Run Out of My Life

Chapter 230: Senior Sister

    "...On August 3, 1997, in the 100 meters of the Athens World Championships, Maurice Green won the championship with a time of 9.86 seconds, and created a world track and field championship record.

    1999, June 16th Athens Grand Prix 100 meters, Maurice Green won the Grand Prix with 9.79 seconds and set a world record.

    In the 2004 Olympic Games, Justin Gatlin defeated Morris Green in Athens to win the men's 100m championship.

    In the 2005 Athens Grand Prix, Asafa Powell set a new world record in the men's 100-meter dash with a time of 9.77 seconds.

    Athens, a new beginning and a new end.

    World track and field, the new super-strong generation of track and field athletes seems to have started to rise with Athens as the dividing line. At the same time, it also marks the end of a great era that belongs to Morris Green.

    Fortunately, among the top players in this world men's sprint rise, there is one of our Chinese who won the three Grand Prix races in Osaka, Eugene and New York this year. The stance swept all the players.

    We look forward to his performance in this year's World Championships, in more competitions in the future, and in the upcoming 2008 Olympic Games! Suzu! come on! "

    The next day, a report about Powell's victory in the Athens Grand Prix appeared on the sub-page of Sports Weekly.

    If it were changed before, even if the men's 100m world record was broken, it would only shock the sports world, and it would not be a big news for many ordinary people in China. There are not many people who really pay attention, but after Athens, Suzu's popularity has gradually become a discussion for many people who were not particularly concerned about men's sprinting.

    Thousands of years of cultural and historical precipitation, Chinese people are proud, even if there is a hazy past, but stand up again and catch up, from the economy, national strength, military and even sports, we are very strong .

    World No. 1, World Record, Olympic Champion, these words are gradually integrated into the whole people with the 2008 Olympic Games, from the Internet to the media and newspapers, they are gradually fermenting.


    June 27th, Imperial City.

    Su Zu and Yu Yaling attended the VISA endorsement signing ceremony today after arriving from the magic capital last night.

    Just last month, after Su Zu won the men's 100m and 200m championships in three consecutive Grand Prix races in Osaka, Eugene and New York, VISA finally reached a cooperation with the Field Management Center intention. This is one of the top endorsements Su Zu has received so far.

    The details are not detailed.

    Su Zu has learned from Yu Yaling that many domestic first-line companies and international giants are in contact with the Hetian Management Center. Obviously, as Su Zu began to participate in international competitions, he has also Has a high degree of recognition. Especially in the Asian region, the popularity is almost on the rise.

    If he achieves new good results in this year's World Championships in Helsinki, some of the world's top endorsers such as Mercedes-Benz may also invite him as a global brand promoter.

    Su Zu took time to see the development and operation of his Athlete's Home and Runner's Club after finishing his work.

    With Su Zu's fame and huge income, he didn't let it go, and provided some funds for development one after another.

     Active athletes have many troubles in engaging in these business activities. The intangible assets of active athletes belong to the state. Active athletes must be approved by the organization before they can conduct business activities such as advertising.

    So the legal representative of the Athlete's Home and the Runner's Club is not him, and with the current size of the two, it is still a very small start-up company. There are only four stores opened among athletes now, and there is only one point in the runners club, and they are not in any high-end and prosperous areas, and they are still in a very primitive start-up stage.

    Su Zu is not in a hurry, it is difficult to lay the foundation in one year. Zhang Qunwen and Zheng Wei both need to have a growth process, and they will gradually introduce talents in this process.

    In addition, the two sides have also recruited 10 or 20 retired athletes one after another, and they all need a gradual transitional adaptation process.

    For such a small business, there is no need for Su Zu to go to the platform now. It would be a hassle if he really wanted to start a big fanfare. As long as he went to the imperial capital, occasionally took the time to visit these spots, and left a few group photos, it was enough.

    Like Athlete's Home, several stores have gradually transformed from low-end brands at the beginning to agents of sports goods such as Antan, Adi, Nike and other brands. Of course, it was inevitable that Su Zu would greet Antan's marketing director during this period. But gradually to be able to maintain a balance of payments, on it.

    As for the runner's club, Su Zu occasionally shows up, and he has been able to bring in a lot of members. There are now hundreds of members in the runner's club. With some daily fitness programs, the development of Bisu Zu expected it to be even better.


    With Su Zu's age, for a long time, the focus will definitely be on the field. All he can do is plant a seed and wait for the day when the flower blooms.

    After the signing ceremony was over, and after a round at the Athlete's Home and the Runner's Club, Su Zu read a text message on his mobile phone and laughed.


    "Sister, sister, have you ever been on a plane?"

    "I heard that there are tall buildings in the capital, can I go to see them later."

    "You have to study hard in the future. When you go to university, you will have the opportunity to fly and see high-rise buildings. Do you understand?"

    "If the weather is too hot after the holiday, remember to stay at home and don't walk around to avoid heat stroke. Especially boys, don't go to the river to bathe and swim. If you really want to go, you should also Only with an adult to accompany you.”

    The weather in June is already quite hot. In an old classroom, Li Yulin lightly touched the sweat on her forehead and looked at the group of first- and second-grade pupils surrounding her. Very patiently answering questions one by one.

    This is a large-scale volunteer activity of the Foundation for Poverty Alleviation. College students from seven or eight colleges and universities in the imperial capital formed a volunteer team and went to a primary school in Hebei Province to carry out "summer safety popularization activities" ".

    In addition to each classroom, college student volunteers are interacting with elementary school students, there are also many college student volunteers on the playground at this time, bringing elementary school students to play games.

    "Yu Lin, you are so patient."

    After Li Yulin finally asked the elementary school students who had been pestering her to explain all kinds of knowledge, Fang Leshi, who had been standing beside her, kept fanning with a promotional poster.

    These township middle schools have limited conditions, not to mention air conditioners in the classrooms, not even ceiling fans. The sun was shining on the roof of the bungalow on the first floor, and the heat was steaming.

    "I told you not to come, but you want to come."

    Li Yulin rolled her eyes at her high school classmate, who came from a big city like her and was spoiled since she was a child, how could she have suffered such a hard time.

    "When are we going back?" Fang Yueshi asked with some boredom, knowing that these places didn't even have toilets, she would definitely not come.

    "Come on, I'll probably go back tomorrow." Li Yulin estimated and replied.

    Looking at the elementary school students on the playground who were still having fun under the sun, Li Yulin couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

    I used to hear from his father Li Zhizhong at home that Su Zu also grew up in primary and secondary schools in such townships. At that time, Li Yulin didn't think much about it. It was only the first time to participate in college student volunteer activities. It was only after I found out how difficult it was to get out of here.

    "Li Yulin, Fang Yueshi, it's so hot, drink some water."

    During this period, a boy walked in with two bottles of mineral water. The boy was wearing a white shirt, probably because he had just done an activity with some elementary school students. He rolled up his sleeves and looked quite capable and handsome.

    "Thank you!"

    "You're welcome, if you are hot, you can sit down at the Academic Affairs Office, where there are fans."

    After the boy put down the water, he smiled at the two of them, and without stopping, he turned his head and walked out of the classroom again.


    Fang Yueshi gently pushed Li Yulin's arm and said in a long voice, "This is your new suitor again? How many?"

    "What are you talking about?" Li Yulin said in a bad tone.

    "You will definitely fall in love in college. You will be a junior next semester, what are you waiting for?" Fang Yueshi smiled.

    While the two of them were talking, there was a commotion outside the classroom, and some people even applauded.

    "What's wrong? Outside?"

    "It seems that someone important is coming."

    "I don't know, go out and see."

    The pupils in the classroom seemed to hear the excitement and ran to the outside of the playground together.

    On the small playground, the college student volunteers who came this time and the leaders and teachers of the local township and school were all around.

    Among the crowd, a tall and slender figure was dancing on one foot with a fourth-grade boy with a bright smile.

    Li Yulin covered her mouth slightly, looking at the figure surrounded by stars and moon in surprise, the other party seemed to notice her gaze.

    Suddenly turned to look at her, and walked over a few steps.


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