someone said.

Children's voices are the most beautiful sounds in the world!

And the accompaniment performed with the crisp children's voice is extremely tense.

The crowd will be there in an instant.

Feel a very wonderful listening experience.

And when they saw that An Tuan was eclectic on the stage, he would swing his body to the music after a wonderful typhoon.

Even more amazed.

"What a great children's choir~"

"They are different from those children's choirs in China. It can be seen that they are really enjoying music!"

"Look at the melody of these children swinging their bodies to the music, how happy!"

"I remember that I participated in a choir when I was a child. The teacher insisted on making us look like ghosts with makeup, and asked not to move our faces, but only to move our mouths!"

"Compared with others, there is still a gap in our thinking!"

"It really deserves to be a choir from Italy, the capital of music, Bologna."

Countless online viewers saw this scene.

The time 837 was in amazement again and again.

Avril Lavigne has come out with Valentina, the lead singer of the little choir.

Valentina was only ninety years old at the moment.


Holding a big microphone in his hand, he lifted it up gently and sang with Avril!

And Avril in order to take care of Valentina who is still a child.

Also squatted down.

The way the two looked at each other seemed incomparably harmonious.

It also made all the audience present understand what it means to be caring.

this moment.

The voices of the two gradually merged.

Sing the first verse of the song.


The brightest star in the night sky/Can you hear it

The person who looks up / The loneliness and sigh in my heart


Simple lyrics.

What it contains is not a simple mood.

Chinese is the most concise in the world.

It also pays the most attention to blank and understanding words!


Chinese itself is as beautiful as a poem!

Just a dozen or so words.

Immediately there will be one in the night.

An image of a young man wandering alone, looking up at the stars.

The description is so clear and clear.

It's almost like seeing it with your own eyes.

If you say the English songs they sang before.

Although it sounds nice.

But it is difficult to stir up the words of the Chinese people, the waves buried in the deepest part of the soul.


This is a song with moving lyrics and clear intentions!

Instantly like a meteorite.

Hit everyone present!

Everyone can't help but feel a sense of loneliness.

And this moment.

See the atmosphere has been completely pulled up.

Ye Chen also took the microphone from Valentina.


Sing softly.


The brightest star in the night sky/Do you care

Whether to wait for the sun to rise / or the accident to come first


"Have you ever felt lonely in that night after night!"

"Did you ever feel lost when you were alone in your unaccompanied youth?"

"Have you ever questioned the meaning of your existence!"

One question after another.

Through this song, it hit everyone in an instant.

brought them into life.

That moment of loneliness!

this moment.

Everyone was silent.

They bowed their heads.

I felt that deeply.

The loneliness that belongs to everyone in the world!

This is every being as intelligent life.

Facts must be accepted!

No matter how much money you have!

Whether you have everything in this world or not.

You have to accept a fact!

Humans are born alone!

Lyrics one after another.

Intensify your emotions!

Completely detonate everyone's emotions!

And the audience.

They also looked up.

Want to be in Ye Chen's mouth.

Go find an answer!

An answer that will save you the pain.

after all.

How can I get out of this desperate loneliness!

this moment.

Every one present.

Humans who have lost loved ones.

I couldn't help raising my head


I pray to have a transparent heart/and tearful eyes

Give me the courage to believe again / Over the lie and embrace you


Sing back and forth sentence by sentence.

Let the atmosphere be present.

Completely pulled to the climax!

"I pray to have a transparent heart and embrace you beyond lies!"

"Remove all the miasma in human hearts, can we really be honest with each other!"

this moment.

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