Running a Hotel in the Apocalypse

Chapter 226 Father Han cooks to entertain everyone

Although Han Muqing bought these fruits from the hotel and sent them back.

But it doesn’t matter, you can still use it to entertain guests.

"Thank you so much, Manager Chen. If it weren't for you, my Qingqing wouldn't know what to do." Mother Han also said very gratefully.

Mother Han's hand that had just been bitten by the mutated mouse had been treated by Qin Xin. Now she held her daughter's hand and said gratefully to Chen Wenjiu.

Seeing that her daughter only had one arm left, Mother Han felt very distressed.

When she had already given birth to three children, she still insisted that just having such a daughter meant that she devoted all her motherly love to Han Muqing.

In the past few years since her daughter lost her voice, she has been tossing and turning, and her heart has never let go.

Sometimes she would have nightmares, dreaming that her daughter had an accident outside, and something happened.

Sometimes when facing those mutated animals and plants, she still has an urge. If she is killed, can she be reunited with her daughter?

It was Father Han who had been comforting her and understanding her, and Mother Han had persisted for so many years.

She breathed a sigh of relief when she received the letter from Han Muqing, but after learning that her daughter had lost an arm, she felt very distressed.

Now that she really saw her daughter's hands, she felt even more distressed.

Her precious daughter, whom she had doted on for more than ten years like a jewel.

I really suffered a lot.

Of course, Mother Han was grateful to Chen Wenjiu, and the most grateful was Deng Jiaxin, who had been taking care of her in the past few years.

It's a pity that Deng Jiaxin didn't come with her, otherwise she would have thanked her properly.

But it doesn't matter, as long as she goes to the hotel with her daughter, she can see Deng Jiaxin and thank her in person.

"Our family Qingqing is able to survive, thanks to store manager Chen. Thank you very much."

Chen Wenjiu shook his head and said, "It's not all my fault. They were almost out of danger when I met them."

"How is that possible? Sister Wenjiu, you are really too humble. If it weren't for you, we would definitely not be able to escape that giant snake."

Han Muqing knew very well that the giant snake was targeting her and Deng Jiaxin just to tease them. It would definitely not be polite to them when they were exhausted.

If they hadn't met Chen Wenjiu, the two of them would have been in bad luck.

Chen Wenjiu smiled and said, "I am not modest."

"Come on, manager Chen, and everyone, I've made delicious food for you, come and try it." Father Han greeted happily.

Everyone in the Han family can cook, even Han Muqing, who is doted on by her parents, can cook.

Father Han and Mother Han doted on their only daughter, but they would not dote on her and let her do nothing just because they loved her.

She can be squeamish, but she can't be incompetent.

Learning to wash clothes and cook is not to make her wait for others, but to give her the ability to live independently.

Mother Han did not teach her daughter to cook because she thought that she would get married and take over all the cooking work at home.

Instead, I hope that my daughter can cook and eat by herself when she is away from home, and can reward herself with her own hands when she is free.

Even if she is so poor that she doesn't have money to eat out in restaurants, she can still simply cook some food for herself.

Although they love their daughter, they don't want her to really know nothing.

Because Father Han and Mother Han both know how to cook, Father Han cooked today’s meal.

The eating habits in JX Province are quite spicy. Father Han specifically asked Chen Wenjiu and the others if they could eat spicy food.

Knowing that they can't tolerate spicy food, I even added a little less chili pepper to their dishes.

"Wow - Dad, you actually made Lotus Blood Duck. I haven't had this dish for a long time." Han Muqing couldn't help but cheered when she saw the dish her father served.

Lotus blood duck is a famous JX dish, and Han Muqing has been eating this dish since he was a kid.

Especially the one made by her dad, it tastes very authentic and she likes it very much.

After going to school in another city, she rarely ate the authentic JX dishes made by her father. Now she can eat them again, and she is very happy.

Lotus blood duck?

Chen Wenjiu was very curious when she heard the name of this dish. To be honest, she had heard of this dish, but she had never seen it or eaten it.

It is said that this is a delicacy made of local duck, stir-fried with glutinous rice wine, duck blood, onions, ginger and garlic.

Looking at the red dish, Chen Wenjiu thought he was seeing Sichuan cuisine.

"And this three-cup chicken." Han Muqing took a look and said to Chen Wenjiu, "Sister Wenjiu, look, my dad specially put less chili pepper when making it, so it will never be spicy for you."

Han Muqing also got to know Chen Wenjiu a little bit and knew that Chen Wenjiu was from Qiongnan.

Although people in Qiongnan are not like most people in Province G, who cannot eat spicy food at all, the amount of chili peppers that Chen Wenjiu can eat is probably two or three millet peppers?

So she specifically told her dad to make it less spicy, and she could refer to the dishes from the neighboring province G.

When Father Han heard his daughter's suggestion, he almost wanted to throw her out of the kitchen.

Can the food in JX province be the same as the food in neighboring G province?

The dishes in Province G are famous for being light.

Their JX cuisine is spicy...well, it's true that it's not as famous as Sichuan and Hunan cuisine, but it's also mainly spicy.

Although Father Han wanted to kill his daughter, he thought that Chen Wenjiu and the others were his daughter's saviors, so he decided not to poison his benefactors with so many spicy vegetables.

Han's father cooked several JX famous dishes such as three-cup chicken, lotus blood duck, Xunyang fish fillet, Wenshan chicken, etc., and made a big table full.

"Come on, come on, it's time to eat."

Father Han and Mother Han entertained Chen Wenjiu and the others. Father Han even cooked several big fish sent back by his daughter, and let his daughter's cat and other cats eat them.

Qin Xin's two snakes were put away. Not only were other people afraid, but their store manager was also afraid of snakes, so he didn't let them wander outside.

After everyone sat down, Mother Han gave Chen Wenjiu several pieces of chicken, mostly the tender parts.

"Mr. Chen, try the dishes made by our old Han. Although they are not as good as top chefs, they still have a homely taste." Mother Han said to Chen Wenjiu with a smile.

"Well, thank you, Auntie." Chen Wenjiu thanked him with a bowl in his hand and took a taste of Wenshan Chicken.

Wenshan chicken is tender and delicious, salty and slightly spicy, very delicious.

Father Han had indeed considered that she was not very intolerant of spicy food, so the spiciness of Wenshan Chicken was really very mild, about the same as one or two millet peppers?

Chen Wenjiu feels very good when I eat it. The tender and smooth taste is really great.

It doesn't have the chewy texture of other chicken, but is very tender and doesn't taste chewy at all.

"It's delicious." Chen Wenjiu nodded and praised after swallowing the meat.

Although Father Han's cooking skills are not as good as those of the two chefs He Zui and Tu Rongrong, the food he cooks is indeed delicious.

Father Han and Mother Han were very happy to hear her exaggeration, and served her food even more enthusiastically.

Of course, Qin Xin, Chen Qiuxiang and others were also taken advantage of. Although there were only two of them, Father Han and Mother Han, they were so enthusiastic that they almost couldn't resist.

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