Running a Hotel in the Apocalypse

Chapter 158 Discussing Migration Matters

"I can build a spaceship at my own expense and load it with all kinds of books." Chen Wenjiu said seriously to the leaders there.

"Manager Chen, why are you doing this? We can still afford a spaceship." The kind-hearted leader said to her with a smile.

"This can be considered a part of my heart. I hope that Chinese civilization can be passed on, so I can take these books with me on my own spaceship." Chen Wenjiu said seriously.

She has also read novels. In various interstellar novels, after the Chinese civilization fell apart, they were really bullied in various ways.

When she saw other countries mocking China's history in those novels, she felt very unhappy.

China has been inherited for five thousand years and has a longer history than most foreign countries. Why is it still being ridiculed in the interstellar age?

Especially being ridiculed by the stealing country and the Japanese country really makes people angry.

These two grandsons did not destroy the country even in the interstellar era, which really left Chen Wenjiu speechless.

“It’s already good that Manager Chen has this intention.”

"Manager Chen, it is indeed possible to migrate to other planets, but how to ensure that you can live on other planets after migration?"

"Do other planets have such livable conditions as Earth?" The leaders looked at Chen Wenjiu and asked.

Chen Wenjiu smiled and said, "Dear leaders, have you ever heard of a sentence, an instinct engraved in the bones of us Chinese people?"

"It's farming and infrastructure."

"Even if we go to other planets, we Chinese can still farm and grow plants.

"At that time, we will be able to survive on other planets."

The reason for moving away from the earth is because the earth needs to evolve and the various natural disasters on the earth make it unsuitable for farming.

Otherwise, how could the Chinese people move around at will if they have a deep-rooted belief in "it's hard to leave their homeland"?

On other planets, Chinese people will still regain this planting instinct.

"And the leaders may not know that we also have protective covers for sale in hotels and supermarkets." Chen Wenjiu said with a smile, "We also have protective covers that can cover an entire planet."

With a protective shield, humans can survive on that planet.

Even if there were no plants and animals on the planet at the beginning, they could still grow and raise them.

Chen Wenjiu discussed with the leaders for a long time and finally decided on the plan to migrate.

It will take a long time to move all the billions of people in China and billions of people around the world, and more spacecraft will be needed.

Chen Wenjiu smiled and said, "We in China pay for our own spaceships. Don't other countries need to pay for them?"

If other countries want to relocate their spaceships, they have to pay for it, so they can't just use their things for free.

When Chen Wenjiu said this, he looked at each other and smiled.

This smile is like a fox.

Of course, Chen Wenjiu can't keep up with the evil intentions of these big guys who have been steeped in power for many years.

"Leave it to us to negotiate with other countries." The leader said to Chen Wenjiu with a smile.

She nodded, of course she knew what she was capable of.

Although she has learned through experience that she does not show timidity when talking to leaders, she is not a good negotiator.

Let the professionals handle matters of negotiation with other countries.

Chen Wenjiu is not worried. Their hotel has a one-click relocation function.

In this plane, she can open a store in City C of China on Earth, or she can move to a suitable place to open a store with one click after China migrates to other planets.

In other words, she can open a store in two places in this plane.

Of course, after all the people on Earth migrate out, there is no point in her staying on Earth to open a store.

She doesn't have any customers anymore, so why should she open a shop?

Natural disasters are still raging now, but the people sent by the government to rescue people and those who lobby for relocation are all dispatched.

There are some places that are lucky enough not to be affected by natural disasters, or where the natural disasters are relatively weak, and they can still continue to access the Internet.

Although places with serious disasters do not have access to the Internet, they can still broadcast and watch news.

The news that natural disasters occur frequently on the earth, glaciers are melting, and sea levels are rising and submerging the land has gradually become known to many people.

Then, officials announced that they could migrate away from the earth.

Many people were shocked.

what happened?

Is their beloved motherland so powerful? Can we move towards the interstellar era?

"Really? Is there really a spaceship that can fly out of the earth?"

"Oh my God? Wasn't it true that only manned rockets could take people away from the earth before? Now spaceships have come out?"

"What's it like in space? Is it the same as in the space station?"

"Are we really going to leave the Earth? I love Mother Earth and I don't want to leave her."

"But now the earth cannot live at all. Do you want to die here?"

"I'm leaving anyway. Facing the earthquake and seeing people die in front of me, I'm really afraid of death. I don't want to stay here anymore."

"I don't dare to live on this earth where all kinds of natural disasters happen. These days of darkness are really suffocating."

"I'm in favor of leaving Earth."

"I don't want to leave the earth..."

The Internet is still abuzz about the migration, and foreign countries have also received news from China.

"What? China wants to migrate to other planets? Are you kidding?"

"It's true. There is news on the Chinese Internet."

"How is it possible? When did China become so powerful?"

"Hasn't China been powerful for many years?"

"Can China really migrate to other planets? What about our country? Can they move everyone with them?"

"Oh my God, floods broke out in my area because of the melting of icebergs...many people are missing now..."

"Help me... God... help me..."

There was also chaos abroad, but at home, the disaster was somewhat controlled due to official measures and various things sponsored by Wenjiu Hotel.

"Now, what we have to consider is where the spaceship's port should be placed." Chen Yu said, rubbing his chin.

"The spaceship should be big, right? Where should it park?" Chen Qiuxiang also looked at Chen Wenjiu and asked.

Chen Wenjiu: "...I don't know about this. It depends on what the officials say. Wherever they determine it is, that's where it is."

"Xingxing, isn't Xingxing super beautiful?" Chu Xiang looked at Tu Rongrong and asked.

The only employees in their hotel, Chen Jinye and Tu Rongrong, were from the interstellar, so she could only ask Chef Tu.

"Interstellar is pretty good, right?" Tu Rongrong smiled, "Our world should be a parallel world to the qualified world."

"The planets in the interstellar have different development histories. So, if you ask me how the interstellar is, I can't tell you." Tu Rongrong said with a smile.

"After the migration, will China be able to occupy a planet by itself?" Qin Xin said next to him, "I really don't want to live on a planet with people from other countries."

Hasn't it been said online?

I wish the whole country of China could soar.

If there was not only one earth, who would want to live in the global village with stupid people?

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