'll play along. I still owe Eris that beating she gave me...'

As Haruki was lost in his own thoughts Ozpin stood up, leaving the words.

"Rest up, and in a few days you can go to the beach, with your... 'Friends' Mr. Casanova..."

He chuckled and went out of the door...

Leaving Haruki with his women.

Neo finally spoke...

(Haru... I believe we have talked about this, what were you about to do?? with cinder at that...)

Haruki was sweating bullets...

"Hehehehehe, about that Neo... you see..."

Neo immediately raised her hands.

(That's not what I meant, you were going to sleep with her, weren't you? without telling them the truth...)

Haruki finally got why she got angry, He scratched his head.

He looked at both Cinder and Emerald, they both don't know what's happening.

Cinder then spoke, "What does she mean by that? do you still have something you haven't told us?"

Haruki sighed... "Yes, a lot actually... but first let's get to our room...

They followed Haruki, silently... looking at his back Cinder thought to herself...

'What is he still hiding? Is it something grave?'

Emerald on the other hand has been silent the whole time... never speaking a word.

She looked down... she didn't care about what Haruki was hiding, she only cared about Haruki paying attention to her. She just wants love, nothing else mattered to her.

She didn't Care if Haruki was just using her... she just wanted to make Haruki happy, and in turn love her back.

She stared at Cinder. She was worried about her, but when she saw her kissing Haruki, as if a huge burden was lifted from her shoulders, she could finally openly show affection for him.

No more sneaking around...she finally smiled.

They reached the room, Haruki sat down on the bed.

He thought to himself.

'Shit this is becoming a routine... whatever...'

He prompted Cinder and Emerald to sit down.

"*Sigh...* This is gonna be awhile, so get comfy."

Before Haruki could even start Cinder stopped him.

She was angry at him, "For someone so cunning, I can't believe you could just let this pass..."

She showed them the mark on her arm, it was the parasitic Grimm that absorbed the fall maidens powers.

Haruki face palmed, "Of course!" Cinder put out the parasitic Grimm and Haruki used warmonger to devour it.

<<Special Trait Gained....Life Drain...>>

Haruki was surprised. 'I got the trait on my first try!?'

Cinder thought it would be painful but when Haruki Devoured the Grimm, it severed it's connection to her. Removing any complications in the future.

Her arm was free of salems Contract.

He couldn't help but hug Cinder.

Cinder then continued while being hugged by Haruki.

"Although I want to hear about your origins... how about we postpone that, and focus on Salem.

She probably felt that the parasitic Grimm died, and she will Advance her plans. Attacking Beacon earlier than expected..."

Haruki smiled, "You don't have to worry about that."

Haruki stood up and looked outside.

"Over these past few years... I have built a mercenary group, to stand against Salem's forces when the time comes.

The knights of the round table... It's not that big of a team as of now, but I believe you'd see a few familiar faces...

This is a contingency plan I Have prepared, in case unforseen circumstances, such as the sins and sinners invade the place. They'd be here stopping other Grimm while I face the sins. or Salem."

Cinder interrupted him, "But that's nearly not enough! who are these people!? How do I know that they're strong enough?"

Haruki used his scroll to show the first few members including himself.

"My codename is 'Arthur' and the others,

Neo as Lancelot...

Winter Schnee as Percival...

Mercury as Gawain...

And finally Raven Branwen as Mordred."

Cinder was surprised but before she could speak, Emerald interrupted her...

"But before you left base we fought you along with Mercury!"

Haruki smiled at her and continued...

"Of course it was all an act... to deceive your enemies you must first deceive your friends...

We were working together all along, While me and Mercury Had no idea of your plans back then, he informed me that you two were sneaking about.

But it doesn't matter now, how we became allies is for another time..."

Cinder was unsatisfied, she thought she had Mercury's trust, but all along He and Haruki were in cahoots.

But what she doesn't understand the most is how in the hell would Raven work for Haruki.

She asked him multiple times but he just smiled. Not answering her questions.

Cinder was frustrated, but she let this go...

"What about Salem's observation? how did you escape that?"

Haruki laughed, that's easier... He pointed at Neo.

Everytime that we were on missions together, she would be posing as me, while I did my business.

Neo waved at the and winked.

(But fooling Salem was a tough job... we needed to pretend that we don't know she was observing Haruki.)

Cinder was shaking, not from anger but from sheer amusement.

"Pffft... Hahahahahahaha! I can't believe that Immortal witch couldn't even predict this!"

Cinder Hated working for Salem, but if she wanted power she would have to bow down...

but now, she can throw that away... she no longer has to work for that monster.

She's free... but she realized something She and Haruki were still hugging... she looked at Neo...

But Neo was just smiling,(Don't worry Cinder... I know everything even about your plans with Em...)

Haruki laughed, "Don't be angry though... it's just we had to play along so you won't tell Salem anything...we knew you had to do it yourself, or you won't be able to sleep at night.

Cinder was shocked... She slowly spoke.

"So you... used my own arrogance against me?" she looked up at Haruki.

Haruki was apologetic but before he could say sorry Cinder just laughed...

"It's.... fine... I'm actually not... angry?

You know... I was afraid to let go of that hatred... because once I did what would be left? an empty husk... what the hell am I going to do next....

that's why I didn't stop even though I knew it was wrong, I killed my emotions in pursuit of power.

But what you told me, what I've seen... What corvus turned out... he was so consumed by that hatred... he spent years but at the end the result was nothing... nothing at all..."

Tears slowly slide down her face... She clung to Haruki.

"I was afraid... I was so afraid... I didn't know what to do, I was so afraid that when I died in pursuit of vengeance, Caleb would be dissatisfied with the results... I was so afraid to meet him... or would I even meet him at all."

Haruki caressed her hair, He wiped her tears. Cinder continued.

"Tell me Haruki, how did you come when you let go of that Hatred? At first I felt free, free from the heavy feelings...but burdened by the fact of not knowing what to do next..."

Haruki laughed and answered her.

"Hehehe, not well, at first it was all sunshine and rainbows, but after that, I was back on my old routine..."

"But thank God I was sent here..."

Cinder looked up and asked what he meant.

He told them both everything about himself.

without hiding anything...

It was already dusk.

Cinder and Emerald couldn't believe what they heard...

But in the end Haruki showed them his Vulnerability, they also did the same.

Hiding nothing from each other...

They grew a little bit closer, and felt a little bit better.

Carrying a burden for so long, you'd think it gets easier the longer you hide it...

But that's not true, it just gets harder to say the truth...

But after telling everything to someone who could share their burden too, you'd feel free...

A feeling that is very liberating, and at the same time it makes you wonder...

'why did I hide it in the first place?'

Haruki stared at them, smiling... He pulled them close and hugged all of them.

At one point Pyrrha entered the room and joined in on the fun.

He thought to himself, this is what's been waiting for me...

He looked at the moon, he asked, are you watching? I've worked so hard to see these smiles.

Thank you...

Freedom is the release from ones current restraints...

But when someone finally gains the freedom they desire...

A new quest for freedom inevitably begins. to escape from the danger and pain contained within...

that is why people kept choosing the most bearable freedom.

But the freedom people in the world find most unbearable...

is not danger or pain...

But rather loneliness, fear of being free, but no one to share that experience with...

That's why I'll be there for Cinder, no... for everyone, I'll be there to support them all.

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