Running a Hotel in the Apocalypse

Chapter 122 Thermostatic Clothing

The troops who were originally engaged in disaster relief were shocked when they saw several hovercrafts flying over.

Hovering speed car, this thing is not something that exists now.

In 2033, although technology is also very developed, it is still different from the previous year of 2122.

So when the hovercraft came down, everyone in the army was surprised as to how this thing appeared.

Are they dreaming?

Or is it that the high temperature has burned them into confusion?

Why do they seem to see the kind of hovering car in a science fiction movie?

Does this kind of flying car that can hover in mid-air or fly in the sky really exist in reality?

The hovercar did not land in a crowded place. They chose an open space to land, and then a group of people got off the car.

"Hello, we are volunteers here for disaster relief." Chen Jinye stood up and negotiated with the troops with a smile.

The people from the disaster relief force looked at Chen Jinye's face, and then looked at the faces of the people who came out from behind. It was hard to tell that they were here for disaster relief.

These people are so good-looking, right?

Could it be that some entertainment company sent its own stars over for a show?

"Are you really here to provide disaster relief?" The person in charge of the disaster relief force looked at this group of handsome men and beauties and couldn't imagine how they were doing disaster relief.

Chen Jinye nodded and said, "We are indeed here to provide disaster relief. Don't worry, we are not actors or stars.

Although he was a star when he was in StarCraft, why is he not an employee of the hotel now?

He is indeed not a star in this world and does not need to put on a show.

"We have brought a batch of supplies. Do you want to send someone to receive them?" Chen Jinye looked at the person in charge.

"Have you brought any supplies?"

Chen Jinye nodded, "Drones, robots, and life form detectors are all included in the supplies we brought."

"By the way, we also got a lot of water."

Chen Jinye didn't mean to hide it at all, she directly opened her own space and let out what he said.

The person in charge was stunned as he watched Chen Jinye conjure a lot of things out of thin air.


what happened?

Why did you change the channel suddenly?

Wasn't he at the earthquake relief scene? Why did it suddenly become a fantasy channel?

How did these things come about?

Chen Jinye released the supplies and said to the person in charge, "Would you like to arrange for someone to receive the supplies first?"

"We also have tents and things to cool down."

“These are clothes made of constant-temperature materials. Once you wear them, you won’t be afraid of hot weather.

There are not too many clothes made of constant temperature materials. After all, they are available in hotels and supermarkets.

The clothes, pants, hats, etc. on the third floor of the hotel supermarket are not just made of ordinary fabrics.

There are beautiful clothes made of various fabrics throughout the ages, as well as clothes made of other magical materials.

For example, robes from the world of immortality, or clothes made of constant-temperature materials or memory materials from the science and technology and science fiction planes, etc.

The third floor is indeed the clothing area, but it is not certain what materials the clothing is made of and what functions it has.

They also went to the third floor of the supermarket to pick up this batch of clothes made of constant-temperature materials.

Because we know that we need to search for earthquake survivors under the bright sun, and these disaster relief people have to endure the scorching heat, so this constant-temperature material clothing is the most useful thing.

The person in charge looked at Chen Jinye with some suspicion, but still tried on the clothes made of constant temperature material at his suggestion.

Clothes made of constant-temperature materials have been made into many styles. This time, Chen Wenjiu and the others brought camouflage and orange colors.

It's the color of the clothes that soldiers and firefighters wear.

The styles are also similar, which makes them easier to wear and look more comfortable.

The leader of the disaster relief force was wearing a camouflage-style thermostatic material suit, and he could feel its magic as soon as it was passed on.

In such a high temperature, he had sweated a lot in the few minutes he had just stood here talking to Chen Jinye.

But now that he wears this clothes, he doesn't feel the heat anymore, he feels very cool and comfortable.

"This clothes is really useful!" he said in surprise.

Chen Jinye nodded and said, "Now, can you hand out these clothes?"

"It will be more convenient for soldiers to wear such clothes as soon as possible when rescuing people."

Of course, the person in charge could not refuse. He thanked Chen Jinye, then sent someone to receive the supplies and distributed the thermostats.

Chen Wenjiu and the others also took out all the supplies in their respective spaces. After placing the supplies in place, they devoted themselves to the disaster relief work.

"Yuan Yi Yuan, Big Rice Ball, you have to work hard to rescue the survivors." Chen Wenjiu said to the robot employees.

"Yes, store manager!" the robot employees responded.

Even the little soup dumplings that are soft, chewy and cute look very serious.

Although the robots had no expressions, Chen Wenjiu seemed to be able to hear how serious they were at this time.

After Chen Wenjiu finished his "teaching", the hotel employees dispersed to look for survivors among the ruins.

"Giant panda?" A young soldier who was changing into a thermostatic suit said in surprise when he saw Yuanyuan and the others.

"Why is the giant panda here?" Another little soldier was also shocked.

Giant pandas are very afraid of heat. They stay in air-conditioned rooms during hot weather.

How come giant pandas appear here?

Aren’t these giant pandas afraid of heat?

"They are giant panda-shaped robots, not real giant pandas." Ye Yunjue explained next to him.

The little soldiers looked at Ye Yunjue.

Ye Yunjue put on camouflage clothes when he arrived. The camouflage clothes he wore were also made of constant-temperature materials.

After putting on these clothes, Ye Yunjue couldn't hide his military aura.

When these little soldiers saw him, they thought he was from their army or their leader.

"Really, Chief? Those are robots? Are they not real giant pandas?"

This is R City, and R City has a giant panda base.

Didn't those giant pandas really run away from the giant panda breeding base? Are they really robots?

"They are robots. They can also speak human language." After Ye Yunjue told them, he took people to do search and rescue work.

The materials brought by Chen Wenjiu and the others are really useful. The most useful one is the constant temperature suit, which can ensure that no one participating in the search and rescue work will fall under the high temperature and collapse before survivors are found.

There are other materials, especially water. Water is really an important material and resource under such temperatures.

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