Chapter Twenty-Eight See the Female Ghost

{Listening to the whole thing, you feel that Mom and Dad should not be lying, and many things are finally right now.} }

{As recorded in my sister’s diary, I heard the sound of chopping bones in my parents’ room in the early morning, which should be that my parents endured the fear and nausea in their hearts in order to clean up the aftermath, and divided the corpse of the bad guy who was killed by the female ghost.} }

{After a moment of thought, you ask again.} }

{What is our situation now, and do those behind the scenes understand clearly?} That female ghost still lives in the mirror of our house? }

{Mom and Dad looked solemn, especially Dad , first shook their heads, then nodded again, and sighed.} }

{The masterminds behind the scenes have not been fully investigated, especially the deeper they go, the more they feel that the network behind them is intricate, and the behind-the-scenes masterminds are not only engaged in human trafficking, but also human organ trading!} }

{For my investigation, the female ghost is not satisfied, thinking that my progress is too slow, she has faintly can’t wait, she wants to get on her sister’s body again, and then directly use her method to kill all the way.} }

{Mom said at this time.} }

{I will not let her go on your and your sister’s body, the hemp rope, tape, and towel, which are used to protect you and prevent her from getting on your body, were asked by a friend of my grandmother’s from where I asked for it, saying that the pockmarked god is the binding immortal rope of Taishang Laojun, and ordinary ghosts dare not make a second time.} }

{If she wants to force your body, it’s a big deal to break the net!} }

{Mom was angry and determined.} }

{You speculate that it should be what you said before to pass the level, which made your mother think that the female ghost was pestering you.} }

{Yes, the female ghost wants to get on your body again, we will never agree!} Dad also spoke. }

{You are a little moved, sure enough, parents love children, they are just ordinary parents, ordinary people, although there are imperfect and poorly taken care of, but they have done everything they can!} }

{Is it possible that the man in black is a killer invited by the black hand behind the scenes, who wants to kill us and kill us?} You say what you think again. }

{Mom and Dad’s faces became extremely solemn, Dad said, when they heard your words, they guessed so, so they wanted to flee immediately.} }

{It wasn’t until later, when I found out that there was something wrong in the basement, that I thought that I should have entered the fantasy realm.} }

{Grandma said before that forcibly stopping the counting of the pocket watch can break the illusion, so I let you do it at that time.} }

{But now, the man in the black trench coat should not be a killer sent by the black hand behind the scenes, after all, no matter how the killer is, he is only a person, and it is impossible to create illusions.} }

{You don’t think so, from the two encounters with the man in the black trench coat, you are pretty sure that the man in the black trench coat should be the killer, and the goal is to kill your whole family!} }

{As for why there is a fantasy, there is only one answer, and the scene just now is very likely to happen in the future.} }

{For example, when the power goes out, three people with rabbits, piglets, and puppy hoods will appear in the community, and according to the real-world situation, these three people should be working in the dream era building at that time.} }

{In other words, what you see after the blackout is likely to be what will happen in the future.} }

{That two-meter-tall woman is a female ghost, and in the future she will come out of the house directly.} }

{The man in the black trench coat will also take the elevator from the basement in the future, enter the house, and kill him.} }

{Mom and Dad saw that you and your sister were in deep thought, and did not disturb you, after all, it really takes time to digest a series of strange things that you just learned.} }

{Wait until you and your sister think about it, Mom and Dad take you home, let you just think that nothing happened, tomorrow after breakfast, go to class, the sky falls, there are Mom and Dad on top!} }

{When I got home, it was already past two o’clock in the morning, and Mom and Dad told you and your sister to go to bed early, and then went into our respective bedrooms.} }

{Lying in bed, you can’t sleep at all, you come to the bathroom, keep looking in the mirror, you want to meet the female ghost.} }

{Time passes minute by minute, the female ghost does not appear in the mirror, you can’t help but wonder, do parents still have something to hide.} }

{At this moment, a woman who was two meters tall appeared in the mirror. }

{Your heart jerks out for several beats, jerks back, but there is nothing behind you, and then you look in the mirror, and a two-meter-tall woman is watching you.} }

{You do everything you can to keep yourself calm, at least to get your mouth back to work so that you can speak.} }

{At this moment, the female ghost spoke first, you looking for me?} }

{The female ghost’s voice is so deep that it makes you feel like you’re falling into an ice cellar, making your teeth chatter.} }

{You nodded hard, saying that you wanted to talk to the female ghost.} }

{The female ghost looks at you with a smile, and under your terrified gaze, the female ghost comes out of the mirror little by little. }

{The first thing sticking out was a pair of blood-oozing, white paws.} }

{Then came the messy, hairy head with large pieces of hair falling out and even bloodstained heads in many places.} }

{And then her bruised, torn body.} }

{However, she only leaned out half of her body in the end, not all out of the mirror.} }

{She raised her hideous, resentful face, with no whites of her eyes, only endless dark, resentful eyes, stared at you, and asked what qualifications you had to talk to her.} }

{The terrifying yin qi spreads out, the surrounding temperature explodes, and you who are in close contact with ghosts for the first time, your brain is down, and you can’t say a word for a long time.} }

{The female ghost shook her head slightly, and returned to the mirror tastelessly, leaving only an empty and faint sentence.} }

{Tell your dad that he only has a week left!} }

{Then, the female ghost disappears from the mirror, and you fall limply to the ground.} }

{This is the first time you’ve faced a ghost, and you think you can meet ghosts like the protagonist in the novel, and even brush some attributes from the ghost.} }

{However, after really facing the ghost, you deeply feel the horror and oppression from the ghost.} }

{Your brain is constantly telling you that the female ghost can easily kill you, crush your ghost head, and crush it into scum!} }

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