RWBY: Path of Blood

31 Chapter 24: The Fallen Kingdom

There was once a great kingdom in the desert lands....

Before the four Kindoms...

Before the day the world was wiped of humans...

A time where magic was prevalent.

The Age of Gods and Magic...

There was once a kind and wise King named Corvus who ruled the Kingdom of Isidore.

It was a time of peace and serenity, he made alliances with other kingdoms using peace as his weapon.

Although the king talks of peace, he is not weak, for he himself knows how to handle himself in battle.

This got him the attention of Ozma the Great warrior of Justice...

They bonded together, fought together, they became like brothers...

*Cough "Ozma your skills are ever so impressive!! I am awed by your swordplay."

Ozma reached his hands towards Corvus.

"Hahaha, Fret not friend for your skills are also as good! I only won because of luck!"

Corvus tallied the score... it was 50 to 51...

Corvus asked Ozma "It seems you have a goal in mind,old friend... do you wish to challenge the tower?"

Ozma laughed "Yes! I want to rescue her, because I can't stand people who carry out injustice..."

Corvus slapped him in the back while laughing loudly.

"Hahahahaha!!! you never change, do you?"

Ozma smiled back, He bid his farewells...

And a long time passed He came back to corvus' kingdom with a beautiful bride in tow...

It was Salem...

They all rejoiced for Corvus was already married and had his own family...

They partied until dawn...

The years went by like leaves in the fall...

Ozma fell ill, Corvus noticed that he was visiting less and less the past few years...

So he travelled towards Ozmas Home, only to find his friends grieving wife...

He kneeled on the floor lifelessly... Saddened by his friends death...

He wanted to stay longer... but seeing Ozmas death made him realize that he had a family of his own...

He offered Salem Solace in his kingdom, but Salem had plans of her own...

That was the last time he met her, Then the Cataclysmic Event that wiped humanity happened...

Leaving him left alive, grieving for his dead family...

He wanted revenge, but he was too powerless to do so...

that was when he noticed the mark on his arm...

He wondered what it was...

He tried to understand why he was still alive, but it only drove him mad...

He tried to end his suffering to no avail...

He slowly stood up with his battered body, staggering on his steps he heard a voice...

It was calling to him, it was faint... but it called to him...

He walked towards that direction not caring for his body's state...

For Months or years even he walked...

And he finally found an eerie cave, he entered it. Only to find a skeleton adorned with kingly clothes...

As he was about to go near, it spoke...

"Finally arrived I see... It took you long enough... And... Hehhehehe by the way, Hahahahaha you look like shit!"

Corvus seemingly unaffected by the skeletons taunts asked...

"Why did you call for me?? Why am I still alive!?!?"

The skeleton raised his hand silencing Corvus.

"I am Greed, The aspect of... well Greed, I chose you to be my representative of this realm...

You see when 'we' first came here I didn't expect this place to be occupied... so... we hid our presence and bid our time... and when they finally left, we could finally show ourselves!

We wanted to escape from that dreary realm... we were bored of that life... so we wanted a new toy!! this world you now call remnant...

It was decided that we would each find a 'Sinner' our Magnum Opus... we wanted to create a sin given form!!! A human that could rival that of a sin... but what I want is this planet... so I want you to become stronger!!"

Corvus shouted towards Greed "What makes you think I want that!? You think I walked all the way here, so I could be your lap dog!?"

He went near Greed and screamed "I want them back!!!"

He knelt down... he said in a weak voice...

"I want... them... back..."

Greed leaned in closer and whispered to him...

"When the good of darkness broke the moon... the shattered pieces rained down here... those pieces became treasures...

Who knows maybe one of those treasures could bring them back..."

And just like that...

Corvus rebuilt the Kingdom of Isidore, but not as the once wise and kind ruler...

But as the Raven King, The Mad king of greed...

Ozma and Salem got wind of this... Salem opted to destroy the kingdom...

So she took her false religion and gathered all the kingdoms surrounding Isidore....

She destroyed his kingdom, She told Corvus as he was lying in his own pool of blood...

"Ozma sends his regards..."

Corvus was angered by their betrayal, and yet he can't let himself be distracted...

He needed his treasures...

So he stood back up and watched his kingdom be burned into cinders...

He walked away, collecting weapons from warriors...

He scoured the land alone amassing a vast arsenal of weapons...

But none of those could revive his dead family...

Sometimes remembering a moment in your life can physically hurt you...

As you relive everything that mattered to you then, and realize how far gone it is now.

Focusing on every good memory you could harvest.

It used to make him cry, and he liked it.

it made him feel like he was still human.

But that's gone now, he twisted himself into too many knots.

No time to cry over the past.

What's left is a hollow monster, left with a fucked up desire for power that's not even real...

A revenant filled with Hatred deluding itself with dreams of grandeur...

He knows that himself... but he can't fall down now...

He found another thing that could bring his family back, his twisted desire slowly manifested... He wanted that boys weapons...

Corvus slowly stood up from the rubble...

He laughed madly....

"What is your name boy? You are the first human apart from Salem and Ozma to drive me into a corner like this!"

Haruki replied...

"Not that it matters for you'll soon die... but it's Haruki... Kazama Haruki."

Corvus smiled... "What an odd name! But a worthy opponent!!"

They clashed their blades not letting the other gain an advantage...

"Hehehehhe you can even copy my skills!? Hebehehehehe I like you more and more boy!!!"

Haruki tried to bite Corvus with his fangs but he stepped back quickly..

"Thanks, I'm very flattered but I don't swing that way!"

Corvus laughed "Haruki I could promise you all the treasure in the world!!! why not join me!?"

Haruki used Dimensional bite towards Corvus wounding his shoulder...

(Essence of Greed's 'Sinner' obtained...)

Haruki smiled "I got all the treasure that I need..."

"Hehehehehhehe Boy... you and I are truly alike..."

He sighed as he summoned multiple magic circles around all of Harukis Teammates...

"I really don't want to do this... but I want to ask you... these weaklings fates are in your hands... they will all die if you don't join me!!!"

But Haruki just smiled, He used lighting form and appeared above Corvus slamming down warmonger.

Corvus was surprised but when he activated the bombardment of magic, Haruki's companions shattered like glass...

Neo has already used her semblance a long time ago...

Cinder created a huge ballista made of glass exhausting her...

Emerald used Her semblance to distract Corvus...

Neo fired the ballista at corvus piercing his chest, Cinder then immolated the glass arrow on his chest burning him alive...

Haruki on the other hand was vigilant...

"Everyone get back!!"

The charred corvus laughed madly as he was holding his Raven Blade... He slowly regenerated and dashed towards Haruki.

"Hehehehehehehhe!!! I wasn't expecting that, I honestly thought you're the only one I'm fighting... But it doesn't matter I won't forget about it next time!!!"

He summoned a bangle that increased his speed...

He appeared behind Haruki but Haruki was still in his Vanagandr form so he was still a little faster than corvus...

They punched each other in the guts.

Corvus smiled He summoned another necklace that could increase his strength.

they both unsummoned their blades...

They were just glaring at each other...

"Coooorvuuuussss!!!!" "Haaarrruuuukiiiiii!!!!!"

They both charged at each other, punching each other...

They exchanged blows, they weren't dodging...

For every Dodge... is a moment wasted on dishing out damage.

They both threw strategy out of the window...

Just a full blown fist fight...

"Hehehehe you're not quite bad old man..."

"I admire your tenacity brat!!"

Hitting each other in the face, they both stepped back...

they both were grinning from ear to ear...


They charged at each other again slamming their fist to each other's guts, but Haruki was a little faster, He slammed his fist on corvus back and kneed him in the stomach.

*pant pant* "Had enough old man!?"

*cough cough* "Don't get cocky kid!"

Corvus slowly stood up he summoned a blade that could slow an enemy down...

"playtime's over...."

Haruki activated His lightning form and summoned warmonger.

Corvus slowed Haruki down and dashed towards Cinder, he grabbed her and went inside the opening of the temple.

Emerald screamed as she tried to dash towards the entrance. "Cinder!!!!! Haruki please save her!"

Haruki dashed towards the entrance and chased after Corvus...

He told Neo and Emerald to stay put.

He was chasing Corvus inside the Entrance slowly caved in... trapping all three of them inside...

"CORVUS!!! you slimy bastard show yourself!!! I will end you!"

Haruki arrived at a large room with Corvus pointing his blade towards Cinders neck.

"Ah ah ah~~ you can't get closer or she dies...."

Cinder then spoke"Don't bother he doesn't care about me or you... so how about you do me a favor and just let me go..."

Corvus stabbed Cinder in her stomach to silence her.

"Shut up wench!"


Haruki madly dashed at Corvus...

"Cinder!!! ,Corvus you fuck!!!!" He used chains of Gleipnir on Corvus immobilizing him.

He slammed corvus' face in the wall stabbing him multiple times with his claws...

*Rumble the room was about to collapse from the tremors...

Haruki grabbed cinder and fled deeper inside the temple...

Leaving Corvus to be crushed by the debris...

"Hahahahahahha we will meet again Haruki!!!"

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