RWBY: Path of Blood

15 Chapter 14 : Falling ou

It's been three days since Haruki went missing and everybody has been so glum. They owe their lives to Haruki again. He has saved them twice without asking anything in return.

Neo has just been staring at her window, she barely even eats... It was understandable he was Neos whole world. Pyrrha was also staying in the room so Neo wont do anything rash... She was also heartbroken but, she prioritized others before her. She was often caught staring into space... she can't calm down that's why, Neo was the one anchoring her to reality... Neo was also the same. She was thankful for Pyrrha's kindness without her she would've rushed to forever fall forest just to look for Haruki.

The others weren't taking this too well either... Team JNPR we're sad but Jaune was pissed on his own powerlessness... Haruki helped him, sometimes trained with him and Pyrrha. He never looked down on him... He was Jaunes closest Friend... he even treated me with respect... that's why he swore to be more powerful, he won't slack off... and at that moment Jaune had aura covering him. It was gentle yet fierce. It was then where he awakened his semblance.

Team RWBY were also the same they were quite close to the kind Hearted Haruki... He was the class comedian along with Nora and Ruby... Ruby, although sad... she was more worried about Blake. Yang and Weiss took it better than the rest... Sure they were saddened about harukis situation but they have to move on... To prevent this from happening to more of their friends.

Blake on the other Hand was just in her bed occasionally going out to eat... she was silent the whole time. Not even touching her books. She was torn if Haruki really was Kaz... I mean his full name was Kazama Haruki. But seeing him sacrifice himself trying to hold back the terrifying Grimm, was so reminiscent of how He protected Her from those slave traders... That broad back seemingly able to protect and give hope at the same time. Then if they are the same why did he say those words... and why was he with Adam Torchwick... what is the point in all this... as she was mulling over this, Yang approached her "Blake this has got to stop... we've been waiting for a good opportunity to ask but this time is as good as any. What happened that night? I Heard that mysterious man was part of the white fang..." Weiss then added. "I'm not surprised, those criminals all think the same." Blake then glared at Weiss. "The White Fang are not criminals they are just a bunch of misguided faunus." Weiss then raises her voice "Misguided? ,They wanted to wipe humanity off the face of the Earth!" Blake the stood up from her bed "That is just a radical idea of a man drunk with power! It wouldn't even start if the humans treated the faunus as equals!" Weiss frowned for her father's company was suffering while this whole war against faunus happened. "Then why are they stealing from us!? Do you know how it feels to never feel safe when going out as a child? To feel your life threatened because of rumors, the first time I was approached by a faunus I was almost kidnapped and killed!? Do you know how it feels? Those dirty riffraffs will never change!" Blake then pulled the ribbon from her bow revealing two cat ears. "Of course I know how it feels to live in fear... IM A FAUNUS! I have experienced first hand how it feels to be oppressed ever since I was a kid Weiss!!" Weiss was shocked and was about to speak but Blake continued. "I was also part of the white fang... the man I met last night was my former captain and right hand man of Adam Taurus..." Everyone listened to Blake without saying a word...

He was a symbol of hope towards faunus... he was a hero. He freed almost all the slaves be it faunus or kidnapped humans... He was a man with compassion. He saved me a lot of times and even taught me how to fight. I was really surprised when I found out that we were the same age. He tried to persuade our leader for a more peaceful approach... but Adam said We will gain respect through fear... Weiss I know you have suffered from the hands of Other Faunus but not all faunus are evil and the same goes for humans... You know whose blood I was covered in a few days ago? It was his... He turned off his Aura and let me stab him. Telling me that use my voice as a weapon not through violence... But he was working for a criminal... I honestly don't know who to believe. My whole life is crashing down on me... What am I supposed to do when everything I believed in was all for naught!!

Weiss slowly sat down on Blake's bed and told her "Blake Look I'm sorry for what I said... I'll try to believe in other faunus. but don't misunderstand whether you're a faunus or not I'll never treat you differently, because we're friends..." Ruby then said "Aww! That's so sweet of you Weiss!! GROUP HUUUUGG!" Ruby and Yang squeezed between Weiss and Blake, Hugging each other tight.


Qrow brought Haruki to Beacons Secret Lab where they were keeping the fall maiden. Ozpin saw Qrow carrying Haruki and told him to put him down... Ozpin then relayed to Qrow of Harukis importance to his plans... Qrow immediately disagreed, But as they were arguing Haruki woke up... "Shit... How long was I out..." Qrow pointed his sword at Haruki "Give me one goddamn reason not to end you right now..." Haruki then smirked because I know a lot of things you guys don't about the Queen's plans. I'll do anything to escape from Salem's clutches I want to give Neo a better life.... Qrow then laughed at Haruki... "Hahahahahah you are a kid, jeez you remind me of someone I know..." Qrow then told Haruki about their plans on getting Pyrrha to become the next fall maiden. He must make her agree. Haruki on the other hand relayed information about the white fangs next moves... essentially keeping Qrow away so he could concentrate here on vale with out Qrow's semblance getting in the way...

After changing his clothes and washing up he was about to head up but Ozpin, blocked his path... "Haruki... although I still don't trust you, I appreciate what you did for my students. You are a Man worthy of respect." Haruki the nodded towards Ozpin. "This is all for Neo." "Oh and By the way, How did you kill that Grimm?" Haruki Just laughed. "That's a trade secret Headmaster..." Ozpin sighed... "Whatever as long as you keep your promise.

Haruki went back to his room... And when he entered two shadows leapt towards him and hugged him. Neo beat on his chest. (goddamn it, you're so reckless!) She rubbed her head on Haruki chest while Pyrrha was pinching her cheeks while hugging Haruki. "I am not dreaming am I?" Haruki kissed them both. He apologized for being so late there were so many Grimm that surrounded him... He then retold the story of the Grimm he fought... Although he left out the part about Ars Magus... After he told them the story Pyrrha then fell asleep in his arms, she was exhausted for worrying too much. while Neo asked Haruki. (When are you going to tell her everything?) "When this is all over... I feel like Salem has plans for us..." (Sigh* Just promise me you won't be that reckless again?) I promise... He kissed Neo goodbye and went outside to get some fresh air.

Earlier that night word got out that Haruki was safe...they told them that he is just recuperating. Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed... As Haruki was walking down the Garden near the fountain, He saw Blake looking idly at the Moon reflected by the water. He approached her and said "Hey Blake! what's got you in a daze..." Blake long noticed Haruki approaching she just ignored him. "Aren't you supposed to be resting?" Haruki then laughed "I'm just here to stroll around and get some fresh air. "Blake then said "Be honest with me Haruki are you really Kaz?" He just looks up at the Moon and says... "Honestly it doesn't really matter... because the thing that was bothering you seems to be solved already..." He sat down near Blake. "You know when I said the things I said, I honestly meant it. I want to tell you one thing... When you run off on your own and abandon everything... all you end up with is a whole lot of bitter regret and pointless hatred..." Haruki continued "You thought yourself that you ran away... you didn't... you were willing to find another way... that's what's important. Peace isn't achieved by words alone it is accompanied by action, but peace can never be achieved with force and action... I realized it the hard way..." Blake then asked "Then why are you working for A Criminal?" Haruki looked up at the night sky... "It is something I must do to not let anyone die... I am prepared to carry the burden of being branded as a criminal... as long as I can keep the ones I love safe." Blake then bitterly looked at Haruki biting her lips she asked. "Are those people Neo and Pyrrha?" Haruki laughed "That includes all of you here... Blake do you trust me?" Blake nodded her head. "I know this may seem bad, but please trust me... in due time I'll tell all of you... I promise." Haruki stood up and patted Blake's head and says "Goodnight little Kitten, I hope that answers some of your questions." Blake then looked at Haruki's departing back smiling happily. "Thank you Big Bro Kaz..."

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