RWBY: Path of Blood

2 Chapter 2: I Scream

Haruki woke up due to the pain. *rghh* 'where am I? what planet did the arc magus take me? ' haruki nervously looked around. Sadly all he found was trees and more trees.

(I can answer your queries... you have been transported to an alternate reality. which almost drained all the blood you absorbed. in turn I have found you a place near and dear to your heart...


Those words reverberated on Harukis mind. We're in RWBY?! WTF!?

Haruki then remembered how precious this show was to him... and his late fiance. They used to watch this on RoosterTeethTV all the time ... considering for the time the show was quite old but it still holds up.

He momentarily set asidethe pain and anger he was feeling... as he reminisced about how he used to watch it on the weekends with Elsie.

(I still have energy left to give you permanent powers or in this worlds case a semblance.)

'what!?a fucking semblance!?' He was pumped to know that he can become even more powerful...

(you can have 2 choices

1. Gravity I

2. Lightning Form

3. AbsoluteWeapon Mastery

you may choose now or take them all, once you have enough blood absorbed...)

'Hahahahahahahah, the ultimate weapon indeed!!!' Haruki laughs madly, unbeknownst to him he was slowly being surrounded by Beowolves, a kind of Grimm that are agile and covered in bone like spikes.

(detecting multiple hostiles proceed with Ars Magus Guide? [Y/N])

Haruki was surprised by the convenience of the weapon. 'yes' he said.

(slowing down time for tutorial mode...)

'what the hell?! it can even do that?'

( This tutorial aims to tell you the main functions of The 'Ars Magus' Tier I

Tier 1 focuses on materializing weapons that you desire, The more Tiers you unlock the more powerful weapons you can summon.

Please summon a weapon...)

'uhh wow holy shit. I'm strong as hell! Summon Excalibur!!!' haruki raised his hand in the air waiting for the sword to appear... but nothing happened... Dumbfounded he asked 'Uhh Ars? can I call you ars? also what the hell happened?

(Affirmative you can call me that. Tier too low to summon Legendary Artifacts...)

But I can summon them... instead of being disappointed he looked forward on unlocking the tiers so he could summon more powerful weapons... 'Ars suggest a weapon I can summon for now...' he decided to leave it to ars for the time being.

(I suggest Skoll & Hati claws. The power of ice and fire...)

'alright Summon weapon!!!' it was not necessary to scream but he wanted to do it at least once.

(materializing complete... tutorial over ,time will return to normal...Time to harvest their blood.)

Haruki smirks as he charged towards the beowolf nearest to him. he punched it in the chest *boom* the wolf was sent back by 1 meter... *Awooooo* the wolf was enraged. it lunged towards him trying to bite his neck...

'why the fuck is this weapon so weak?

(weapon skills locked, mastery of weapon 0%, requires usage or absolute weapon mastery skill. to achieve full potential increase tiers.)

'I see, I still have to grind huh... whatever you're all mince meaaaat!!!! ' haruki clawed wildly toward the wolves like a mad man. He mounted the nearest Grimm and used the claws to explode its head. Jumping towards another he slashed downwards ripping apart the face of the Grimm angering it further. He clawed toward another grim using SKOLL burning it to cinders, he then joined his hands together creating steam.

hiding in the smoke he proceeded to eliminate the beowolves, as quick and as efficient as possible. As he was about to deal the finishing blow to the last Grimm...*AOWUUUU* He heard an earthshaking howl. The Alpha Beowolf appeared. Glaring at Haruki for killing it's minions... It jumped down clawing at haruki, he narrowly dodges by rolling backwards. he then slides below the alpha clawing madly at it's chest. cauterizing or freezing the wounds the claws make. the alpha jumped towards the rock to get the high ground.

as the alpha does that haruki creates fog once again. Hiding within it Haruki waits... the alpha slowly climbs down the rocks to sniff out haruki.... as it searches, haruki summoned a bottle of nitroglycerine and he threw it at the alpha. sensing it the alpha slashes towards it. haruki then ignites his flaming claws and threw it at the alpha. *booom!!!* the explosion was strong but not enough to kill the alpha... but haruki has another plan... since the Skoll claw is gone he had to use ice.

The alpha limps towards haruki with a low growl. telling him it can still kill. He then summoned Ice spikes and threw it at the wolf the wolf used it's mangled arms to block hindering it's vision, as itwas about to dash madly at haruki he has already disappeared. When the alpha looked up it was already too late.

Haruki summoned a Blood red katana with a golden handle. Life Reaping Blade. a katana that absorbs the aura of both the owner and the enemy.Slashing downwards It cuts off the head of the Alpha. *pant pant* 'Hahahaha, So this is the power of the 'Ars Magus' Not bad, Not Bad at all....'

(Enough Blood essence collected for a semblance. Take them all? [Y/N] )


(AcquiringGravity I , Lightning Form, Absolute Weapon Mastery.


(Adjusting Body to suit newly acquired semblance.)

"This shit is getting crazier by the minute. I wonder what do I look like?" He materialized a mirror. As he looked at it he saw a younger version of himself. Black Hair,Perfectly lined nose, Black pupils it's like staring at the abyss, well chiseled muscles, a very handsome youth, and yet his scars and injuries still remain. 12 years old looking haruki, before he entered the mercenary buissness. He was a wandering vagrant on a desolate planet, decimated by countless wars. "heh, Is this your way of saying to start anew?" Fine Haruki thought , But I need to test my powers first. Haruki continuously slayed monsters activating his Lightning Form he zipped towards them with skoll and hati, since he already has Absolute weapon mastery the skills of skoll and hati were getting stronger.

Slowly but steadily he is inching on unlocking the first two skills of the claws .

([Reflecting Moon] which counters the attack the reflects half of the damage then combines it with the counter. [Exploding Star] A straight punch which destroys the inner organs of the target burning him from the inside out. These skills can only be used Once per day once unlocked, can be shortened.)

Without even noticing it he reached Vale.Since He reached the outskirts of Commercial

District. Judging from that he probably came from the Forever Fall Forest. Covered in various wounds, and exhausted to the brink of fainting. He garnered stares from everyone. *pant pant* "Shit I overdid it a little... *cough* I still haven't recovered yet..." covered in snow he slowly sits down leaning on an empty crate... while the snow slowly piles down on him. 'Am I going to freeze to death? fuck... hahahaha' as he was about to faint he saw a shadow of a young girl with an umbrella trying to block the snow from him.

As clarity comes to Haruki he stares at the young girl, with two differently colored eyes, her hair has 3 different shades, a very cute young lady. The girl just smiles at him.

Haruki was startled for this was 'Neo'A twelve year old Neo... so he was sent to the past of RWBY. 5 years ago to be exact... the girl holds up a sign saying (where'd you get those wounds?) Haruki smiles at her and says "Grimm did these wounds... And a few Humans." Neo was shocked that a boy same as her age has also suffered this much... She then asks (where are your parents?)

Haruki answers with "I haven't seen them, they abandoned me when I was young... so I can only fend for myself." Neo empathized with him as she's in the same situation but lucky for her Roman Torchwick Mentored her on how to steal and she was trained how to fight for herself. She considers Roman as a father figure, albeit Roman was a thief he was nice towards her at least.

(That's the same for me too... why don't you come with me? I can take you to Roman.)

Haruki smiles and says "I - ...m" as he slides down towards the floor and faints.

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