Run a B&B and receive Wu Song at the beginning

Chapter 281 Shi Qian steals the royal horse! 【Ask for monthly ticket】

"You have to put this thing away and don't lose it."

Li Yu buttoned up the foam box and planned to leave it with Professor Zhou first. After the mobilization meeting, he would take it away and put it in the safe. Then one would be given to Liu Beizi and Liu Xie.

The Jade Seal can only be used by the emperor to absorb telekinesis. Now among the B\u0026B forces, Liu Xieshou and Liu Bei are both emperors and can use the Jade Seal of the Kingdom.

Although Li Shimin is the famous Tang Taizong in later generations, he has not yet ascended the throne, so it is useless to give him.

As for Mu Guiying, you can take it away and play with it if you want. Anyway, the empress is here, so she can do whatever she wants.

After placing the jade seal, Li Yu tasted the various snacks and snacks brought back by Zhou Ruotong. Needless to say, it is indeed the capital, and it is indeed richer in variety than here in Yinzhou!

"It's almost time to leave, right? Don't be late."

Zhou Ruotong looked at the time, fearing that the class teacher would have objections if he was late.

Li Yu hugged her and kissed her:

"Don't worry, you won't be late!"

"A bad guy will do bad things...well...well..."

Zhou Ruotong noticed that the smelly guy's hands were wandering around his body during the kiss, and couldn't help but pat him.

Li Yu laughed twice:

"Your clothes are too slippery, I can't hold them."

"Okay, let's go to the parent-teacher meeting first, and then I'll let you hold me when I get back, okay, hubby?"

You've already called her husband, can I refuse... Li Yu kissed her twice more, then brought the snacks and snacks prepared for Diao Chan, went downstairs together, and drove to the Moral Education Bilingual School.

When they arrived at the school gate, they found that many parents had specially dressed up and dressed up, obviously taking this mobilization meeting very seriously.

Li Yu parked the car at an empty space nearby. After getting off the car, the two of them walked into the school gate together carrying large and small bags of food. They found Diao Chan first and delivered the food to the dormitory.

"There's still a lot to eat, I can't finish it all."

The little girl was very happy to see Li Yu. She held Zhou Ruotong's arm and chattered about her recent campus life.

"Every year during the graduation season, the school holds a theatrical performance, and the class teacher encourages everyone to sign up for the performance."

Li Yu asked:

"What are you going to perform? Guqin? Guzheng? Or dance?"

"I don't want to perform. If you perform once, you will be indispensable for any activities in the future. We will even arrange to serve tea and water to the leaders who come to inspect... I just want to study now and don't participate in anything else."

For those who love learning, all time-wasting behaviors are boring and meaningless.

Zhou Ruotong said with a smile:

"Same as when I was in school, Xiaochan, you can do whatever you want without any pressure. Remember, no one has the right to force you. If someone bullies you, don't tolerate it. We have everything under control."

"Thank you sister and sir!"

When they arrived at the dormitory, several roommates and parents were also there. Diao Chan took the pea yellow, mung bean cake and other snacks brought by Zhou Ruotong and gave each of the three roommates a box.

When leaving the dormitory, Diao Chan specially picked out a box of delicious-looking donkey rolls for herself.

I met Sister Zhou and Mr. Zhou today, so I should have some sweets to celebrate!

After walking out of the dormitory building, Diao Chan led the two of them to the stadium and the canteen. At the same time, he opened the donkey roll, pinched a piece and took a bite:

"Wow, it smells so good!"

Li Yu said:

"This is soybean flour. After being fried, it has a strong aroma and a good taste. If you like it, I will buy some soybean flour online later and make you some other delicacies."

Bean flour is a versatile ingredient. In addition to making snacks such as donkey rolling, it can also be used as stuffing and dipping dishes.

Boil the glutinous rice balls and roll them in soybean flour, and they become a famous snack in Shanghai - Lei Sha Yuan.

Next time the little girl goes back, she can try to make some. She likes sweets so much, so she will probably like them very much.

Zhou Ruotong picked up a piece of donkey and rolled it, took a bite and said:

"I called Boss Lin last night. He worked overtime this morning to do it... Since giving birth to twin sons, Boss Lin is much more diligent than before."

Li Yu smiled:

"I guess every morning when I open my eyes, I think about my two sons having to buy a house each... House prices in Beijing are so high, it's really stressful."

After eating and rolling around, we came to the auditorium where the mobilization meeting was held. There were already many people sitting inside.

After saying hello to the head teacher, the three of them found seats and sat down.

Today's mobilization meeting includes all classes in the third grade of junior high school. It can be regarded as a large-scale parent-teacher meeting.

The principal encouraged everyone not to be intimidated by the results of the first test. As long as you are willing to work hard, there is still room for improvement.

The dean also specially listed the comparison of the scores of some outstanding graduates in the past with their first-time test scores and their admission scores. Some actually improved by nearly a hundred points.

Seeing the comparison pictures on the big screen, both students and parents are full of confidence.

The mobilization meeting was very effective... Li Yu originally wanted to hold a similar mobilization meeting for the administrators of the B\u0026B, but he also felt that everyone was usually energetic enough. If they mobilized again, it would be good to train a few Asian leaders. What to do once a few war madmen are cultivated? Let’s forget about it.

After the dean finished speaking, student representatives and parent representatives came to the stage to speak.

Li Yu looked at the two women at home and asked:

"Why aren't we here?"

Zhou Ruotong said:

"The school leaders asked questions in the parent group a few days ago, but I didn't participate."

Well, that’s it.

Fortunately, Lu Bu's children did not go to school in the real world, otherwise he would not have to find ways to do things in school every day because of his eagerness to show off.

After the mobilization meeting, the total scores of the first test appeared on the big screen.

The first place is a student specially poached by the school. There is a high probability that he will become the top scorer in Yinzhou's high school entrance examination this year.

But the second place, Zhou Xiaochan, puzzled the parents. He was actually nearly 30 points ahead of the third place. Oh dear, this school picked the top students from other junior high schools again?

For the sake of admission rate and publicity, private schools poach some top students from other schools every year to show off.

If you get the top prize in the high school entrance examination, there will be a lot of publicity.

Everyone is accustomed to this kind of operation.

After leaving the auditorium, Diao Chan's class teacher came over, hoping that after the high school entrance examination, Zhou Xiaochan could cooperate with the school to do some publicity and get some money.

When Diao Chan heard the words "get money", she couldn't help but ask:

"Teacher Sun, how much money do you have?"

Sun Guilan, the head teacher, said with a smile:

"It depends on your scores and rankings. If you rank first in school, you can earn 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. If you can enter the top ten in the city, you will get more money... If you get the top prize, you will have three years of high school. You don’t have to worry about tuition fees and living expenses.”

Oh, you can make money again... The little girl was cheering in her heart, planning to go to the school supermarket later to buy a small flashlight, and then study for half an hour after turning off the lights at night.

The school leaders spent a long time mobilizing and shouting slogans, but Diao Chan felt nothing.

But as soon as I heard that I could make money, my fighting spirit suddenly rose!

Saying goodbye to the head teacher, Diao Chan sent the two of them to the school gate.

Zhou Ruotong said:

"Don't let your eyes light up when you hear about money. We are not short of money. Just study at your own pace and pay attention to your health."

"Yeah, I will, sister, please go slower on the road."

Diao Chan sent the two of them off and hurried to the school supermarket.

Turning to look at the girl's retreating back, Li Yu said:

"It's over. Let this little money fan know that if you get high marks in the exam and get money, he will definitely study hard."

Zhou Ruotong took his arm and felt that this was not a bad thing:

"It is a good habit to take the initiative to learn. I hope Xiaochan can continue to maintain it."

The two drove back to Guanlan Mingshu Community. Li Yu took courage and felt for the first time the true meaning of the idiom "moving like a rabbit taking off."

But the price was huge. He received several punches and had two bruises on his waist.

But Li Yu was already immune to the pain. As he waited to drive out of Guanlan Mingshu Community, the children's song was still echoing in his mind:

"White rabbit, white and white..."

It should be pretty white, right? It's a pity that I can't see it through my clothes.

Just as he was thinking about it, Zhou Ruotong called:

"Have you left the community?"

"Well, I'm going to find a pharmacy ahead to buy a bottle of safflower oil... What's wrong, wifey?"

Hearing the words safflower oil, Zhou Ruotong couldn't help but laugh:

"You stinky guy, if I let you do such bad things, I should break your hands and feet and keep you as a vegetable... I wanted to go to work, but suddenly I wanted to be lazy. Let's go watch a movie?"

After 0.01 seconds of long consideration, Li Yu immediately agreed:

"No problem, I'll turn back and pick you up right away!"

The young couple went to see a movie, grabbed a doll, had dinner together, and after dark, walked around the People's Park for a while before sending Professor Zhou back.

"Drive slowly on the road. You haven't been back all afternoon. Is everything going to be okay?"

"They call me if something happens... I'm leaving my wife."

Zhou Ruotong put his arms around Li Yu's neck, leaned on his feet and kissed him on the forehead:

"Go ahead and call me when you get to the B\u0026B."

If you are so reluctant to leave, I actually don't have to go back... Li Yu muttered in his heart. He really wanted to ask Ying to stay to protect Professor Zhou, but he was worried that his legs would be broken.

When he returned to the B\u0026B, he first sent a message to Zhou Ruotong, and then asked about the situation of the B\u0026B.

After confirming that nothing was wrong, he first put the imitation jade seal in the vault, then went to see the empress with the snacks brought from the capital. Then he returned to the study and met Mu Guiying who was addicted to games.

"Why did you start again?"

"What do you mean? I've only been here for five minutes, okay? Today I opened up a new piece of farmland, and by the way, I brought a dozen nearby villages under my control. Only then will I be rewarded for playing in the real world for a while."

After working hard for several days, she was scolded by her husband just as she was about to play games and relax... Mu Guiying felt aggrieved and handed the game controller on the coffee table to Li Yu:

"Combining work and rest, sir, would you like to play two games with me?"

Li Yu handed her the snack in his hand:

"You go ahead and play. I have to sort out some information. These are the snacks your sister Zhou brought from the capital. Try them and buy more next time if you like them."

"I knew you were the most handsome. I wish Mr. Zhou and Sister Zhou Fairy Xiaochan will be together forever and grow old together."

Seeing something delicious, Mu Guiying spread his kind words without paying.

She tasted the snacks one by one, and then she remembered about Yuxi:

"Did Sister Zhou bring the jade seal?"

"It's here. It's in the vault. Should I give it to you now or wait until you become emperor?"

"Now, I will secretly put it in the excavator, pretend to dig it out, and let the people in the village know that I am destined... Yes, dig it out with the excavator, hahaha, I am really a genius!"

Li Yu: "..."

You are really good at playing the divine right of kings!

With nothing to do, he led Mu Guiying to the vault and opened the foam box.

"Wow, six jade seals, it's so surprising... Sir, I want to hold these six jade seals and proclaim myself emperor at the same time, so what should I be called the emperor?"

Li Yu thought for a while and gave a very appropriate name:

"Six Emperor Maru!"

After looking at the six jade seals one by one, Mu Guiying picked one that looked more pleasing to the eye, held it and stuffed it into his arms, intending to take it back to study.

After leaving the vault, the two of them were about to go upstairs when they heard a neighing sound coming from the stable.

Without saying a word, Mu Guiying took out three flying knives and held them in his hands. He also deliberately blocked Li Yu behind him to protect him:

"Who is it? Tell me your name quickly!"

The stable light turned on, and Yue Fei's figure appeared:

"Marshal Mu, don't worry, it's me!"

Seeing that Li Yu was there, Yue Fei quickly saluted and said:

"Meet Sir, Shi Qian stole a BMW from the palace, named Taxue Wuzui. I thought Sir would like it, so I specially sent it here."

Walking on the snow and Wu Zui?

Isn't this Zhang Fei's horse?

Mu Guiying put away the throwing knife and asked doubtfully:

"Isn't it possible that Mr. Zhang's horse was stolen?"

"This is not my brother-in-law's horse, it belongs to the palace. We read "Water Margin" and felt that it should be the horse that the imperial court rewarded Hu Yanzhuo. The siege of Liangshan has not started yet, so this horse has not been given to General Hu Yan. "

Li Yu walked over and found that it was indeed not Zhang Fei's horse.

Especially the panic of coming to a strange place. If it were to be replaced by Yide's horse, there is a high probability that it would have started to quarrel with the yellow gelding.

In the original work of "Water Margin", Hu Yanzhuo rode the Snow-Taking Wuzui gifted by the emperor, but failed one after another. When passing by Peach Blossom Mountain, the horse was stolen by Li Zhong and Zhoutong.

Unexpectedly, the entire world has been changed by demons, but Taxue Wuzui's fate of being stolen has not been changed.

There are not many famous horses in the Water Margin story. If Song Jiang's Zhaoye Jade Lion ranks first, this Snow-Taking Wuzui will be second.

It would be a waste to keep such a good horse in a B\u0026B. Li Yu thought for a while and said:

"Feed him here for two days first, and then send it to Yun Chang. If there is no red rabbit horse, let him ride this horse first."

Lao Guan's size and weight are really unbearable for ordinary horses. Only such a tall and famous horse can move him.

Thinking that Professor Zhou had never ridden Tuxue Wuzui, Li Yu planned to let her experience it tomorrow... Well, I didn't want to kiss him.

After watching the horse, the three of them went to the study.

Mu Guiying took the snacks on the table for Yue Fei to eat, and at the same time took out the imperial seal and played with it.

Yue Fei took a bite of a kidney bean roll wrapped in red bean paste and reminded:

"Marshal Mu, don't forget, if the jade seal can be passed down to the Song Dynasty, it should be engraved on the shoulder. If you want to imitate the real jade seal, you have to add some engravings."

Mu Guiying looked at Li Yu, who spread his hands:

"I haven't seen what an engraved jade seal looks like. I can't let anyone process it... How about you wait a little longer? After the jade seals from the Sui and Tang Dynasties appear, you will know how to engrave them."

Mu Guiying threw the jade seal in her hand and said:

"Then I'll take him away for a few days to experience the pain of being an emperor in advance."

There is no sign of pain in your smiling virtue!

Yue Fei was eating snacks and talking about the embroidered shoes last time:

"The imperial court was furious, and all the front officials were fined, including Xu Ning, the golden gunner who accompanied the imperial chariot. I wonder if he will have anything to do with him in the future."

There is a high probability that there will be an intersection, but I don’t know if they are opponents.

This guy was also unlucky. He was obviously a good teacher of the Forbidden Army's Golden Gun class, but he met a rotten gambler old cousin. As a result, his ancestral armor was stolen by Shi Qian, he lost his job, and he also unknowingly took on a bunch of people. Homicide.

In desperation, he had no choice but to drop grass in Liangshan.

When he was conquering Fangla, he wore an ancestral armor, which was so tightly protected that only his throat was exposed, but it was precisely this part that was hit by an arrow.

If An Daoquan was still there, he might still be alive.

Because Zhang Qing was also shot in the throat, but was rescued by An Daoquan. Not only was he alive and kicking, but he even fell in love with Qiongying.

When Fangla was conquered, An Daoquan stayed in Tokyo and became an imperial doctor, and the unlucky Xu Ning became the first Tiangang general to die.

I really wonder if he has a good relationship with Yang Zhi in private, which is why he got the bad luck of Tianshuixing.

"Lieutenant Gao has ordered the Jeju government to thoroughly investigate the Liangshan bandits. If necessary, troops can be mobilized from other state capitals. We must catch all the Liangshan bandits!"

This information was all found by Yan Qing in the brothel.

Officials in the Song Dynasty generally did not go home after work. They would first go to brothels and other sensual places to spend time and chat about the current situation.

Yan Qing, the diplomatic ambassador of Qilin Village, easily became friends with these people, and it was easy to obtain some information that was not secret.

"How did the Queen react?"

"It is said that he was furious and ordered Gao Qiu to capture Song Jiang in the capital and execute him in Ling Chi to set the record straight!"

In ancient times, women valued their feet as much as their virginity. Not only did Shi Qian steal the embroidered shoes, he also left a vulgar limerick that would break anyone's guard after reading it.

However, the standards of speech in the Song Dynasty were still relatively loose. If this happened during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, everyone named Song Jiang in the country would be unlucky.

As for the Song Dynasty, Zhou Bangyan wrote erotic poems with the connotation of Song Huizong and Li Shishi having sex, but he was not punished for his words, and the courtiers even sang about it.

Mu Guiying wanted to participate in Yue Fei's actions in Tokyo:

"Whose name is the one who stole the horse today? Is it still Song Jiang?"

"No, I changed it to Fang La's name, and left a note asking Zhao Ji to send a few emperor concubines to warm Fang La's bed."

It's not easy to come to Tokyo. You have to name all the four major thieves.

After listening to Yue Fei’s introduction, Mu Guiying clicked his tongue and said:

"What a little Feifei, you actually dare to call the emperor by his name. Are you still the serious little scholar you were before?"

Thinking of his performance when he first arrived at the B\u0026B, Yue Fei blushed:

"The boy just broadened his horizons and found the correct goal and direction under the guidance of the teacher... Fei would like to thank the teacher for his advice and guidance!"

Li Yu waved his hand and said:

"You don't have to be so polite. What are you going to do next?"

Yue Fei pinched a piece of chestnut cake and took a bite:

"Brother Yan Qing plans to cause more trouble, leave Tokyo, go all the way west to Mengzhou, and avenge Shi En in the name of the Qilin Village Intelligence Department. By the way, he will kill Zhang Qing, the vegetable gardener, and Sun Erniang, the dominatrix who are on Mr.'s must-kill list. , demolished the cross slope and cleaned up the disaster for the people!"

Holy shit!

That’s a good idea!

That couple who make a living by selling human flesh should really be sent to hell!


It’s almost the end of the month again. This month, our monthly ticket reached the highest number of 71, but now we are squeezed to 80. Please support me with your monthly ticket, brothers, so that the ranking can be moved up. Thank you!

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