Running a Hotel in the Apocalypse

Chapter 156 The real apocalypse begins

Chen Wenjiu really had no idea what to do. She didn't even know what caused this apocalypse. 【6】【9】【s】【h】【u】【x】【.】【c】【o】【m】

At least in the last apocalypse, she knew that the meteorite rain brought the zombie virus, which led to the apocalypse.

And what about this world?

Is it because humans have destroyed nature, so nature punishes humans?

But the last world was already apocalyptic in 2099, and this world is only in 2033.

Is there such a big gap in more than sixty years?

Although she knew it was a different parallel world, the difference was too big.

How should she end this apocalypse?

What is the reason for this frequent occurrence of natural disasters?

Is nature taking revenge on humans? Or is it the evolution of the earth?

Chen Wenjiu can't figure it out.

"Maybe I can take a look?" Chen Qiuxiang thought for a moment and said with a smile, "I actually have another ability, that is, I can communicate with plants."

Chen Wenjiu looked at her in surprise, "Is it true?"

"You can communicate with plants? What about animals?"

Chen Qiuxiang shook his head and said, "I can only communicate with plants, and it's just simple communication."

Chen Wenjiu grabbed Chen Qiuxiang's hand and said, "Please, Sister Qiuxiang, it's up to you to find out why the apocalypse happened in this world."

Chen Qiuxiang smiled and said, "I understand, store manager.

Chen Wenjiu was relieved and hoped that Chen Qiuxiang could find out some information.

After thinking for a while, Chen Wenjiu approached Chen Jinye and the others and wanted to ask them how their nuclear energy utilization was going.

"Haven't the information been given to the superior?" Chen Jinye said, "The progress there is still very gratifying."

"We have been communicating with them recently and have made great progress. They have already put it into production."

Chen Wenjiu said happily when he heard this, "So, no matter whether it is extremely cold weather or extremely hot weather, everyone doesn't need to be afraid?"

You must know that in the last days of this kind of natural disaster, no matter whether it is high temperature or low temperature, people will die.

With nuclear energy air conditioners, high-temperature energy air conditioners, solar air conditioners, etc., everyone will not be afraid of high temperatures and cold.

The official research institute acted very quickly. After getting the materials and putting them into experiments, production began soon after.

Because the materials used are not uncommon, the prices of these air conditioners are not expensive.

Of course, what everyone fears most when turning on an air conditioner is the electricity bill, but the electricity bill for nuclear energy power generation and solar power generation is not that expensive.

In this case, everyone does not need to be afraid of spending money.

"Nuclear fusion? Nuclear energy? Real or fake?"

"In other words, in this crazy weather, I don't have to worry about spending a lot of money on electricity if I turn on the air conditioner every day?"

"God knows it's such a hot weather, why should I worry about spending thousands or tens of thousands a month when I turn on the air conditioner?"

"That's right. The salary is not high in the first place. People really can't survive in such a horrible weather. Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎"

The Internet is buzzing again.

Electricians are busy again. With thermostatic suits, electricians are no longer afraid of working at high altitudes in hot weather.

No matter how hot the weather is, no matter how hard they work under the sun, the heat will never be unbearable.

Chen Wenjiu also saw the news on the Internet and saw that many people finally no longer had to endure the heat because of this batch of goodies.

God knows how bad she felt when she saw someone die because of the hot weather.

As she had seen before, many people suffered from heat stroke when the temperature was over forty degrees.

Now the temperature has soared to 60℃, and may even get higher, which is really frustrating.

Chen Wenjiu looked back at Qin Muzhang and asked, "Is there any way to lower the temperature?"

Qin Muzhang shook his head and said, "There is nothing we can do in the short term, and this high temperature will probably last for several months, and it will turn into extremely cold weather in autumn or winter."

Chen Wenjiu frowned.

Extremely cold weather does not mean that there will be no other disasters, such as avalanches, blizzards, and even earthquakes.

But Chen Wenjiu knows better that natural disasters occur more frequently and more severely during hot weather.

During extreme cold weather, perhaps other natural disasters will stop.

At least there will never be any tsunamis, mudslides, floods, typhoons and the like.

Chen Wenjiu thought for a while and said, "No matter what, we have to lower the temperature, otherwise how can we farm?"

Extremely hot and cold weather will make plants and animals unable to survive. Will animals and plants mutate accordingly?

If they fail, animals and plants may become extinct under such extreme weather.

How can humans survive without animals and plants?

Even though in many interstellar novels, interstellar people have never seen plants, Chen Wenjiu still hopes that there will be plants. Only with plants can you eat.

"I will find a way to study it carefully with the professors at the institute." Qin Muzhang said.

There is definitely nothing he can do on his own, but with Chen Jinye and the big guys from the official research institute, there will definitely be a way.

Chen Wenjiu nodded with satisfaction, and before she could react, frequent natural disasters came.

"here we go……"

Chu Yuerou, who was at the house in City C, murmured with a pale face after seeing the news on the Internet.

"What started?" Zhang Moyu, who had persuaded his parents to move to City C together, looked at Chu Yuerou in confusion and asked.

Chu Yuerou looked at Zhang Moyu and said, "The end of the world...has begun."

Zhang Moyu was surprised when he heard this, "Rourou, what did you say? The end of the world? Is there really the end of the world?"

Chu Yuerou nodded with a pale face, "In the end of the world, although there are no zombies, no strange beasts, no mutated animals and plants...but the end of the world really exists."

Various frequent natural disasters, extreme hot and cold weather, how can this not be the end of the world?

Many people have lost their lives in such frequent natural disasters, so how can it not be considered the end of the world?

Chu Yuerou looked to the north, "Do you think the glaciers will melt under such a sustained high temperature?"

Zhang Moyu's eyes widened when he heard this, "What did you say? The glacier melted?"

Chu Yuerou nodded, "With a temperature of 60℃, what kind of glaciers do you think can prevent melting?"

Zhang Moyu's face also turned pale.

"What should we do, Rourou? Can we survive?"

Glaciers melt and sea levels rise, and perhaps the land will be submerged by then.

So what should we do at that time?

Chu Yuerou thought of the difficulties in her previous life. The sea level rose under the hot weather and most of the land was submerged.

Later, when the extremely cold weather came, we were frozen a lot.

As a result, many animals, plants, and many humans died.

too difficult.

Chu Yuerou sometimes thought that it would be great if she could die a hundred times without having to face all kinds of difficult living conditions.

It is really difficult to survive in such extreme weather and in such an extreme environment.

Even now that she is reborn and has a lot of money to buy supplies and can practice cultivation, she still has no confidence in defeating the apocalypse.

Human beings, where should we go?

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