[You take out the candy that your mother’s colleague gave you and ask the young child if he eats candy.] 】

[The young child glanced at it and subconsciously swallowed his saliva, but finally shook his head reluctantly. 】

[You take a random candy from it, open it and put it directly in your mouth, your brother should have told you that you can’t eat strangers’ things, but we’re friends now, aren’t we?] 】

[Your brother should have also told you that between friends, you must know how to share, right?] 】

[The toddler was very hesitant, and his eyes did not leave the candy you put on the table, and finally the toddler took out one from it and nodded, indicating that his brother did say that friends should know how to share and thanked you. ] 】

[A smile appeared on your lips, knowing that the young child had finally accepted you and at least treated you as a friend, not a bad person.] 】

[You take out a candy again and ask the toddler if her friend will eat it, and you look to the side, staring at you all the time, examining your horror doll.] 】

[The young child looked at the horror doll next to him, and then looked at the candy in your hand, swallowed his saliva without contending, and said to you with a blushing face, yes, he also wants one. ] 】

[You generously handed the candy to the young child, and asked without a trace, is this doll sold to her by the young child’s brother?] 】

The toddler shook her head and said no, she picked it up in the hallway, but her brother did buy her a lot of dolls.] 】

[You asked the young child, where did her brother go?] 】

[When asked about his brother, a sadness suddenly appeared on the young child’s face, saying that his brother was missing and was taken away by someone dressed in white. 】

[You frowned slightly, saying that after your brother was taken away by someone in white clothes, he didn’t come back? ] 】

[The young child nodded, said that she looked everywhere, did not see her brother, asked the staff, either said she did not know, or said that she did not have a brother. 】

[Young Tong said excitedly, her brother is her only relative in this world, and her brother has always taken care of her, how could she forget that she has no brother?! ] 】

[You said you believed she must have a brother, and you asked her how she and her brother got here. 】

The toddler struggled to control her emotions and told her and her brother about it. 】

[Mom has congenital heart disease, in order to treat mom, Dad worked several jobs, overworked, fell off the construction site, and died. ] 】

[Mother had heart failure, and when she was less than three years old, she also died, and since then, her brother has been taking care of her. ] 】

“But unfortunately, she inherited her mother’s congenital heart disease.] 】

[In order to take care of her and treat her, my brother dropped out of school early to work. 】

[The doctor said that she had to undergo heart surgery before the age of eight, otherwise her life would be in danger, and the operation cost would be at least 300,000 yuan! ] 】

[The family’s money, when I treated my mother, had all been spent, and even the house in my hometown was sold, and 300,000 yuan was completely astronomical for the two brothers and sisters. ] 】

[She has been prepared for how long to live and how long to count, but her brother has never given up on her, stealing child labor everywhere to make money, and her brother has always saved money, but has never treated her badly. ] 】

However, child labor’s wages are already low and not protected by law, and they are often owed and deducted. 】

[Although he was helpless and angry, but in addition, his brother could not find any other way to make money. ] 】

[Until one day, they met a kind person who said that he was willing to help her treat for free.] 】

[My brother was worried that the person was a bad person at first, but after some inquiry, he learned that that person turned out to be the most famous entrepreneur and philanthropist in the city, who had helped very, very many people, and was a well-known good person. ] 】

[My brother suddenly felt hopeful and took her to find that kind person. 】

[The well-wisher not only promised to treat her, knowing that they had no place to live and were displaced, he specially arranged for them to come here, and there was a special doctor here who could operate on her sister.] 】

[My brother feels that living in a psychiatric hospital is not very good, but well-wishers are already willing to help my sister treat her illness, and it is not easy to be picky too much. ] 】

[What’s more, it’s at least much better here than they live under the overpass.] 】

[My brother learned that this mental hospital is also the property of the well-wisher, who helps the staff deal with various things and do various jobs every day. 】

[After the well-wishers learned about it, they decided to pay their brother’s salary, but the brother refused to ask for it, saying that the well-wishers had helped them enough. ] 】

[The well-wisher shook his head and said that after the operation, a lot of related treatment is needed, and there may be sequelae or something, saying that she and her brother are young, and they will definitely have to study in the future, and these require money. ] 】

[The brother eventually agreed to receive the salary, but asked for half the salary of the other staff, and the well-wisher agreed. 】

[Brother is more motivated every day, as if there is endless strength, others are dirty, unwilling to do things, brother will do it, no matter how dirty and tired, brother has not complained. ] 】

[Until a month ago, her brother suddenly disappeared, everyone said that they didn’t see her brother, and some even said that she didn’t have a brother.] 】

[She went to find the well-wisher, and after the well-wisher learned the situation, he said that he would personally investigate this matter and help her find her brother. ] 】

[But a month has passed, and there is still no whereabouts of her brother, and people around her have begun to say that she has no brother. 】

“She hates those people, she doesn’t talk to those people anymore, she finds a way to find her brother herself.] 】

[Yesterday she found a kind person again and asked for help from a good person, but the good person said that she did not have a brother! ] 】

[She is very puzzled, she obviously has a brother, and these people all know her brother, why do they say that she does not have a brother?! ] 】

[The little girl’s eyes are red, the more she speaks, the more excited, the more painful, the more she collapses! ] 】

[When you open your right eye, you find that a young child, who was originally normal and pure, now has extremely terrifying resentment and hatred in his body! ] 】

[You comfort the young child, don’t give up, you believe that she has a brother, and will help her find a brother together. 】

[Under your comfort, the young child’s emotions gradually calmed down, and she in her right eye returned to a very normal and pure form again, like a little angel. 】

[You asked the young child, the well-wisher, if he was the one who was running for mayor? 】

[The young child nodded and said it was him.] 】

[You frown slightly, you think you probably already know what’s going on.] 】

[All this should be planned by that kind person, and her brother is likely to stop coming, and the next victim is likely to be a young child! ] 】

[I saw in my right eye just now that the resentment and hatred of young children have accumulated to a limit, and I don’t know if it is this place, the reason why the yin qi, resentment and hatred are particularly heavy, it is easy to breed resentment and hatred in people’s hearts. ] 】

[You send the toddler back, and the staff is looking for the toddler, and blame the toddler for not wearing the patient’s hospital gown again, why not wearing the hospital gown by mistake.] 】

[The toddler ignored the staff and went straight back to his hospital bed, and the staff sighed and said that he was a poor child.] 】

[You asked the staff about the young child’s brother, the staff looked at you, and then sighed, saying that Tongtong told you about her brother?] 】

[You nodded, the staff helplessly said that this little girl has been here for half a year, and she was picked up by a well-wisher on the side of the road and found and sent over. ] 】

[The little girl has congenital heart disease and schizophrenia, and has always fantasized about having an older brother who takes good care of her and takes care of her, and she often talks to the air and alone. ] 】

[After more than half a year of treatment, her symptoms have improved slightly, and she finally stopped talking into the air from time to time, but she kept saying that her brother was missing, and asked us to help her find her brother together. ] 】

[Of course, we promised her, coaxed her, and helped her find it together, but we all know that it was not her brother who disappeared, it was her schizophrenia that was cured! ] 】

[We accompanied her for a month, but her symptoms have not improved, but there is a tendency to worsen. ] 】

[This situation is actually very normal, it belongs to the sequelae of schizophrenia after being cured, many patients have this symptom, some half a month, a month is fine, some take half a year or even a year. ] 】

[It mainly depends on the patient’s dependence on her fantasy personality, and it is estimated that it will take a while for Tong Tong’s condition to get better. ] 】

[You asked who the kind person who picked up Tongtong was.] 】

[The staff seems to be a nearby waste collector, it is said that they don’t even know a word, they only know that we are a hospital here, and they think that we will not see death or save it, so they put Tongtong at the door of our hospital. ] 】

[You ask, why did you let Tong Tong wear a hospital gown by mistake? ] 】

[The staff explained that Tongtong’s schizophrenia has been cured, and although there are still some sequelae, they do not belong to the patient, and she can no longer use the patient’s treatment plan for her, she needs to come out of it by herself. 】

[You nodded, said okay, got it, will help take care of Tongtong together.] 】

[You asked if you could let Tong Tong move into your dormitory, and you are the only one living in your dormitory now.] 】

[The staff said that this should be applied to the above, and when the application is down, you can let Tongtong move in with you, you nod your head to thank you, the staff said it’s okay, continue to go to other wards, check the patient’s condition. ] 】

[You enter Tongtong’s ward, squatting in front of Tongtong, the little girl looks at you, her eyes are red, and asks you if you also think that she is crazy. ] 】

[You shook your head and said that it wasn’t her who was crazy, it was those people who wanted to drive her crazy! ] 】

[The little girl’s eyes are still red, ask you really think so, or like those people, deliberately comfort her, lie to her, in fact, don’t believe what she said? ] 】

[You looked at the little girl and said to her very seriously, no matter what your brother becomes, you will not be afraid, and you want to recognize him and let him accompany you? ] 】

[The little girl nodded very seriously and said yes. ] 】

“You said you’ve found her brother. 】

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